in which •  7 years ago 


  • itemWe have not really been intentional and have not established the heart because of Allah Ta'ala. We are not ready for tests and obstacles, but expect a great victory and glory. We are still afraid to step in for fear of being humiliated or derided by others. Newly insulted, our guts have shrunk in charity Just a little bit ridiculed (mocked) we've stopped worship. My brothers and sisters, What troubles-whatever we are facing, is actually already happening to the salafunas sholeh, our parents are the first ones, their friends, even the Prophet of our own lord Sayyiduna Muhammad the beloved of Allah, shalawatullah wa salamuhu 'alaihi wa rather than sahib. They were also scorned, even more violently. They are also insulted, hurt and even killed for istiqamah in this religion, maybe we have never felt more like it. Hear and meditate on this Word of God: إن الذين قالوا ربنا الله ثم استقاموا تتنزل عليهم الملائكة ألا تخافوا ولا تحزنوا وأبشروا بالجنة التي كنتم توعدون "Verily those who say:" Our Lord is Allah "and then they aretiqomah on their stand, then the angels will come down to them (saying):" Do not be afraid and do not be sad; and rejoice you with (the) heaven that God has promised you "." (Surah Fushilat: 30). My brothers and sisters, Continue Istiqamah, Always strive your feet in the path of Allah, Achieve the glory and solemnity only from Him. Do not care about anything from humans, because every thing is surely someone likes there will also be a hate. Hopefully we keep always Istiqamah in self-improvement, multiply charity and mutual invite kindness and mutual advise even though only share / share religious knowledge in social media like facebook, etc .. Pantri in our hearts this noble advice, Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, أحب الأعمال إلى الله تعالى أدومها وإن قل "The practice most beloved by Allah Ta'ala is a continuous practice (continuous) even if it is a little.


Follow me @afwady

Carilah teman yang senantiasa mengingatkanmu dalam perkara akhirat dan yang dimana jika kau melihatnya kau mengingat Allah. .

Rasulullah saw pernah ditanya. "Seperti apakah orang yang bisa dijadikan teman baik ???" "Dia yang menbantumu untuk selalu mengingat Allah dan mengingatkanmu ketika kamu melupakan Allah🌼 .

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