
in whistleblower •  7 years ago  (edited)


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That's an interesting read. My thoughts are over here in the UK we have the NHS would they have stopped using chemo if it did not work? Because the government over here have made that many cutbacks that something, like being billed for chemo and it not working would that not be a major issue of concern? Because if that is the case would that not open more jobs for doctors and nurses? and make the NHS run smoother? If I was to find out that if I had cancer and they used chemo on me and there is a 97% chance of it not working I don't think I would want to go through all that trouble and just die in peace. It has made me think though. thanks for the share

Michael, thanks for posting Dr Glidden's impasssioned expose because I lived through the hell he describes watching a loved one die of the so-called chemo cure, causing fatal, worse pain than the actual cancer. Though at the time few public studies existed to back up my suspicions of the profit scam, I persevered in getting holistic, naturopathy at first, but regrettably the chemo drug pushers made sure we depended solely on their treatments by giving my relative a pneumonia shot. That one shot set us back after 2 years of naturotherapy. To this day, I curse those doctors who essentially profited off my relative's illness. Everyone please heed my advice: avoid all flu and pneumonia shots, whether healthy or when immune compromised as with cancer. I witnessed the disaster and feel the heartbreaking loss of such treachery most every day since.

Good post! The very idea of chemotherapy is ludicrous. What sense can there be in attempting to heal a sick body by poisoning it further? There are many natural treatments which have had considerable success, none of which you're likely to be offered by your doctor.