[white genocide, the scam of the invaders boat] Look at those military aged men... do they look like refugees to you?

in whitegenocide •  7 years ago 





you see? while people in yemen are dying there is no help for them, because they are in the middle of a war... why no syrians, because again some are in the middle of war, they both have no escape, they both are real refugees, here? it's only invaders...

but again, those who pretend to be the great saviors of the masses of breeded to feed their mothers, who pretend to have the moral high ground... you have chosen the worst of time... now all your dnas are logged, you those who betrayed the native people... if your invaders don't succeed, you are going down with them, even more violently... they... at worst it is concentration camp and then evacuation back to where they started (with dna markers as drop point)... and the criminals amongs them, will be bio financialized... but you, you who supported allowed and even worst those invaders... ahahahahahaha.... it's after your blood lines that the war will move... it could be today, tomorrow or in 100 years it doesn't change a thing...

or you succeed in wiping the native... or you will be wiped (and your offsprings). you have attempted population replacement... look how it went in all the colonies of your for fathers... the natives, poor them out and for some killed them... from algeria, marroco, tunisa, indonesia, philiphines, congos... and co...

remember the climate is on the side of the natives...

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