RE: Why Is Whitewashing Bad, But Not Blackwashing?

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Why Is Whitewashing Bad, But Not Blackwashing?

in whitewashing •  6 years ago  (edited)

The point of whitewashing being a problem has to do with under-representation and misrepresentation. For many White rural Americans, the only contact they get with non-whites is on television and movies. It is not about whether or not Scarlet is quallified to play the part. How many Asian actesses were considdered for the role? Hollywood not only refuses to put people of color in most leading roles, (unless those roles involve crime or servitude of some sort) but when a role that is written specifically for a person of color they still put a white actor in it. The Hunger Games is another example. Katniss was supposed to have straight black hair and olive skin. All the people who worked the mines looked like her. Her mother and sister were blonde and white skinned. Her mother had to leave town and live in the seam with the rest of the downtrodden olive skinned people when she married one of them. Aparthied is written completely out of the story when it goes to Hollywood.

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