Why I joined Steemit

in why •  8 years ago 


    I had no idea what Steemit was, or that it existed until one of my favorite youtube creators,  An American homestead(mericanhomestead, here on steemit) posted a video that he was moving content here, and why. After checking it out i think i am really going to like that i can see that i have  a direct affect, and impact in supporting my favorite creators. the fact that i can  upvote and promote their content is a huge plus over simply liking a video on youtube. i think this is going to be an interesting format that grows and  provides a platform that directly competes with youtube for provider content.
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'mericanhomestead is still the reason i came to steemit, but i have to say it has also become a little more difficult to follow now that i have to check two or three different places for content now..

Steemit opened my eyes

I also discovered steemit via An American Homestead.

yeah, i like the idea here that my upvote actually goes to directly support Zac and his family rather than where on you tube they decide how much he get for his content.

I also joined because of AnAmericanHomestead.

i'm sure Zac appreciates those of us who make the move over here to support him.

An American Homestead was the reason i came over to Steemit i will give this a try

glad you made it over, it does get easier to navigate around here once you play around with it a bit..

I'm sure many fans of @merianhomestead are here on steemit now, since Zac's been promoting it. He even bought the tee-shirt. I hope this platform will remain as solid as it is now. @ironshield