So, this is how it starts...

in wiccan •  8 years ago 

Welcome, dear reader, to a very strange man's writings about the abnormal.

So, this is how it starts..

A 22 year old male from South Africa happens to be caught up in the darker parts of his life when he meets a Wiccan lady by chance.. pfft, not exactly a coincidence I believe.. anyway, he meets this Wiccan lady and becomes a Wiccan himself. That's right, no Christianity, no Muslim stuff, no Atheist or Agnostic stuff here, good ol' fashioned new fashion Wicca – Sort of.

I'm not sure what to call it, but that's why I'm here.


My name is Adam. This is my blog, my journey through the strange and invigorating. And I have to say, it's VERY strange and VERY invigorating. That's not to say I'm here to preach though. I've seen multiple religions, faiths, beliefs etc. in action and I've got quite a bit of knowledge on them all, enough to know it's lame hearing about so-and-so's lord and saviour [RANDOM DIETY NAME HERE]. However, this is the first time I've found a way of life to be interesting enough to stick around with an absolutely sure mind.

So, now that we have the main subject matter out of the way, here's some B-information so that you can understand who I am and what's going on here on a more complex level :

I'm in my 4th year of college at a Visual Arts school in South Africa. I'm majoring in Stop-Motion animation at the moment, but I've finished a course in 3D Animation and I'm self-taught in Game Design and 2D Animation. From a very young age, I knew I wanted to either become an author, or make kick-butt movies for a living. I guess I'm getting the best of both worlds now, though!

Last year was a very bad year for me - I'd gone into a state of depression. I was eating myself into the ground, failing subjects at college, trying to bat off a crazy ex-girlfriend, and then a close friend committed suicide on the 6th of August – the height of the trauma. Rough stuff.
2017 rolled around, however, and I found myself seeing the brighter side of things for the most part. And then, I met a woman named Laura.

Laura was my old art teacher's daughter, and although I'd known my art teacher for upward of 5 years, she'd never once mentioned a daughter, nevermind the fact that this daughter happened to be a Wiccan. And let's not even touch the part where this daughter is also a medium, a healer, and a ton of other things that could pull me further off-topic.
Basically, I went expecting coffee, and came out believing that there could be a new life path here. Not only did Laura introduce me to my spirit guides, she happened to drop the name of a dead friend who'd commited suicide last year. After speaking with her, listening to what my friend had to say, I went home with my head swirling in utter disbelief.

After some time to adjust and an extensive Saturday morning researching all of this, I came to the realisation that this could be where I'm meant to be.

And so, dear reader, that's it for now. I've probably only revealed about 60% too much for an introductory post so I'll go ahead and say thank you for reading, and I hope you've enjoyed! There's a lot more to tell, but we'll get to that.

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Great story

Thank you kindly, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Thanks for posting this. I'm sorry about the loss of your friend and I'm glad you're finding a way through everything.