How to get your neighbors wireless code or facebook login using social engineering and WifiPhisher

in wifiphisher •  8 years ago  (edited)

Want to get your neighbors wifi code (WPA/WPA2 code) or his/her facebook login and password ?

Then have a look at WifiPhisher made by sophron.

The plot is that you create a copy of the original Wifi (SSID) and at then de-authenticates anyone on the original one
so they shift to the fake one (or an open WIFI you create).

When they try to access the internet they will be presented with a fake firmware update requiring a WPA2 code to install, or a facebook login.
When they type in the code the WifiPhisher program stops and everything is "back to normal" (and you just got the target to give you the credentials)

To install wifiphisher, open a terminal window and enter the following command.
git clone

To run it type:
cd wifiphisher
sudo python ./

Here is the Github home page for wifiphisher:

Check out my video showing how it works here:

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