WIKI LEAKS and Julian Assange and Ed Snowden as agents of disillusionment, confusion, and chaos, for the Jew World Order

in wiki-leaks •  7 years ago 

WIKI LEAKS and Julian Assange and Ed Snowden as agents of disillusionment, confusion, and chaos, for the Jew World Order

Wiki Leaks never really 'leaked' that much, and publically admitted that it NEVER leaked ANYTHING sensitive to Israel or the Jews.

So how obvious does it have to be that Julian Assange, and Ed Snowden, are just agents of chaos, confusion, and discredit (of the straw man systems of government nominally in place in the Jew.S.A, the Jewnited States of America?

The Jew.S.S.R agents who genuinely escaped and sought refuge in the 'free' west warned of this strategy over half a century ago.

The strategy was to discredit all the straw men systems of the West. To dissillusion all the people with the fake 'democracy' and 'capitalism' they had been offered in place of the 'real' thing. The democracy of 'pre-selected' candidates, exactly mirroring the Jew.S.S.R Soviet 'democratic process', only less blatantly obvious to onlookers. The crony bankster capitalism that stole most of the value of production from the workers, thus, in effigy, as a proxy for real capitalism, discrediting and demonising AUTHENTIC Adam Smith, conspiracy FREE capitalism.

Wiki Leaks is NOT about revealing anything the jew world order do NOT want you to know about. It is just about adding confusion, chaos, disillusionment, despair, and that YOU will soon be willing to accept the 'solution' they offer you.

They create the problem, like a robber baron sending his soldiers disguised as bandits to rape, murder, and loot your village, then offer the 'solution', the 'security from this state of affairs', what we call 'government'. It is a protection racket. 911 is the biggest most recent large scale act of this kind, carried out by the Jew.S.A occupied government CIA as an extension of MOSSAD. A joing U.S Israel, CIA-MOSSAD false flag. No planes. No Islamic Arab terrorists. Just YOUR government.

Who hates YOUR freedoms? Not some poor, peaceful, struggling Islamic Arabs, but YOUR OWN GOVERNMENTS. Because they are not FOR THE PEOPLE. THEY have not reflected 'the will of the people' for over a century. They are Jew World Order occupied regimes. Soon even the laziest, dumbest of you won't be able to overlook the fact that we are living in a prison constructed by the Jew World Order. Because soon you will be put behind actual BARS !


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