in wild-man •  8 years ago 

I know that you know that @papa-pepper is a #wild-man, so I thought that I would introduce you to some of my friends.

Actually, this was an idea that I had a bit ago, but when I made my HOW TO ACCURATELY IDENTIFY A COPPERHEAD post, @thelivingpoet had this to say:

extremely informative video sir, I love learning about nature and animals my dude, please make more of these. Is there any other wild animals that you are also knowledgeable on?

I thought that there was no time like the present to share some more knowledge about some of my wild friends, so I'm getting a new series started.


@papa-pepper and these guys go way back, and ever since I was a kid I've been searching them out and interacting with them. Pinkie-Pepper from the @little-peppers found this one yesterday, so I thought that I would start with this old friend.

This one is actually a smaller one, but it is still fierce. The information shared is believed to be accurate and original, although I did a quick refresher by reading some more about them at this source.



If you desire even more posts about the Common Snapping Turtle, here are a few that you may want to check out:


How To Grab a Snapping Turtle by the Throat


If you enjoyed this video, please consider thanking @thelivingpoet for encouraging me to make it!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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This post was awesome i look forward to seeing episode 2! NO SNAKES PLEASE!!

NO SNAKES.... what else am I supposed to find? A baby raccoon or something?

C'mon @thehulk!

Animal planet is going to recruit you to host a series. That guys neck is shockingly long.

@papa-pepper would be far superior to any other reality shows on TV now!

Awww man! You're almost making me man-blush...

but I don't do that because I'm too busy putting scorpions in my mouth, getting bit in the face by snakes, and grabbing snapping turtles by the throat.

Yeah, no time to man-blush.

Next up alligator gar!

If I can find one! Good idea!

Saw Jeremy Wade fishing for them down your way.

You have full permission to give them my name and number.

I find them very interesting creatures-seen a few in SC also the alligator snap turtles-them guys scare me lol they hiss at you and stand up high on their feet-once they are big -they ade me back up lol

I still can't wait to meet an Alligator Snapping Turtle!

I didnt catch them lol-my x hubby did-which wasnt really a "catching either-we used to live in the area where the "swamp fox" is buried ...south C. right next to the 2 lakes...and them snappers used to just cross them country roads sometimes, thats when he would catch them... I even had a bobcat cross my backyard one morning while I walked by the kitchen window-sure made me go hm as a european lol...real life sure beats any nature TV channel :)

I can just see a small pool off that creek devoted to growing those turtles.
or, a nature walk, through next door's paddock, showing. teaching, introducing the animals you have there.
well done again, papa

Congratulations @papa-pepper!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 8 with 517 upvotes

great...your post deserve upvote and resteem...

Thanks! I am glad that you think so!


Let him go!! poor turtle... you touched his balls

Wow.. bro you make me jealous... ;) wish i stayed in a farm or close to wilderness instead of a concrete jungle.. feel like heading to amazon with a dog and never come like your posts bro.. keep them coming..;)

That is encouraging! Thanks my friend! You can find some interesting things in the concrete jungle too, though, if you know where to look!

yea bro. for this reason im volunteering at a stray shelter on weekends and have a few aquariums at home.. need to be around animals and nature all the time... ;)

Nice Pics! How much did those suckers way?

I've had some up in the high 40# or even 50# range.


Thank you for the photo and video!

You're welcome, my pleasure!

They have devastating snapping power. Good post!

Yes they do!

What an amazing turtle letting you hold it for that long.
Learnt alot about the snapping turtle as not from America it's great to see you show all the animals we share this land with @papa-pepper!

I'm glad that you enjoyed it. The turtle really didn't but it cooperated well enough.

Great job handling the turtles @papa-pepper those are some big ones! I wouldn't want to get chomped by one of those. You are a brave man.

I am glad that you think it is bravery!

Those are awesome!


Glad that you agree!

Lets see you juggle 4 or 5 of them :)

I'm pretty sure that I could NOT juggle that many!

I share your passion for wildlife and enjoyed your video. I have a property in Queensland, Australia, not far from ( the Late ) Steve Irwin's Property. He was the "Crocodile Hunter" and i'm guessing you have heard of him. There are many fantastic reptiles there. A lot of poisonous snakes including the Taipan, and i wont be handling them let alone juggling.

Cool man!
The true #wild-man
Go on TV

Go on TV

How? How do I get a hold of them? I have no contacts...

Are those jaws as scary as they look?


Just when you impressed me with the black rat snakes, out come the snapping turtles. Got some around here..but not as many as before...tks papa-pepper.

If you ever need to learn how to grab them by the throat, just check out my How-To video!

Even the baby snappers are ferocious, I helped one get out of the street . It was a task.. had to get a stick that it grabbed with its mouth so I just carried him off... because he was not letting go. They are nothing to mess with. tks papa-pepper

I'm from the Llano rivers.
BUT...can't a snapping turtle bite your finger right off? Or perhaps your whole hand?

Man, you are a brave man!

This is great. Thanks for sharing! Cool Turtles by the way. I would be afraid to loose a finger :-O :-) Greets Photono

Predatory view, bloodthirsty

Some people have said that about me before.

Finally found some cool video post on steemit, I think there should be more videos like this! Yeah I upvoted and resteemed ;)

I have another one coming out later today!

I'll be waiting, be sure to follow me aswell, I create some cool videos..!

Great Video, just finished watching it with the kids, top notch!

Glad you guys liked it.

My eyes were literally WIDE OPEN throughout this whole post. My goodness these things are big for how little they are, I was almost terrified specially looking directly into their eyes or mouth :O Nonetheless still intriguing creatures as with all of God's creatures fascinating body structure, abilities, features so although a little intimidating still beautiful :)

Saw one of these monsters in my creek just this afternoon. I'll think twice about wading this summer. I like all ten of my toes, thank you very much.

Amazing creatures, slightly scary. Great video @papa-pepper

A little scary... at first anyway.

This series is gonna be fun. Thanks for coming up with it.

Have I mentioned already that I absolutely love how you have a pretty much proof-of-everything at the end of your post. Very funny but practical take on the Cryptocurrency world's proof-of-work/proof-of-stake concept.

Thanks for today's post. Steem on Papa!

Yeah, it is a running joke and some good proof of original work, plus the whole crypto thing!

I'm glad that you like it!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I can't believe this was the very next video on your list, lol! I actually found a hatchling snapping turtle when I was about 10. It was half dollar size and more idged just as you described. Not long after, I found a little painted turtle same size. Named them Roscoe and Bucky (guess which one was Roscoe lol). I kept them in a fish bowl with a big basking rock and fed them houseflies. Let them go at the lake after a bit but they were so cool!

I had to dress a snapping turtle once at this event.

It was bizarre how long the legs continued to gyrate after the head, heart, lungs, and other organs were removed. Almost 45 minutes! Spontaneous activity in the spinal cord CPGs, I guess.

You have a fascinating life with all these animals. That turtle in the last picture looked like it was smiling.