Wacky Thoughts on Wild Nose Wednesday

in wildflowerwednesday •  7 years ago 

I mean Wildflower Wednesday, of course.


In Japanese, the word for nose and flower are phonetically the same. They are both pronounced ha, as in, Ha, ha, ha, I'm laughing, and na, as in, Do you want some of this? Nah, I'm all good.

The sounds for the letter A in both syllables are the same: ha-na.


If we replace the kanji character for one word (花) with the kanji of the other (鼻), we can end up with some ridiculous sentences.

I gave my wife a dozen noses on Valentine's Day. She was absolutely thrilled and said they smelled lovely.

Please don't pick the noses in my garden. They won't grow back if you do.

Look at the flower on that guy. Whoa!

I love drying noses. It's quite an art you know. Sometimes, I press them too. And this year I'm learning how to make herbal teas out of certain noses. It's really very fascinating.


If my nose were a flower, what would it be? In some ways I can imagine it being like the lotus flowers in these pictures--not because it's a beautiful nose or anything, mostly just because it's large, with a long stem.

I have definitely seen people with orchid noses before, not that that's a compliment. And I think I can say that I've seen dandelion noses as well, broad noses that lie fairly flat and close to the face.

I can even imagine comparing cute, girly noses to nasturtiums, or something like that, and plump, round noses to hollyhocks, but I can't imagine a nose that looks like a rose or a lilly.


How about you? What kind of nose do you have?

And what kind of ridiculous flower/nose sentences can you make?

Please fill my comment box with absurdity.


Image Credits: All images are original

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A nose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Fantastic. If Shakespeare only knew.

Well, you know what they say: " A nose blooms more than once" ... Ewwww

Excellent! Thank you.

Taking liberty with rose instead of flower, we get Noses are red, violets are....and of course the song, I Never Promised You a Nose Garden...

Kanji must be exceedingly hard to learn!

Kanji takes time. That's the key to it, time and persistence. You can learn to read it fairly quickly, but writing it is another thing entirely.

I never promised you a nose garden is good. It sounds like it could be a Weird Al song.

In Life, one must always 'Stop and smell the noses'! 😆
Love the lotuses... especially the first - ...always a fan of backlighting! :)

That's a good one too. Why don't you try doing that for a day; )

Yeah, the backlighting worked well here. I like how some of the flower petals create shadows on the others.

The first shot is super!

Use the hose to water my nose

Look at those huge petals, i'm in disbe-leaf

Well, i tried!

I like the first one. Thanks for contributing to the looniness.

No problem, thanks for making me engage my brain for a minute or two.

Ok, back to trawling through other content............. :)

The endless task. Keep up the good work.

Wow beautiful flowers and photography...

I'm glad you think so.

Wow! The pictures are so eye soothing! Great photography! Keep it up.

I'm glad you enjoyed them. Thanks for stopping by.

flower shown its beauty naturally.

They are beautiful, aren't they.

really they are.


Wow! Very smart friend, I have one how is that, I want to smell noses with my flower. The flower of your girl friend looks like a nose. Thanks for the the task.

The flower of your girlfriend looks like a nose.

That made me laugh.

