Bird scientists Salim Ali and bird practice in India! (episode:1)

in wildlife •  7 years ago 

The birds of the Himalayas were hunted by a little boy, and birds used to catch airguns. One day he was wounded by a strange bird. The uncle went straight to find out if his meat was lawful

To Amiruddin Then the year 1908 Amiruddin was one of the original members of the Bombay Natural History Society. He sent the boy to the Secretary of the Society Walter Samuel Millard Millard was admired by the friendly use of the boy. Here's a little less than no negligence to realize. As well as at the first sight, the bird's quest was known - yellow-winged xanthocollis (Petronia xanthocollis).

Not only that, the Secretary-General opened his huge collection and showed the curious boy that he had a body of stuffed sparrows. The boy's heart opened, the new era begins. The boy wandering with the avocado air song leaned on the birds and nature.

The boy is none other. Salim Maijuddin Abdul Ali, the famous birdwoman and nature-loving bachelor born in Mumbai, India, on November 12, 1896, or briefly Salim Ali

Mellard salim lends some books related to birds. Among them were common birds of Bombay. He encouraged Salim to create a collection of birds and offered training on how to remove the skin and save it. Mellard introduces Norman Boyd Kuneer to Little Salim. Kenya was the first paid curator of the Bombay Natural History Society.

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