What we are really up against in learning the truth and delivering free energy already supplied from our Creator. Who tries to keep this out of the hands of civilians? What was found in Antartica? What are the implications of 5G in the wrong hands?

in williamthompkins •  3 years ago  (edited)

This is what we are all up against.
Anything that is truly sustainable energy is constantly tagged as perpetual motion even when it is rather long lasting
And Longer Lasting than the sources relied upon which put Big Profits in the hands of the controlling entities..

You can't even get a patent office to consider it because there is an unwritten law that anything that is perpetual motion shall not be even proved to look at.

In other words, they want and NEED to retain All control over energy sources.

The entire structure of Science, Industry, the organizations of Science and the Patent Offices are Already against you.

So how can you get a license if you cannot get a patent.

Do you know who IS able to consistently get patents? You know who!

It's a real chicken and egg situation isn't it says Thomas Bearden.

The situation is designed so you never get chickens and you never get eggs. (On Grandma and Grandpa's farm they figured out how to get both and the controllers be damned!)

So now, you put your head down and communicate.

Along with the Bad Info. . .is Good Info. . .one must be disCERNing and discriminate. Out of the box thinkers are already good at this so Keep It Up!

See a short video on this here,
Forbidden to the Public

William Thompkins

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Well that's interesting considering. . .

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Possible WATER BUBBLES in NASA footage MIGHT PROVE NASA FILMED space walks in water tank ON EARTH


NASA Astronauts Join Students In Water Survival Training

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This title in How and Why's is very interesting,
Bill Tompkins: Draco Aliens Helped Nazis To Destroy Humans, Nordics Helped US To Start Apollo Program

As it was Melinda Gate's father who was part of the Apollo Program.

See more inside of here,

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According to How and Why's,

At first glance, all his statements are fantastic. But there are several facts that suggest that Antarctica is still hiding some terrible secret.

In 1947, American naval officer Admiral Richard Byrd, together with a squadron of 13 warships, sailed to Antarctica. And the reason for the expedition was the secret documents found in the archives of the Nazi Navy General Staff.

According to them, starting from 1938, under the ice of Antarctica, the Germans settled a new land, Swabia. A huge transport ship was built to deliver goods there. Dozens of submarines were involved in the operation, and highly qualified specialists were sent to the base without the right to return back.
In 1945, after the defeat of Hitler, US intelligence officers discovered a number of documents. They confirmed that Germany was indeed exploring the under-ice space of Antarctica.

After the war, the Americans landed in Antarctica and began building an airfield. But instead of 6 months, their expedition lasted a couple of weeks. Admiral Byrd did not take seriously the warning about possible encounters with UFOs. And when mysterious objects appeared in the sky, they opened fire on them. As a result, the squadron lost several submarines and several escort ships. Half of the planes were shot down. And two aircraft carriers were forced to turn back.

If you do some research you will find...

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After returning, all journals, diaries, records, documents were seized and classified.
Over time, most of the German developments and German scientists ended up in the United States. In this case, the assumption is quite realistic that the Americans still managed to come to an agreement with the aliens, and the secret bases of the fascists in Antarctica at the end of the 40s came under US control.

Tompkins said that three aliens had landed in Las Vegas. He spent two weeks with them and then moved to Douglas. One girl was a specialist in engines, another was in charge of contacts with him. And there was also a guy that helped them. Because of this meeting, the Apollo program began.

American newspapers in the late 40s of the last century were full of information about UFO sightings. Byrd’s expedition was curtailed on March 3, 1947, and articles began to appear in the press as early as mid-May 1947, so this is an interesting coincidence.

According to Tompkins, two forces from different parts of the galaxy helped them. These aliens are collectively called Nordics.

But why is nothing visible in Antarctica from satellites? And here, the researchers made the assumption that these objects are hidden from the eyes of earthlings in a parallel world.

So why have humans started to literally feed off of each other?
Is it for more energy?

Is this type of abuse cyclical?
Have they made a way to get at What Lies Beneath and these entities underground bases?

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Will the solution take far more than just closing all of the known underground bases?


Are there hybrids?
Decide for yourself and remember what God said in Genesis 6:2
“That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.”

So the fallen were taking human wives and mating with them and there is documentation that shows their offspring were the Giants.

Genesis 6:4
King James Version
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

NUMBERS 13:33 KJV "And there we saw the giants, the sons ...
Search domain kingjamesbibleonline.orghttps://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Numbers-13-33/
"And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight."

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In 2003 did they find Nimrod/Gilgsmesh tomb in Iraq in which 2 days later one of the largest mobile US military bases were setup?
Was Osiris tomb discovered and Giants/Nephilim been located around the world?
Are there facts with evidence museum's have covered up showing proof of Giant's skeletons from 8 feet to 18 ft?

From 12/13/2018 you can find on the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) website this entry. . .
“Requesting documents pertaining to the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh, the location of his body and the location of the buried Nephilim.”

If this is all conspiracy theory or a hoax then why request information and what all really took place in Iraq?

Note this is on page 70 under this search entry,

Once there click on the top result which is Department of State FOIA Log from 2018

You must scroll down to page 470. . .there are 483 pages in this document.

You are looking for Denetra D. Senigar
Notice the URL is FOIA state dot gov

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Concerning Osiris and what the elite globalist cabal attempting to control everything believe. . .


Why are they Really in Ukraine and what is going on with Crimea?

Where is the Veil very thin?

Does Netanyahu plan a New Israel in Ukraine?

Is there a relationship between the compromised Israelites or how God referred to them here. ..

Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Thomas Bearden

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Sources/Connecting Articles, Reports













I would advise finding the title and searching under browsers and search engines that do not censor as many times original link has been scrubbed for the following link.


For instance, tracked one that had been scrubbed to here,

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