What I Learnt Today: Shocking Report Reveals a Quarter of Europeans Believe Rape Can be Justified

in wilt •  8 years ago  (edited)

A Shocking report was published yesterday, which was based on a survey commissioned by the European Union to investigate gender based violence within the union. The disturbing findings include the fact that a quarter of Europeans think rape is 'more acceptable' if the victim had been drinking, wearing revealing clothes or willingly went home with someone!

And in troubling times, when pedophilia seems to be revealing its ugly head in elite circles, this is only one of the disturbing statistics revealed, which gives a glimpse of the way some people think!

[Photo Source]

The survey was conducted among 30,000 people from all the 28 nations comprising the union with the main purpose of which covers attitudes to domestic violence and sexual harassment as well as rape, and out of this almost 27 per cent young men and 20 per cent of young women believed that non-consensual sex was acceptable in all of the ways above, or in one at least.

Some of you might be thinking that it must have been different in different regions, and they were, but the sheer percentage from even "advanced" countries is staggering. For example, countries like Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and the Netherlands had some of the lowest number of people who accepted rape, but a staggering 6 to 15 per cent of people in these countries would excuse rape for one or more of the reasons mentioned above.

While Eastern European nations - including Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Latvia - were among those countries where people were more willing to blame the victim, it was surprising to find out that it was also true of countries like Belgium. And it was chilling to note that the report also found that one in five Europeans believed women often made up, or exaggerated rape claims.

Here in India, rape is the fourth most common crime against women, and in 98 per cent of the cases, rapes are committed by someone known to the victim, and most victims don't even get to charge their attackers under law. And we know what it can do to the victim and her family.

But if so many people in Europe think rape is to be justified in this manner, then it is indeed a sad day for Europe.

Sources for the post and further reading

  1. http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/shock-report-reveals-a-quarter-of-europeans-believe-rape-can-be-justified/news-story/6f1177c63e2405c1db34af104ee5e2f0
  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3991152/A-quarter-Europeans-think-rape-acceptable-victim-drinking-wearing-revealing-clothes-willingly-went-home-someone.html
  3. http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/women-non-consensual-sex-europeans-rape-acceptable/1/824172.html

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I wouldn't draw conclusions that fast.

The way the question was formulated was something along the lines of:

"Some people believe that having sexual intercourse without consent may be justified in certain situations. Do you think this applies to the following circumstances?"

And the circumstances included things like "She doesn't say No", which goes against the traditional idea of rape, I think.

So, the sensationalist headlining makes it seem different from what it really is.

Problem here is that there is the use of the term 'europeans' for what I believe will be found to be a relatively newer immigrant culture that has this belief. Identification of muslims involved in crimes such as rape is not allowed in most of these places in Europe, and therefore, just because the crimes and attitudes are occurring 'in Europe', there is an assumption that it is cultural 'europeans' when that is not the case. This is the reason for nationalism or populism, e.g. and the push back from the massive immigrant flood into Europe from a completely different culture, which does not respect women, gays, and other religions. To assign this to #pizzagate thread is not helpful. We need an #islamist thread for this one
NOTE this comment in the 'news.com.au' article, at the very end, "In the first two months of this year, American think tank Gatestone Institue recorded more than 160 instances of rape and sexual assault committed by migrants in train stations, swimming pools and other public places in Germany."

You could be right as the report in question has not made any distinction and has used "Europeans" which is very broad based. Thanks for the comment.

Yes, I think these are immigrants from the Middle East being interviewed. Some really do look white.

Could be, because demographics are all skewed around the world these days, mostly due to war!

It is indeed sad, but the people who think like that are luckily still a minority.