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Hmm i upvoted this as a test and it allowed it. Can anyone tell me what happened and/or where that money went (since it's a payout declined post)? I've not caught up since being back after a 9 month SteemIt break ;)

Back in the reward pool.

Thought so, but it's a little weird that they allow the votes. It's a waste of blockchain space, waste of network traffic and waste of processing power :p

@tuck-fheman that clip and song is pretty troll, just like you i assume? :p


We just talked about that you like having fun with memes rather than make money, remember? And for some reason this song and clip feels a little like K-pop or something, in the way the artist is trolling ;)

Ah. Uh. Yeah. You got me man.

Sekrutly puts @calmus056 on mute.

Hey i saw that :p

Hmm, how the hell do you change font size in comments, is that Markdown?