Random Wind Waker ripping post

in wind •  7 years ago 

1522816496.sotamusara_dark_nuts.pngSo after, reripping my iso. Searching threw the arc files converting them to bmd/ bml files to Studio 3D with png and, dds textures. With smoothed blend files.

I found out the dooguu files are not actually dog/ husky models as you would assume. But, actually the 3 goddess statues.

The dk files wich would sound like dark nut's initals. When, its actually the bird Ganon controls. Even, tho it belongs to the wind mage vaati from the 4swords minish cap series.

So after, converting all the arc files to make this simple. Oddly, only the trophy arc 3-6 contained the enemy models. Wich after, a long time. Is good to know. Since , Ill be ripping wiz robs and, other models soon.

Its just upscaling by thousands and, smoothing it out. An for random yes every bit of clothing is removable. Once , I get help I plan on giving higher polys. Seperate polys near the mouth to have it workable. Instead of sprite based facials.

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Very interesting !

Thanks , once I get a better computer. Id love to mod them into breath of the wild and, rip the new steam crash n trilogy. But, currently its not possible.

Once , I port the models in t poses theyll have downloads. I have wiz robes and, other models. I want to shaire. But, Im looking into beta stuff to give out later.

So if your into models for mods. Feel free to ask. I generally give out model rips.

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

The dk files wich would sound like dark nut's initals.
It should be which instead of wich.

Sorry, its 1am an ohnestly Im not to worried about grammar. XD An even my spell check says its correct. Besides , wh and, wi dont sound alike.

So, phoneticly how I spelled it is correctly. Pending on accents and, junk.