When Wind is Stressful!

in windstorm •  7 years ago 

As I type this there is a raging wind storm going on outside. I can feel the house move and the wind is actually screaming all around us. We just heard there is a 50 car accident from the sudden whiteout blizzard that happened during rush hour traffic. Craziness.

I just missed capturing the intense whiteout blizzard that just happened, but 5 minutes ago I couldn't see the greenhouse from here.

I had just come in from the greenhouse-the creaking and moaning was scary. My greenhouse inside the greenhouse is holding strong and keeping everyone warm still.

This tarp is acting like a door to my mini greenhouse, nothing fancy about this but it works!

We just stapled plastic to the trellis and boxed everything in.


The beehive was still standing, but I fear not for long. I have heard from 2 friends that the lids are ripping off the hives...fingers crossed that doesn't happen!

My husband ran out to get gas for the generator and propane for the heater in case we loose power. The opposite side of our road all the way into the city is without power due to the wind. If I lose power in the greenhouse tonight I could lose 1400 seedlings. I am stressing so hard right now!!

Right now it is holding at 14° inside the greenhouse and gusts of wind reaching 63km outside! Fingers crossed it holds and doesn't blow away tonight!!

I've moved this into my room for tonight. I figure if I see the temperature plummet that means the greenhouse blew away...at least I'll know right away! 😕😂😯


I hope it is safe and sound where you all are tonight!

Stay safe 'lil babies!!

Thank you for reading! Take care of you and yours ❤

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That's some serious wind.. I hope all is well

All is well now, up all night watching though haha! Wind got to over 100km around 2am! Have a good day <3 <3 <3

Oh man, I hope that wind decides to simmer down and leave those little babies alone! We get terrible winds here, too sometimes.

It was pretty scary in the camper a few times, I thought the roof waa coming off!

You must have done a great job with that greenhouse for it to be so sturdy against it. I'll keep you in my thoughts tonight!

That must have been scary! The whole camper must have shook!! It is morning and the greenhouse is still standing! Rough night, winds reached over 100km!! Thank you for thinking of us <3 <3 <3

The wind is blowing like that here also. Temp + 25 Feels like +9. Lights keep flickering. I'm hoping for a good outcome for you, your family and 'lil babies. I'm in northeastern n.y. state u.s.

We made it through! I hope you did too <3 <3 <3

Yikes! What a set of strange weather everywhere. I hope all holds up and your greenhouse and beehives make it through unscathed. I can well understand why you're feeling anxious... hope it all calms down.

Bright Blessings!

Good morning to you and yours!
The weather is strange everywhere these days! Winds peaked at just over 100km but everything made it through. Was most worried about the barn roof coming off and destroying something at one point, but all good phew!
I did just read that a roof came off a house not far from here...poor people!!

Oh, I hope you don't lose power! Or your greenhouse or your beehive :( We've got crazy wind here too and I'm sure the chickens are cursing me for taking the plastic sheeting off their window last week :-/ but you've got it much worse with those low temps!

Me too! Aww poor chickens! Ours must be angry too, I made them go inside at 3pm today because I knew something was coming....but this is crazy! It is gonna be a wild night!!

How did the night go? Is everything still standing this morning?

Good morning! Thank you for checking in <3
Greenhouse, she's good! So impressed with it! Chicken run fences are destroyed but they didn't fly around and damage anything so phew!! Someone down the way lost a roof in a 100km gust so I am counting us very lucky!!

They lost their roof? Yikes! I'm really glad your greenhouse is still standing and that nothing else was damaged either. I was picturing flying debris punching a hole through the greenhouse!

Right?? A roof!! We were very lucky. Me too, was so worried about debris ripping it to shreds!

Wind is an issue here most of the time. But over the last 2 days it's been worse. That's why my cold frame covers are always roped down. Today I have to go out an wrap the cold frame in plastic as in addition to the wind, the temps are to drop into the 20's.

I hope everything went well, and no power losses!

What is with the last 2 days? Its like this storm went around the world somehow...
Temp drop here too, now we are sunny but freezing. I wish you the best getting through this last (hopefully) cold snap!!! <3

Best of luck to you!! I think we had that windstorm a couple of days ago. Once I had a windsock on my balcony on a hook, and it blew away and I never saw it again! Nowhere as fr as the eye could see. Somebody probably found it in the next county up a tree!

Ooof. Its a doozy this storm! Maybe your windsock will end up here haha!!

Sounds terrifying!!! Wind is unsettling at best of times but at those speeds its just scary. We had winds like that a few weeks ago in really tinder dry hot weather, fires across whole state. I do hope all is okay x

Oh no! Wind plus fire is super scary! I hope they are out. Yes, this is crazy unsettling. It is so loud...nature is wild these days! <3

Oh my goodness, I hope you all stay safe! :'( That accident sounds terrible too....50 car pile up omg...

Was one of those instant whiteouts and apparently cars just rear-ended each other one after the other on the highway. No injuries but a lot of damage, and that sucks so bad. So gkad we were all home. Someone eles lost a roof and lots of outbuilding damages. We are lucky <3 <3<3

I hope y'all are well and whole. I found a meme for you! 😉

Bwhahahaha thank you!!! Haha if you only knew how accurate this is 😂

Hope you are okay brother ,,

Sorry in a few days I did not have time to post in steemit and see your post, because I am more busy ,,
Hopefully we can share brother, greetings from @apakapluk in Indonesia

Good to hear from you @apakapluk! I am the same right now, very busy hard to post a lot! I hope all is well with you and yours:)

Thank you sister..
Good luck

I love storms but alas if you have a greenhouse it's perhaps not the best !