The Red Wine Diet

in wine •  7 years ago 

Attention fellow wine lovers...

I need to ask you an important question:

Is it possible to lose unwanted body fat and still enjoy life?

Have you been told you have to cut alcohol (and most of the fun) out of your life in order to lose weight?

Have you seen a slow, steady weight gain over time? Have you tried lots of different “diets” only to see them fail as the weight came right back on? You are about to discover why nearly everything you have been told about losing weight is wrong, so you can…


Do you think all of my successful clients STOPPED drinking wine while they lost all this weight?

Absolutely Not!

Therefore, It’s time then to address the “elephant in the room”…

Yes, you can drink red wine and lose weight…

and you might even have some fun along the way

Did You Know?
One recent study showed that a chemical in red wine has been proven to help halt weight gain by preventing immature fat cells from “maturing” into fully grown fat cells.

Here are just a few examples of things you have been told were true since you were a kid...except they are entirely wrong!

You should eat lots of whole grains every day for good health....False.
Dairy is good for you...False.
Fat is bad for you...VERY UNTRUE.
Red meat is bad for you...Also a lie.
The list goes on and on…

These are all myths that goes on forever without any solid proofs.

One such myth is the FOOD PYRAMID

The Food Pyramid disaster turned out to be an excellent prescription for getting fat.

The so-called “Western Diet” you are likely eating is a disease-producing machine and causes system-wide inflammation in our bodies!

FACT: What do more informed trainers tell their clients who are looking to lose weight these days?

Drop the dairy
Stop eating grains

The list goes on and on…

These myths and others like them became the foundation of was called the “Food Pyramid” from the seventies. Remember that one!


The Food Pyramid disaster turned out to be an excellent prescription for getting fat.

The so-called “Western Diet” you are likely eating is a disease-producing machine and causes system-wide inflammation in our bodies!

FACT: What do more informed trainers tell their clients who are looking to lose weight these days?

Drop the dairy
Stop eating grains

The complete OPPOSITE of the things we have been told for decades!
The science points out other vital facts you need to know…

Alcohol (including wine) has gotten a bad rap over the years as a calorie-dense food you MUST avoid in order to lose weight.

Again – this is an incorrect assumption!

Studies on red wine have been popping up in the media for a long time now.

You may have seen them…

Here is summary of an expert opinion from the Mayo Clinic.2

The alcohol in red wine can…

Raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the "good" cholesterol
Reduce the formation of blood clots
Help prevent artery damage caused by high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the "bad" cholesterol
Produce positive changes in blood pressure

These are the two factors I mentioned at the beginning of this article.

Unless you control these two factors, your efforts to lose weight will fail before you even get started!

It is NOT my mission in life to see how shredded I can get my abs.

Most of us simply want to

…feel better…

…move better…

…have plenty of energy throughout the day…

…maintain a clear mind…

…keep stress levels in check…

…enjoy life with family and friends…

…and yes, hopefully look okay while doing it.

I suspect most of you would agree, these are not outrageous goals.

Can you imagine what your life would be like

if these simple goals started to fall into place?

Did You Know?
Did you know even a moderate amount of weight loss of 8-10 pounds (or about 5% of your body weight) can help fight off “Metabolic Syndrome” Keeping away symptoms like high blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol.

Check out everything included with The Red Wine Diet...You'll love

In the "Red Wine Diet" you will discover:
How to CRUSH the obstacles holding you back...
Why alcohol is NOT the enemy of weight loss...
The REAL scoop of the health benefits of wine...
A list of specific steps you can start today to speed up your results...
The 9 science-based rules for a LONGER LIFE...


  1. The REAL health benefits of wine.

  1. Exact meal plans based upon REAL food.

  1. The Basics of Red and White Wines

  1. Exactly what food pairings go best with wine.

  1. What is the best way to make changes to habits you may have had your life? We'll show you how...

  1. A list of highly addictive foods crushing your progress and even your health!

  1. A collection of "Accelerators" designed to speed results...if that's what you want to do!

Then I top it off with a FREE Bonus you have to check out yourself...See below!

For more details visit for website (

Until Next Time

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