Wine Market 2017-2022: Research Analysis And Growth Forecast Report

in winemarket •  7 years ago 

This report splits Wine market by Wine Price, which covers the history data information from 2012 to 2016 and forecast from 2017 to 2022.

This report mainly introduces volume and value market share by players, by regions, by product type, by consumers and also their price change details. As a Detailed Analysis report, it covers all details inside analysis and opinion in Wine industry.

This report focuses Global market, it covers details as following:

Major Companies
• E&J Gallo (USA)
• The Wine Group (USA)
• Constellation Brands (USA)
• Castel (France)
• Cantine Riunite & CIV (Italy)
• Concha y Toro (Chile)
• Treasury Wine Estates (Australia)
• Grupo Penaflor (Argentina)
• Pernod-Ricard (France)
• Bronco Wine (USA)
• Caviro (Italy)
• Trinchero Family Estates (USA)
• Antinori (Italy)
• Changyu (China)
• Casella Family Brands (Australia)
• Diageo (UK)
• China Great Wall Wine (China)
• Jacob's Creek (Australia)
• Kendall-Jackson Vineyard Estates (USA)

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Main Regions
• North America
• United States
• Canada
• Latin America
• Mexico
• Brazil
• Argentina
• Others
• Europe
• Germany
• United Kingdom
• France
• Italy
• Spain
• Russia
• Netherland
• Others
• Asia & Pacific
• China
• Japan
• India
• Korea
• Australia
• Southeast Asia
• Indonesia
• Thailand
• Philippines
• Vietnam
• Singapore
• Malaysia
• Others
• Africa & Middle East
• South Africa
• Egypt
• Turkey
• Saudi Arabia
• Iran
• Others

Main Product Type
• Wine Market, by Wine Price
• Price below 20 USD
• Price 20-50 USD
• Price over 50 USD
• Wine Market, by

Main Applications
• Retail Market
• Auction Sales

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Table of Contents

Global Wine Detailed Analysis Report 2017-2022
Chapter One Wine Market Overview
1.1 Global Wine Market Sales Volume Revenue and Price 2012-2022
1.2 Wine, by Wine Price 2012-2022
1.2.1 Global Wine Sales Market Share by Wine Price 2012-2022
1.2.2 Global Wine Revenue Market Share by Wine Price 2012-2022
1.2.3 Global Wine Price by Wine Price 2012-2022
1.2.4 Price below 20 USD
1.2.5 Price 20-50 USD
1.2.6 Price over 50 USD
1.3 Wine, by 2012-2022
1.3.1 Global Wine Sales Market Share by 2012-2022
1.3.2 Global Wine Revenue Market Share by 2012-2022
1.3.3 Global Wine Price by 2012-2022

Chapter Two Wine by Regions 2012-2017
2.1 Global Wine Sales Market Share by Regions 2012-2017
2.2 Global Wine Revenue Market Share by Regions 2012-2017
2.3 Global Wine Price by Regions 2012-2017
2.4 North America
2.4.1 United States
2.4.2 Canada
2.5 Latin America
2.5.1 Mexico

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