Do you have a winning attitude in life?
Or are you someone that always finds themself getting negative when things don’t go your way? Maybe it feels like you’re making life harder on yourself than it needs to be.
Here’s the thing, achieving success, in any area of your life, is nearly impossible with the wrong attitude. If your someone who always sees the glass as half empty instead of half full, achieving your goals will be almost impossible.
Anytime you’re trying to achieve something new in your life; you need to have the right mentality to make it happen. Because conquering new goals means getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing new things.
If you have a negative, pessimistic attitude, this will feel nearly impossible. But if you are ready to change your perspective and start setting yourself up for success,
7 Steps to Create a Winning Attitude
- Choose the Right Mindset
There are two types of mindsets; a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. The mindset that you choose dramatically dictates how you experience anything in life.
If you want to have the right attitude for success, it’s crucial to adopt a growth mindset. Champions, in sports and in business, always choose to operate from a growth mindset. Notice how I said the word “choose” in the previous statement.
Because at the end of the day, the mindset that you adopt is a choice.
You can choose to believe your talents are fixed (fixed mindset) or that you can learn anything (growth mindset). You can want to think the world is against you or that the Universe is conspiring to help you succeed at every turn.
I’ve found that two main qualities seem to appear in almost all successful people I work with. They all have optimism and confidence within themselves. They choose to have these qualities in their life. And I invite you to adopt these principles as well.
Optimism is needed to be successful because you must think everything will work out, even if the odds are stacked against you. When you’re chasing your dreams, the world is already telling you it impossible and that you should probably give up. But it’s up to you to believe in yourself when no one else does.
Finally, you need the confidence to back it up. I’ve found that confidence comes from competence.
The better you get at anything, whether it’s sports, digital marketing, sales, etc., the more confident, you will become. If you aren’t satisfied with yourself yet, focus on becoming an expert in your industry and building your skills. The feeling of confidence will follow. - Craft A Positive Self-Image
As William James said, “People tend to become what they think about themselves.”
So what do you think about yourself? What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror every morning?
Are you proud of yourself and what you’re working towards? Or do you hate yourself and continuously beat yourself up?
Your self-talk plays a massive role in developing a positive mindset. Like choosing the right mindset, saying positive things to yourself is a choice, as well.
The problem is that most people have negative self-talk, which is hugely disempowering. If you say or think negative things about yourself regularly, your brain will pick up this habit. Anytime that you think about something over and over again, your mind will form a belief from that thought, whether it’s good or bad.
So instead of saying and thinking bad things about yourself, learn to love yourself. Choose to become your own best friend.
Choose to engage in positive self-talk, encourage yourself when things get tough, and to hang out with like-minded people who lift you. This will help form positive beliefs about yourself and your abilities. - Don’t Dwell on Failures
When you “fail” at something or don’t reach your goals, how do you react to the event?
Do you sit around and dwell on your loss? Or, do you get over the situation quickly and learn a valuable lesson?
To create a winning mentality in life, you have to understand that you won’t always succeed. You will probably fail way more often than not.
Failing isn’t a bad thing, though. Shortcoming allows you to grow and develop more than succeeding.
I’ve found that champions reflect on severe losses so they can learn from them, but they never dwell on them. High-performers understand that no one succeeds 100% of the time and that they can’t change the past.
To create this mentality, you need to learn how to use the loss or failure as fuel to your fire.
While a lot of people instantly engage in negative self-talk about themselves and belittle their abilities, you need to be different. Use your optimistic attitude to reframe failure, learn from your mistakes, and figure out how you can get better. - Increase Your Commitment
I feel that to create a winning attitude, you have to want the result. You can’t just kind of want to make it happen. As Michael Jordan’s strength coach, Tim Grover, said, “Crave the result so intensely that the work is irrelevant.”
You need to love the process as much as any of the results. When you commit to making something happen, regardless of the outcome, that is how you build up trust within yourself.
By committing yourself to get better every single day, you will build vast amounts of self-integrity. I’ve found that self-integrity is crucial in helping you build your self-esteem and proving to your mind that you don’t quit when things get tough.
Because here’s the thing, most people give up quickly. When things get tough, and challenges present themselves in life or business, most people run the opposite way. But if you want to create different results in your life than most people, you have to stay committed even when things get tough.
To build a champion mindset, you need to enjoy the smallest details of preparation as much as the most significant moments. When you look at all high-performers, it’s easy to see that their daily rituals are the ones that produce massive success.
By staying committed, even when it feels impossible to succeed, you will develop grit, resilience, and perseverance within yourself. - Practice Gratitude Daily
If you want to improve your attitude instantly, think of something you’re grateful for. Studies have found that it’s impossible to be mad or sad and thankful at the same time.
While it sounds simple, gratitude is one of the fastest ways to change your attitude quickly. Even on your worst days, there are tons of people worldwide who would kill for your “problems.” If you’re even reading this blog post on a computer, laptop, or smartphone, you’re doing better than you imagine.
The next time you’re feeling down, or it feels like the world doesn’t want you to succeed, choose to be grateful for something in your life. Whether it’s your family, significant other, friends, or even a pet, spend a few moments thinking and feeling about special they are and watch your mood change.
If you want to feel gratitude even more regularly, make it part of your morning routine, as well. You can easily do this by writing in a gratitude journal, expressing gratitude to others, or merely thinking about everything great in your life. - Surround Yourself With Winners
Another great way to change your attitude is to evaluate the people that you spend time with. The people you interact with regularly play a huge role in every area of your life. They have a direct impact on determining your income, health, and mood.
If you spend time with toxic people who continuously focus on the negative parts of life, you will be programmed to think like them. But if you hang out with people who are optimistic and ambitious, you will also get programmed in a positive. There is so much power in proximity.
Don’t waste a moment of your life spending time with people who aren’t helping you move closer to your dreams. Life is way too short to spend time individuals who don’t make you happy and excited about life.
If you’ve been struggling with a pessimistic or negative attitude, I’m confident this is one of the easiest ways to change it fast. You can also create a winning mindset by listening to motivational podcasts, watching inspirational videos on Youtube, and reading personal development books.
The information that you consume regularly has a direct correlation to your attitude, as well. Make sure to choose content wisely so you can stay positive and optimistic. - Never Give Up
The world is filled with people who gave up on their dreams too soon. The harsh truth is that when you give up on something you want to achieve, you program your brain to get into the habit of giving up. Not only will you never reach your biggest goals, but you’ll also be more likely to quit in the future.
When you feel like giving up, remember that it’s these moments that will define you and your future. During these times, you can choose not to give up and trust that it will all work out.
Yes, the journey will be lonely at times. The world will say whatever you’re doing is impossible. People closest to you will doubt you, and you have all the reasons to give up.
But remember, giving up on your dreams is a surefire way to end up with regret in the future. Instead of quitting, remember why you started and use those reasons for motivation.
As Winston Churchill said, “Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.”