The charn of lake toba

in winny •  8 years ago 

Hii... image

Back again ya .. This time I want for about the charm of nature, which must make longing, make me want to go home. Hikss ...

Lake Toba or Batak people often call it Tao Toba is a valuable community assets of North Sumatra Region. This lake is located 176 km from the city of Medan, the capital of SumateraUtara.This lake is the largest lake in Southeast Asia, with an area reaching 1,145 km2.

Lake Toba belongs to a volcanic lake based on the process of occurrence, and is the second largest volcanic lake in the world after Lake Victoria in Africa.Existing estimates say that Lake Toba was formed about 74,000 years ago, due to the eruption of Toba Mount Supoba is very powerful, even the volcanic dust and magmanya eruption to half the world (to China and South Africa). Samosir Island appears due to pressure upward magma, so the island is in the middle of Lake Toba.History of Lake Toba is the main attraction for its potential as a tourist destination.

As one of the natural resources, Lake Toba can be classified as follows:

SDA abiotik (according to origin source) actual SDA (according to stages of development) SDA non-renewable SDA endless

Ehhmmmn ,, kalo you guys I still use the local language ya ya title ..

Wkwkwk (as a Batak people, may I use a little Batak language yaaaa yaaaa ... hehehe)

O Tao Toba, dang na boi forget au tu ho, which means O Lake Toba, I can not forget you ..

How come?

Lake Toba is known as a very beautiful lake, even had become the most visited tourist destinations.Its blue waters, unique cultural tours of Batak, and also the scenery is very amazing, in addition to the beauty of Samosir Island. Lake tToba also surrounded by hills neatly lined up, with the highest peak of 2000 mdpl.No doubt, Toba lake is used for family or private tourism, just to have fun, stay in touch, or calm down.

As one of the natural resources, Lake Toba has many benefits, among others:

The actual benefit is as a tourist destination that will contribute to the development of regional and national economies, as a place to seek livelihood for the local people through fishery with the floating net cage system (KJA) which total reach 440 ha, and of course meet the daily needs of the surrounding population For bathing, drinking water, washing, and so on).

Another potential of Lake Toba that has been utilized is the development of hydropower with the source of river water of Lake Toba (river that flows from Lake Toba) by PT.Inalum.However, it was found in 1980 that the dredging of the riverbed led to a decrease in the water level of Lake Toba as deep as 1-3 meters down.

In addition, it is also known that there is damage to forests around Lake Toba due to this river dredging

For education, the areas around Lake Toba are very suitable for ecological and geological studies.

-Some forest areas around Lake Toba are suitable for studying the ecology of tropical forests, such as areas in Dairi County.Dairi districts have excellent ecological potential, freshwater ecology, the potential for conservation of orchids and butterflies around siCike-cike Lake, the ecology of coffee, tea, vegetable and fruit cultivation in Sidikalang area with leuser ecosystem in Tungtung Batu village, and still much more.

-For geological studies, of course related to the geological occurrence of the origin of the formation of Lake Toba.

Udah tau kan, if Lake Toba has many advantages

But, what about the management?

The previous management of Lake Toba is not yet adequate, where there is still much environmental damage and lack of access to reach Samosir Island in Lake Toba.During this time, Lake Toba is only managed "normal", either as a tourist destination or directly utilized by the population. You citizens of the world must know beautiful lake Toba will not exist in other lakes

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