Monday night

in winter •  2 years ago 

Steemit blogging helps you see the beauty in life. Sorry for the cliché, but it does.
It's not some kind of positive thinking, it's more than that. Life itself.

It's hard times on the whole planet called earth these days, especially in the northern civilization, from Japan to the land of the Celts. Mankind has been given a great task by fate, and man will succeed in it. But the goal is still far away. What is the goal? Human life. Peaceful business instead of war. Humanity is learning.

Where I live, the weather is mild today. The temperature is around 5 degrees Celsius and the humidity is not very high. No wind. You can smell December.

The mainstream media are talking loudly and in headlines about the oil embargo, Ukraine and that an even bigger crisis is coming, according to the president of the Hungarian National Bank. I am not surprised :)

My cat is sulking because she has to be in the garden during the day. I only let him in the house in the evening because if he sleeps in here a lot during the day, he won't let us sleep at night. Anyway, he has a habit of hating the sound of the washing machine, the dishwasher and the sound of the phone on speakerphone.
I think it's because he spends a lot of time in the garden and he is very sensitive to small noises because he is always hunting. And cats don't like low hums and hissing noises.
She is a very nice cat. His name is Findus. He is named after a cat in a Swedish fairy tale.

Cat Winter.jpeg
image: pixexid

Today the moon is in the zodiac of Taurus. Mercury is in the fiery sign of Sagittarius. The slow planets still give you tension, but the pressure of fate will ease in January.
Until then, I try to go about my duties with contemplation and humility.
For now, for example, I'm watching Joe Parys' steemit course on Udemy.

I hope you are taking care of yourselves and that all is well with you.
I wish you all the best!
Blessings and peace.

Gabriel Pal

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