A sundog, 2 days in a row and -17 degrees!

in winter •  6 years ago 

I was able to capture another sundog, that makes it two days in a row! The camera I was using didn't allow me to get the whole thing in one shot, zoomed in too far!

Well either way, I thought I would share with you again today the sundog I saw!


Also I didn't get the temp when I got up, which was -20F, but here is a screen capture at around 9:00am.

Found this wind chill map that I thought was interesting!!!


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I see you’re enjoying a nice freezing winter, too?! Yesterday was awful! -20some for a high and winds gusting up to 30 mph. But yet, life goes on and chickens need watering! Today was supposed to be just as cold, but it managed to get to -3. So my husband started a big fire before he left today, and I had to go outside just to cool off!

-20 again this morning to start the day. Supposed to snow a couple of inches later today then get up into the 20's tomorrow. But the light and the end of this very cooooold tunnel is 40's on Sabbath and 50's on Sunday! Stay warm...well not too warm! :-)

Cool sundog.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks Bro! Pretty neat seeing it 2 days in a row! It did not however make an appearance today!