Knotilus Daily Pond

in winter •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hey there!!

It was bitterly cold out there this morning, the ducks were fed and watered, but they can’t go out in the pond today, just too cold. Silly ducks will get stuck in the ice!



Even so, I had to get a few shots of this awesome ice!





Still working on this piece.


I’m not quite happy with it yet, it’s like I want it dark but also vibrant and the two can’t always jive appropriately.

I’ll get there!

Some love for two of my black cats 🖤

Earl, my semi feral who was lost and now is found (so thankful)

And my chunky boy Batman. He has been by my side for almost 16 years now!


Hope you’re all having a wonderful December. It’s a really hard time for some, stressful, emotional, sad. For others it’s a time for joy, sharing, and getting together with friends and family.

It’s a great time to change in my opinion. I know the whole New Years thing is hella cliche, but with the solstice and the new year I find it a great time to morph into something better.

New habits, new traditions, new mindset.

This year I’m all for it!

Some memes 🖤




Take care!!

Knotilus daily pond is a series of photos of the pond near my home, some bloggery and some memes.

Some days here are breathtaking, others will be gray, I’m happy to share all the different looks of the pond all year long 🙂


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Lovely black cats!
That ice is pretty odd looking, it must be the wind that causes that...
The painting is coming along nicely.

Thank you so much!
And yes definitely the wind/waves. It looks like this in the ocean, often in winter it looks like this but the smooth ice pans are say, as big as a car, kids used to jump from one to th other when my parents were kids, our generation was warned of the kids that died doing it so we didn’t do much LoL
(It’s so fun 😂)

The painting annoys me, but I often hate my own art until it’s “finished”
Like a puzzle I can’t figure out sometimes LoL
But thank you! Hopefully it gets there 🙂

I adore the painting and the cat omg! nice