Got the wish of my heart... so why's it still hard?

in wish-fulfilment •  5 years ago  (edited)

So I'm back. And I really have something for you this time, because I did it. I got the wish of my heart-I can tell you that, as a manifestation, it is astounding-more than an uncanny resemblance to my visions. Of course, it's incomplete. In its essence, undeniably, however, it is exact; and yet, it's still hard. I can tell you how I got here-to wish fulfilment. But I need to tell you that it isn't quite the dream-because it's real life now. And I brought myself with me and here I am in this new life, with my old self... Hell fire.

I now understand that manifestation happens-it's as real as you want it to be. Takes loads of work though (obvs...or we'd all have or dreams fulfilled, right?) and it's really hard to get to. And it's true that you need to be careful what you wish for-because we bargain with ourselves. It's a trick of the ego-the ego is the thing that trips us up. You remember that scene from the devil's advocate, where the devil guy tells keanu the rules that god makes, where he lets you have something, but not enjoy it-that's the ego trick. We do that to ourselves. Jung believed that we are our own gods.

You CAN find a soulmate-they are, in my opinion, real and are souls you made a soul contract with before you got into you body. I now believe you can have pretty much what you want... bearing in mind you only have one body and have to look after it. I got to manifestation of my dreams by working on myself. Hard. Nothing about this was easy or straightforward. You have to raise your vibration-I did it partly by studying; but also, by getting beaten up until I got the message that I had some garbage in my subconcious that was rooted in a belief that I deserved to be treated badly, simply because I was used to it. I then got with the programme and realised that... actually, no. Not doing that anymore.

Have you ever said to yourself, ‘why me?’(Where's my good karma? I'm a good person bla bla don't deserve this...etc). Know this: you have to be as kind to yourself as you are to others to get what you want. Do affirmations, if it helps you. Do whatever it is you need to do. But free yourself. Other people can show you the way and help you out, but ultimately your vibration is your own.

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