Witchcraft Wednesdays - Deities

in witchcraft •  7 years ago 


Now while some witches choose not to worship deities, thus being secular witches, some do. And there are a lot who are of the opinion that these deities should be absolutely feared, that they should be bowed before and revered because they are infinitely more powerful than we are and all that jazz.

As I've stated before every witch does their craft differently. But from what I've seen, those who have this kind of belief system grew up in Godist religions or incorporate the craft into those religions. There's nothing wrong with that view point, but many who turn to witchcraft as a whole do so because they're sick of that particular mindset.

Many witches prefer to think of their deities as friends and equals, if they work with them. They prefer communication, and asking for their help without fear.

I'm not going to say that's how it should be, because each individual's path is different. But just know that being fearful of your deities is not the only way to do things. And that deities, like people, are multi-faceted. In the majority of cases they show you what you need at that time in your life, a parental figure or some tough love, a gentle guiding hand or just a friend.

If you believe in deities and choose to work with them great, just remember they can appear to you in a multitude of ways and you don't have to be afraid of them. And if you choose not to, either by choice or because you don't believe, that's fine too. There's no right or wrong way to do things when it comes to deities and witchcraft unless your path dictates otherwise, as with Christian witches and the like.

Please take everything I say with a grain of salt. A big part of witchcraft is essentially critical reading. That is, not blindly following what anyone says even if you consider them to be any kind of authority figure. Look at every bit of information you take in and decide for yourself if that is something you want to abide by.

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