Witchcraft Wednesdays - What is Witchcraft?

in witchcraft •  7 years ago 

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Witchcraft is hard to pin down exactly. If you asked 500 people who practice paganism or witchcraft about their craft or practice you'd get 500 different answers. But if you look closer, at its core it's basically this idea that we can use our own natural energy to influence the world around us.

It's weather witches bringing in or keeping storms at bay, or banding together to try and make hurricanes and other weather-related disasters from being so severe and claiming lives. It's kitchen witches stirring energy and intent into everything they bake so that they can get along with friends and family or so that co-workers will be friendly with them so a job they hate is more bearable. It's tech witches using their wireless internet as shields, charging items on power bricks, and enchanting their phones and tablets to have longer battery life.

Witchcraft is a huge and varied system and no two witches do it exactly the same. Covens versus single practice, religious versus secular, all that jazz. And while witchcraft is not inherently a religious practice, just as many chose to include religion versus those that choose to remain secular.

So, now that there's a bit of an explainer as to what exactly witchcraft is I'll be covering other topics in future Witchcraft Wednesdays. I have plans for such topics as;

  • Who can be a witch?
  • Wicca versus witchcraft
  • Cultural appropriation in witchcraft
  • Religion in witchcraft
  • The difference between curses, hexes and jinxes
  • Divination techniques
  • Altar spaces

Among many others. But, if anyone has any other topics for discussion or questions to ask please comment and let me know. I'm happy to answer, to make future posts discussing various things, and things of that nature.

Please take everything I say with a grain of salt. A big part of witchcraft is essentially critical reading. That is, not blindly following what anyone says even if you consider them to be any kind of authority figure. Look at every bit of information you take in and decide for yourself if that is something you want to abide by.

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This is so important, really. I really look forward to your future posts on the subject; and I invite you to read the few posts I have regarding witchcraft, as well :3