Paying For A Witness Vote. Looking At Things From Another Angle!

in witness-category •  7 years ago  (edited)


So here I go again about the potential idea of “Vote Selling”.

This post is going to be a little disturbing to some, but then again, I’m not writing this post to gain “brownie points” I’m writing it to go into a topic that many don’t want to touch on.

To get people THINKING!

So here goes:

Let’s say there is a Witness who is a Whale and who has a bunch of votes proxied to them.

& let's just round that figure off to 1,000,000 in Steem Power.

Just for arguments sake, to make this all crystal clear and easy to understand.

We keep talking about DPOS and the fact that the Top20 witnesses are people who should be looking after the best interests of investors.

& let’s not be subjective when we talk about “best interests” as this is a topic that needs to be objective in every essence of the term.

Well, to some, the best interests may be “community” to others it could be “economical” we are after all a “social NETWORK” and each person here is unique, an individual, so what one thinks doesn’t have to be in line with what the other person thinks! Yet both individuals are equals as human beings.

Now, let’s for arguments sake say that the above hypothetical One Million SP - Witness/Whale/Proxy voter has been active as such for about two years now. Helping out with a community, basically forming it, watching other communities branch out from the one they helped make and watching these other communities grow and expand.

All along supporting the ecosystem and doing the best that person can do at everything they take on.

Again, no matter who agrees with it or not, is not the point here, as this person does add value to our ecosystem in what they do and the fact that they do it to the best of their ability just adds more value.

All along the way, supporting those who they feel should get their support. Within the limits that they believe is appropriate without endangering their own goals. (i.e delegations, donations etc)

HOWEVER this INVESTOR/WITNESS/PROXY has NEVER been in the TOP20 in the past two years.


Well, obviously it has a lot to do with too many things that I can’t cover in one post.
Putting that grand over encompassing topic of who votes for who and why.

This 1,000,000 SP INVESTOR/WITNESS/PROXY.... one day.....

Decides to use her/his advantages and apply a purely economical approach to achieving what they believe is befitting such an INVESTOR/WITNESS/PROXY.

It must be frustrating after two years as an INVESTOR/WITNESS/PROXY to not be in the TOP20 for whatever reasons, none of which can be argued with the usual arguments such as:

Well, the people decide with their votes.



While some investors sit back and enjoy the profits that they are making via services out there, this INVESTOR/WITNESS/PROXY is not just sitting back and enjoying the profits.

She/he is reinvesting the profits, back into our ecosystem and using them to build more of a stake, not only for themself but also for people within the community that they helped build!

Sure, they are sharing part of the wealth!


“ENOUGH, time to add a few ripples, waves, tsunamis to this pond in which everything is so complacent”.

Think about it.

Is this “Wrong”?

Using what you have to make a stand for what you believe in and to ensure that you too are in a position to be able to decide how your 1,000,000 STEEM are going to be handled when decisions are being made about our blockchain and our ecosystem.

Seriously, now, let’s play ‘devils advocate’, let’s look at things from the above described position.

What is the message to the people who have ignored her/him for the past two years and pushed forwards others that they may know better etc etc etc.

Think about it.

That is all I am asking for here.

I have thought long and hard about it overnight and today I seriously am going into it here, in a way that nobody would ever expect me to go into it.


Well, you know what, it isn’t easy to see things from other peoples perspectives at times. When we do try and put ourselves into the position of other people, then some things do become a lot clearer.

Not agreeing, defending or trying to support any stand on any topic here. Just tying to be fair and equal, trying to be objective and not subjective.

Now that I have shared this short version of looking into the topic I touched on yesterday, hopefully many out there who do read this shall try and think about all this and be OBJECTIVE about it and not impose their personal opinions, but look at things from all angles.

Obviously something has triggered this line of thought in this person who is a 1,000,000+ STEEM (SP) INVESTOR, 2 year long WITNESS and one of the largest PROXIED voters out there.

I seriously hope these thought provoking thoughts written here help to get the old cogs turning and thinking about things.

Not everything in life is always "black and white".

Related Post:

Paying For A Witness Vote. The "Offer" and My Reply.

Signing out for the day,

Yours truly

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Yes Mr Miller - there is always two sides to every story, as there are two sides of a coin; and there are two mice being Sniff and Scurry.

sometimes it's the way a person says something and not what they say that forms options of how a person is viewed which then has other repercussions like stopping how far on a latter they can go.

I know many well meaning people that have a lot of good advice but do not offer it in a manner that 'most' will listen to.....

if you have the cure for cancer but do not know how to sell to the will not be purchased and people die.......

so the correct form of communication is the key.

Yesterday I was looking at it from one angle. I tried to look at things from a different angle.

Again, at the end of the day, you do make a good point, to be accepted you do need to push the right buttons with people.

But again, being left out, yet knowing that you have everything that they have and more in most cases, can't end well either.

So where shall all this lead to idk.

We'll see.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Drill Sargent and the convo we had ? days ago, is my final answer.


feeling forgotten.

Thank you for helping me to see the story from another point of view.

However, I maintain and reaffirm my comment in your previous publication regarding the subject.

Thanks, Jack.

A hug, blessings.

well , if you consider vote selling for governance position to be wrong it doesn't matter what the back story of the decision happens to be.

Picking up from our discussion yesterday , slightly different angle , these governance positions are still part of a private venture. Chairperson and board seats get bought out all the times in a private organization , does it make right ?

Thinking more about it , it doesn't matter if we think it is right or wrong , the pragmatist economic incentives will always prevail and such vote selling will always happen.

Well, yeah, it has a name too.

It's called "CORRUPTION"

Even if it is fully legal you would call it corruption ?

By the root of the word itself "corrupt" the answer would be = YES.

As it CORRUPTS the ecosystem, legally or not!

How would you classify the bedrock of steemit- Early ninja mining screwing the distribution ?
isn't the start of this whole thing rooted in corruption ,by that standard?

Don't mean to be a dick but this just seems inevitable given the economic incentives and lack of regulations in this realm.

I am not surprised at all by this , are you?

You make a valid point, in fact when it is brought up people often "ignore" it because they don't want to give the past any attention. I guess it's a tactic that works for them "ignore it and it will go away" (be forgotten).

The past can't be fixed, it's what we do today that can make a difference.

As for "surprised", I dare say that the question that I look for answers to is "WHY?"

Motive is what is important, understanding and only then can we actually take the necessary actions to prevent any potential damage from happening to our ecosystem.

Yes the WHY...

and that is what I am trying to highlight. .economic incentives overrule the sense of propriety ..

Unfortunate but true... atleast in my experience! !

So do we just "accept it" and move on down the same path that the "governments" of this world go down?

or do we try our best to be better, to find ways to intercept the issues (such as the one you stated) and actually do a better job at "governance"!

(rhetorical question)

& yes, your experiences are not in any way different from many other peoples experiences when it comes to "greed", especially when money is involved.