Today, I will talk about my witness. I hardly do! But perhaps, I so should now. It is called:
I hardly promote my witness actively, apart from underneath my posts. Normally, i believe in the harder more organic route. I feel it is more testimonial. I believe very much in love too. I need lorry-loads of it, thus, i do want steemians who support my witness to have come to truly love me and the legacies i represent.
I believe in each one too, thus, for witness-votes, i wouldn't seek a whale's witness-vote more than i would, a minnow's witness-vote because each one is whale to me.
I am grateful to more than a thousand steemians who have support the "steemgigs witness".
Overall, I rarely ask help. Not that i don't need help but in my making, i prefer to push things on my own first and most times organically.
When it is time to ask help though, i may try to but in most cases, if i get to ask help, i mostly only would, when i already have "something to offer".
Even as a minnow, I hardly felt, my "making" should become the responsibility of others. Thus, i didn't really see it as my indisputable right to ask for help.
I did want help to be voluntarily, mostly stemming from brotherhood, love and perhaps, admiration.
For example, if i promoted steem etc, i see this as "my role"; as "steem to the moon" is for me as well, thus, since minnow days, if i promoted "steem", i didn't feel like i was doing more than anyone else, so much so that "steemians" should have to render me help etc.
At the time, i did most of promotion behind-the-scenes and would mostly only post about it, to educate.
My "steemgigs witness" thus, had similar path. From a brother, i would heartily seek support. Otherwise, i rarely actively seek support but that's me and doesn't have to be you.
According to me, everything i do on steem/steemit was my "fun responsibility" and something i would do regardless of the state of steemit or steem price as i had established "steem" from the very onset as one of the ways forward and even as minnow, i had sheer conviction about this.
My conviction about steemit, stood the test of time and even hassle and grew overtime, so can be said to be solid, unshaken and proven.
In truth, i prefer to create a testimonial indispensable movement; one that each one is a part of, thus, one that is truly loved. This has been my route even with the "steemgigs witness" and indeed has been very much harder but it has come with beautiful testimonies
In many cases, i don't ask help because, I do want to render help. I do like to receive help though and many steemians have actively helped me. This type of help is specialer to me because it is persistent and heartfelt.
More recently, my witness have been promoted by many. They simply have loved me, followed my dealings and shown love in return by heartily promoting my witness. It is special.
Thus, perhaps, i should talk about my witness too. Well, it is not my witness. It is called "steemgigs".
"My witness" would have been "@surpassinggoogle" and perhaps, it would have done better in the ranks as @surpassinggoogle is my personal account and the more popular account, but it was about "us" from the very beginning and it will keep on that way because in truth, the "steemgigs witness" is not just a steemit witness. This particular witness is headed in the route of world-adjustment.
Steemgigs; "everyone has something to offer".
The above words aren't a joke!
This is all, i want it to represent. Thus, i wanted the "steemgigs witness" to stand up there as a symbol, incessantly inspiring and reminding "everyone" regardless of what the world thinks, that there is a shot for everyone.
No bum, no average, no smart
Indeed, for these nations referred to by the world as "developing", many of what they need to "shine" is more related to incessant inspiration, excitement, reminders etc moreso than financial rewards.
When my mum died, the "steemgigs witness" had even more meaning. The true state of the world was on display even more, for she was half-human in her fight for her life and i was too. She so wanted to live but again, even the world has deemed some humans "developing" and who gives much hoot about "developing". Well, i so so so do!
According to me, there is nothing like "developing" because even the world renown "developed" is not developed. We are simply mere dust!
Steemit being as well my "CCTV into the true state of the world", to me, adds weight to the above quote.
Thus, while world speaks of "the developing nations" we are saying "there is nothing like that", in a world where "everyone has something to offer".
The "steemgigs witness" is up there to represent that. It is up and running to incessantly remind us these things.
Minnow or whale witness vote didn't matter; "you" mattered.
So as you vote for the "steemgigs" witness whether you are whale, minnow or dolphin, please remember that the "steemgigs witness" is a curriculum aimed at "world adjustment", creating a world where "everyone as something to offer"; where "everyone" starts with "you".
"steemgigs witness" also pays for a full public RPC node on "wss://"
This doesn't pay steem rewards. This has been my contribution to the steem ecosystem but represents way more than that.
As a large server 256 GB RAM (in datacenters) etc, it creates another outlet for the steem ecosystem to balance load as developers can tap into it, while creating their steem-based apps etc.
Underlyingly though, it exists to pull out developers hailing from these "developing nations" incessantly inspiring them with the words "everyone has something to offer".
"Developers" hailing from these nations exist on steemit and they are many but these many stay in relegation, not confident in their ability to shine in the same vain as the world and the RPC node stands up there to incessantly inspire them.
I have stuck with them (these talented developers), even in the creation of the "steemgigs interfaces" inspite of many delays. There are consequences that i have had to deal with too and many of them but i am one to bear consequences even on behalf of others, for when there will be breakthrough, it will be testimonial.
You will recall that there is a "steemgigs interface" in the making, tied to the "steemgigs witness" and before the alpha version is fully ready and put on utopian to be completed by "everyone", i want to have stuck to these developers and say at the end, "that there is nothing like "the developing nations" as the "steemgigs interface" was created by developers hailing from these nations.
It may be essential to note that I didn't just jump into being witness. I was here on steemit already for up to a year, better or worse. It know alot of its history. I am unshaken, fully-paced, solid, full of character.
Steemit did pass through me and me through steemit!
I know what steemit is, in ways that you may not see. This is not to brag, this is to say the truth. I know steemit in these special ways because of the existence of a large vision that i have had even more than a decade before steemit; plus, my story; "the dreams of nations" that i carry; a special understanding of life, humans and "the donkey life" and a special understanding of the "developing nations" and their understanding of life and expectations from it.
I have invested in steem, both money, time and unshaken me. I have deep and intense love for you, each one everyone.
As a minnow, I started out "whale inside-out" and each one was whale to me. As a minnow, i already had giant responsibilities here on steemit as my vision was defined and deeply-rootedly solid, so i sat mostly in the backgrounds tending to each one and as many as i could. My simple posts didn't earn financial rewards but did well in drawing people in and gradually, i would start to read "proposal for projects" and even whitepapers as many steemians would seek my advice, suggestion, etc before starting up projects.
I am mere dust. They simply gave me privilege.
My very first channel on was "steemitisbeautiful" and "steemitisbeautiful" also ensued as a loved and used tag on steemit, even though, it didn't have curation or voting power support.
Then, my first discord server grew organically into up to a thousand members as steemians would visit this discord, after having loved the "me" in my simple-looking posts and i would hang on there and tend to as many as i could.
I did a ton of curation too and knew the voice and state of the community, then i would go back into the backgrounds to silently fix things. I love "humans", so during my curation, i would seek out several steemians, take them to the DMs and empower them with hours of special chat. I would heartily open their eyes to their beauty and the beauty of steemit and they would go out afresh, seeing things on steemit anew, with ever-fortified conviction in the beauty of "steemit" even though steem was cents at the time.
Moreso, i would passionately speak to others about these steemians and refer them for greater things
Tending to these communities was a huge responsibility because, these types of communities do have "special needs" but i knew of these needs and i would keep on neutral and human, to where "nations are locations" and this helped matters as more people kept visiting with me.
Hardly, did anyone know my nation. Hahaha, they only guessed and kept guessing but i hardly mention it because instead i would say "nations are locations".
I know of responsibility and consequences. I don't shy away from them. I know of disappointment and sadness, I channel them aright. I know humans. I know life. I know the developing nations like crazy. I know how to deeply-rooted grow steemit in these nations and these are the tiny things i have done over the course of an entire curriculum.
Sometimes, even till date, my role in steemit meet-ups may simply be one of "being present", to steer the communities aright or bring back togetherness and settle potential rifts.
I know of decision-making. I have been doing this since i was boy. I was always the turn-to neutral party because nation, status, education etc meant less to me and thus, my decision-making has kept evolving.
My every conversation since "steemit" in the DMs (since minnow days) required on-the-spot decision-making.
In truth, most of the steemian visitors to my chats had the most technical questions. They seek especially rare knowledge and to dispense this knowledge, requires that i get to understand the elements of their hearts, establishing their substance before revealing just sufficient information etc and this takes a "an entire reel of on-the-spot decision-making.
I do treat steemit as real life, thus, i know very much of virtues like respect, self-control, dignity etc and this helps my decision-making here.
One untalented contest, a paradigm of the "steemgigs" witness, had more than 1000 full-blown post entries requiring "each enterer" to go out of their way, attempt out-of-the-boxness and shine in new ways.
For communities hailing from these developing nations, this successful endeavor in itself is testimonial. These more than 1000 steemians, weren't promised "huge rewards" but they went out-of-their-way still.
@umais, a very young steemian, over the course of the untalented curriculum, went from his first diminished-rep account, to the renewed "@umais"; a "now developer", who is learning his fourth programming language "python" and who has already started building projects. He is also a moderator on utopian.
#steemgigs have had people offer their service even here on steemit in exchange of steem. The community comprising of more than 3000 steemians have formed home for many who have wanted to apply their expertise to testimonial use in helping "steemians" build their dreams.
In this particular post, i wanted to speak of the human behind the "steemgigs" witness. It is not one human; "it has been me and you all along!"
"steemgigs witness" has aimed to add more paradigms to steem/steemit, by mining the "human" as well. While "steem" focuses more on mining the mind and brain, with virtues like "reputation", we add more paradigms to the virtue.
This way we can promote steem also a phenomenon and revolution more profound and have people join steemit also for the sole fact that we are here and we are humans and we a celebrities and "everyone has something to offer".
Your Boy Terry
My first art of my face gifted to me with love by @morbyjohn
Please like @teardrops on Facebook and Twitter:
I do need strength
Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum
If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. I run a full public RPC 256 GB node as well to balance the steem ecosystem on "wss://"
To vote my witness, simply visit and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!
If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.
Let's Go!!!
Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented).
Join the Steemgigs Community on discord:
"Everyone has something to offer!" Why not?
"In many cases, i don't ask help because, I do want to render help. I do like to receive help though and many steemians have actively helped me. This type of help is specialer to me because it is persistent and heartfelt."
Sir it's my first time to hear a word "specialer" thank you for this new vocabulary I've learned today. I am trying my best to read dictionary so that one day, we can talk more a lot 'coz everytime we talk I am skeptical to answer if my responses are right. hehe. I'm sorry for my carabao English and shallow understanding. It was you who said about this term" "carabao English" that I cannot forget 'till now. You are always serious in your posts but I didn't realize you're funny too. Speaking of help, we're here for you in ups and downs. You're not bragging about Steemit at all. Because of that real testimony, thousand of Filipinos register everyday and no doubt, you're one of the reason why Steemit will even the popularity of Facebook soon. For sure, @ned will level the fame of Marck Zuckerburg too and you will be famous more than celebrities. I know you don't wanna be said as famous than Tv celebs but you can use this fame to influence many people to be a good Samaritan. You're our greatest gift that God has used. Thank you.
I wish you more and more success and your father will be okay. We support your projects all the way even on your darkest days and emptiness because we owed you a lot. We may not met yet but seems like we met yesterday because what I feel for you is more than a stranger. you're a family to me, to us #steemitachievers. One day we will meet in God's timing. Then that day I wish I could speak English like your level so we can talk a lot. Thank you for being an angel to us. My neighbors, friends, and family know who is @surpassinggoogle. What they know wbout you is the Steemit hero. I wish this name will soon be exposed in Television to influence more and more people to come Steemit so no hunger and thirst soon in the Philippines. You're an awesomemest version of human! "awesomest" word is from you I learned. Thank you more than words Sir. My family loves you very much and my team #steemitachievers.
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Thank you alot. I love you all too. My English is carabao too. Specialer is carabao, so relegate reservations in my space.
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there is a white carabao in Bukidnon sir Terry. if ever you pass by Mindanao, i'll be willing to tour you to all amazing place the Mindanao can offer. hehe :)
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Thank you soo much Terry for supporting minnows, myself included, giving us encouragement and words of wisdom. Cebu community got your back! ;) you are a man with a "purpose" :)
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heaeing your words made me inspire for everything here in steemit sir. from the day I've started here and following your projects have it as my priority. Specially your project about @steemgigs helped many person become sufficient in their journey her on steemit. We love you sir and we will support you as long as we can. Hearing your words about your mother let me feels the worth of having a mother who is their always to support us. Condolence though its hard to accept the lost of the very special person of yours. I know you are strong enough to face everything just keep on spreading your kindness.
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Sir i am so happy and i feel you are kind man it's my first time to hear a word "specialer" thank you for this new vocabulary I've learned today. I am trying my best to read dictionary so that one day, we can talk more a lot 'coz everytime we talk I am skeptical to answer if my responses are right, you got resteem my post few days ago we are now going to conduct a research on the child coporal punishment if you feel and you want to to help you can resteem our post sir thank you so much the link is here
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You are brilliant Sir Terry. A celebrity, a hero, and an angel to all of us Steemians. You deserve to become either a witness or a proxy. Your kindness and unconditional love for us is incomparable. You are a selfless person. I am so grateful that I found #Steemit and I have learned to love it everyday. Honestly for me, as a single mother with a Special Needs son, I have found my niche in this platform and for your support to us minnows with a heart of a Whale as you say it. You inspire us so much. God will bless you more.
Again, thank you so much Sir Terry.
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You are brilliant Sir @surpassinggoogle , a hero, and an angel to all of us Steemians. You deserve to become either a witness or a proxy. Your kindness and unconditional love for us is incomparable. You are a selfless person. I am so grateful that I found #Steemit and I have learned to love it being a student i need fund to continue my studies thank you so much sire you kind full act thats help us to work here by the way i am new one at steemit sir
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You are brilliant Sir @surpassinggoogle , a hero, and an angel to all of us Steemians. You deserve to become either a witness or a proxy. Your kindness and unconditional love for us is incomparable. You are a selfless person. I am so grateful that I found #Steemit and I have learned to love it being a student i need fund to continue my studies thank you so much sire you kind full act thats help us to work here by the way i am new one at steemit sir i am feeling happy to found
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You guys who power high power ,,,, but you're soft to all steemit friends. You are a whale that takes care of small fish like me .... @surpassinggoogle @lebron2016
hopefully someone like you is given a long life and a healthy body aminn !!!!
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I see no reason why we all should not support @steemgigs witness, the blessing you are to steemians is what a lot of witnesses lack, you character alone is a wonderful idea behind Humanity.
A lot of people have not idea you are the gem behind this, you would have been the number 1 witness, because we are all ready to support, but as the reason behind this remains "US" we will definitely find a way to lift @steemgigs where it's supposed to be.
A @teardrop from me to you.
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Hahahahah what a funny word to say " carabao " , can I join the group as a carabao english because I know for sure to myself that I'm also one of this carabao English people.., hahahaahah love it..,
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Lol. What an amazing comment. Your English isn't bad at all. It's brilliant. And yes, @surpassinggoogle is a celebrity already. You don't have to be all over T.V to be one.
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@surpassinggoogle you really deserve for this. I already give you my vote of witness. Your efforts and Support as well as guidance to new comers is appreciated.
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sounds you working really hard for your team and family, this kind of support make steemit an awesome place I respect your honest efforts to steemit @lebron2016 wish you get more success! My gratitude to @surpassinggoogle who supporting people without any condition and with a big heart! God bless you guys!
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It only manifest that @surrpassinggoogle Terry is just like everyone of us, he really belongs to us. That's the reason why, he is being loved by everybody.
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Since the very beginning, I knew you are a kindhearted person, even before learning you are a brother. I am a witness of your passion and how you helped tons of people, and I am one of those beneficiaries. That's why I never had second thoughts of voting you as a witness. However, I learned that you can be a proxy, that's why I voted you as a proxy.
I don't mind but I always promote you either as a witness or a proxy on each of my posts. I wrote a post to support you as a witness and all your project because you deserved it. What is Steemit for many of us minnows if not for your unconditional love and help for many members? We would be stuck at a very low reputation and might still be struggling.
Again, I will thank you for everything. May Jehovah bless you
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@surpassinggoogle indeed deserves to become either a witness or a proxy. He is the true inspirer of all inspirers not just because of his generosity but also because of his eye opening and encouraging posts that can really help everyone to become successful n this platform. The project @steemgigs and @teardrops are proofs of his legacy and love for all his fellow steemians. Thank you sir @surpassinggoogle for somehow making it easy to understand how steemit works and what it can offer to everyone. :) Hats off to you and continue to inspire everyone with your words. :) God bless! :)
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@supassinggoogle from the beginning I know, you are a good person in steemit, it is quite worthy of you become boss steemgigs ,, when I see new post mr Terry @supassinggoogle, my heart pounding, my heart said if I'm lucky here
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I agree with you @iyanpol12..
I witnessed it myself the kindness and unconditional love of our brother Terry.
He's a blessing to us, newbie.
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Since I got reactivated here in steemit, I am following and supporting your mission and vison of your group. Because aside from you have a big heart, you inspire and encourage everyone. That is why you deserved to be in witness category. Jehovah bless us all.
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Wow! I never knew it's this simple to vote for witness.. I finally have voted for steemgigs
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yaah agree @surpassinggoogle deserve more and more as he do for newbie and he soft heart man just saw his post and i really attract him! you might very helpful for this community without you this community is full! we are a supporter of you! thank you for making my life great and give happiness! inspire from you!
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Hi @iyanpol12 are you a Jehovah's Witness? Me too...I'm sorry my comment is not related to the topic. I just got excited of the thought. Anyway, i came to this post because i am reading about vote for witness which I'm still confused. I'm a newbie here.
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You comments very nicely. You are @surpassinggoogle is doing good effort for all steemians.
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May Jehovah bless us all in Jesus' name amen
That prayer at the end is so so so need and is very precious to me. Thank you alot.
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Very true sir. Jesus has his will in taking out dreams. We should treasure every moment we spent in this world for life is no equivalent at all.
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Yes @surpassinggoogle is very kind.
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Thank you @surpassinggoogle for your generosity and your sincere love for fellow steeminians. I'll vote you as a proxy and I will vote steemgigs as witness.
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I have always supported you sir and steemgigs since I was first informed about it. You as our witness has not let us down specially for the Filipino community which you have always helped. Keep on rocking @surpassinggoogle! We are here to keep on supporting.
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the best my witness @surpassinggoogle thank you so much sir.
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I really appreciate you, Terry, and I've voted for you as witness. I noticed also before this that you don't spend much time promoting yourself as you do other people; which is really good. Your words speak for themselves.
This almost brought me to tears. The way you write is so powerful, and so filled with emotions even without you being sentimental or anything.
It's always inspiring reading stories of whales being minnows once themselves, it gives me hope, obviously. This post truly touched me, and i kept reading it over and over. It's amazing the way your mind works. I'm truly, truly inspired by you.
just keep being you, bro.
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Very giant comment bro. You spot all the spottables. Thank you for allow yourself to be touched on account of me.
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It's nothing, bro. Honestly if I'd allowed myself i might have written a whole 1000 words essay. But the truest feelings are better left unvoiced, I guess. Best of luck, bro.
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This quote speaks of the thoughts in my head each time i hear the "developed" the "undeveloped" and the "underdeveloped ". It holds no accurance to me. If everyone stands for each in the real sense, without measuring the weight of influence, i guess we'd see that the undeveloped as well as the underdeveloped always has more to offer but because the system reduces their voice to nothing. If steemgigs has come to give "equity" not necessarily equality , than here goes steemgigs to the moon.
And of course, if this had not happened
You have done alot and steemgigs, at least for its aim, deserves support from us.
Thanks for sharing this .
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You spot all the spotables. Thank you for going out of your way to.
I value it. May Jehovah bless us all in Jesus' name amen
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Hahaha.... one never regrets visiting your blog... you deserve more than a million views. Thanks for noticing my comment and thaNks for the upvote. God bless you more .
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Terry, even without you asking for it, we will surely give you our vote and we will continue to support and promote the steemgigs witness. Not just because you need it, but because Steemit needs you. WE need your selfless love, your encouraging words which touches our soul and the positivity in life. You taught us about self-appreciation, that no matter how small we may be, you still see us as a whale and that really motivates us to keep moving forward and to keep on Steeming. To grab every opportunities and to always do our best.
Indeed, everyone has something to offer and Steemit always have something to offer for everyone. And with that, I'd be more than glad to continue promoting Steemgigs as a witness so that it may touch and inspire more lives. Stay awesome. You are loved. ❤
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we are all one in his eyes irrespective of where you are from, your standard and societal status. He has always been our pillar for support and encouragement. More grease to your elbow sir Terry.
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I was watching YouTube and saw your ad about Steemit , Are you spending your own money to advertise? If so thank you I appreciate it. The more people using this social media platform the more valuable the coin.
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Really? My video? Do you have a url?
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I was watching a how to video about Steemit on YouTube, I saw an ad for Steemit and clicked on it... that is how I found your post... Thanks!
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we trust and believe you

Just Gave witness vote to steemgigs
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I set you as my voting proxy:
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I set you as proxy @surpassinggoogle. I'm new here too. I'm Filipino in the US and my mom and dad are working on us going back home.
Soon I will be home where I belong. Thank you for what you are doing. Can I also get some love from our boy Terry? I only have 51 followers and only my mom and dad look at my post and a couple other Filipino friends show me love. I promise to love you back.
Salamat poh.
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Terry @surpassinggoogle this is my oldest son Thanks for showing him some love. You are doing what I want to do.
If you need our help @lovenfreedom and I will do all we can.
We believe in what you are doing and want to be a part of it.
May God Richly Bless you and keep you strong.
We will keep you in our family prayer from this day forward.
When we come home we will come see you.
Maraming Salamat Po
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The above state shows to me the reason why I will voluntary support your witness campaign. Have actually notice you don't do that but only at the end of your post. And even with that you still say it in a very simple way. But like you know that due to your kind of person and how much you care about the growth of this platform., you will naturally get a witness vote because of the good things you are doing on this platform.
For example, like in my last post . I have to personally talk about your witness vote and as well for #steemgigs without anyone telling me to do it. I just know that you(@surpassinggoogle) deserves it and even more than this. (my opinion). You have really inspired someone like me and I can't hide. So keep up the good work.
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Indeed...a good reputation will always get support.
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If I only had one friend in the world like you.
You are one incredible human being!
I grew up with 1 sister and 2 half sisters but I always dreamed to have a brother.
The second time I read one of your post and you make tears come into my eyes again. Your words have a lot of power.
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from the first day in my journey here in steemit I vote for #steemgigs and chose sir@surpassinggoogle as my proxy ....but I must send my regards and all my thanks to him....thank you dear terry
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This is not my first time saying thank you to you, but "THANK YOU!" These are the things I've learned from you that I'll put in mind forever about Steemit:
It is beautiful, Express One’s Self, Help Individual For A Change, Shape Your Talents, Sharing of Knowledge, An Opportunity.
I heard you. I heard your heart at your post, sir. What you are dealing today is scary, but God sees it. You are a wonder, sir! You are strong, this is just nothing. I know, you are very strong. Life will never walk the way we wanted to be, but all has its own purpose. :) @surpassinggoogle #thankyou @lynrogan
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If everyone on here on steemit had a mindset like yours , this place will be a much better place. Virtues like respect, self-control and dignity are Paramount when relatingbwith individuals and I have seen you uphold that virtue times withiut number . You are a rare gem bro.
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Thank you bro. I didnt forget your drawing the last post. The pictures were just so many and i got tired. I am always tired overall from too much pains, so i didn't skip it. I value it.
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Thank you for appreciating my drawing sir Terry. You have been my greatest motivation here in steemit. I was so shocked upon seeing my work on your post. I didn't expect to happen I were so blessed for what you did sir thank you very much

My unending love will never be wasted because i have it for you a person who is kind-hearted.
I will always keep this artwork until the rest of my life sir. I sallute you @surpassinggoogle
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Waoh! @morbyjohn this is good. I like the art work. You really did a very good job with this drawing. I know art surpassinggoogle would be proud of you and I am proud of you. Boy Terry deserves all this goo things. His is a Star as far as Steemit blockchain is concern. One love bro.
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sir @surpassinggoogle I know that you are very kind person. You help us. and encourage us to find a new blog because you love to help us by giving your vote to us. thank you so much sir. I support you for being my witness and also rhe steemgigs. good luck sir hope you will be one of our witness in steemit family. I salute you for being a kind hearted person.
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in this blog , i just want to say , thank you very much @surpassinggoogle being supportive to all pinoy. Thank you very much . I hope you will achieve your goal in this community
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my #1 witness is @steemgigs as it has really good intention to grow more this platform #steemit and dear @surpassinggoogle you doing such a great job to we people, hats off man!!!
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Like you I always say that everyone has somethng to offer. The Philippines setting is hard and not everyone has access to the resources to creat great blogs such as photographers, artists and writers. It leaves the laymen with a decreased capability to rise up the ladder here in steemit. I couldnt be more comverned with those who have something to offer yet not enough means to do so. I fully support you and your advocacy. This is why I am making my own clay art contest so everyone can have a chance at getting SBD, even children in steemit. We all want a share 9f that reward which is why we need to providr ways for others to get their share of it.
I am in full support of your work. You have already been voted as my witness amd will forever be a witness for me
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Good luck with your clay art contest!
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Thanks so much @leeart!
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Wow, I love that art of your face, it's beautiful, with it I have the idea of the person called @surpassinggoggle. Well-done sir
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The guy who drew that is definitely an expert....The drawing is near perfect and I am sure @surpassinggoogle really appreciated it.
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Thank you for that wonderful words @sistem. It took me so much time beacuse i am not an expert one though I still manage to give my best for I know with this effort I can show @surpassinggoogle how much I value him.
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thank you so much @millerkay for appreciating my work. he has been my inspiration for so long that's why I drew him as my devotion
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The full meaning of #steemgigs ; Everyone has something to offer. Yes whether you are a whales or minnows, illiterate or literacy, everyone has something to offer to steemgigs. Thanks for showing your love for us, you are very different for other whales, you ain't a stingy person, you are kind. Creating #steemgigs is very useful to us apart from your real account @surpassinggoogle and I'm very sorry for your late mum ; "May her soul rest in perfect peace ".
Always voting for you @surpassinggoogle and @steemgigs
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Already done to vote you as my voting witness kuya terry! And i always to support you. 100% upvote and resteem!😍💖
We love you po kuya terry!💖
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We voted steemgigs as a witness because we believed in you sir terry @surpassinggoogle. Count us Filipinos as your number one fan who always love and continued to support you.
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I will continue to support you sir, all your program because you are a great person and you do help people who is in need with help. Thank you so much Sir and God bless
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@surpassinggoogle good information, this helps us to know more about the witnesses since that is needed in the steem community :)
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Hello @surpassinggoogle thanks very much for helping me in my publications, I appreciate it very much and a huge greeting to Steemgigs .... and new in discord :)
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I have just voted for "steemgigs". I am so happy I could help in my little way a man who has helped me so much.
You have been very supportive @surpassinggoogle and if there is anything you feel we can help in anyway. Please always feel free to say it.
Now I have voted steemgig I never even knew it would be that easy.
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Thank you. You can also vote 29 others as you have up to 30 votes. Thank you for awesomeness. I am grateful
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hello sir thanks a lot for the support and your kind help sir you are such great person in steemit community you mean a lot to us <3
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Very will explain sir you really inspired me more on this platform, for me you are a great mentor teaches us everything you have were very thankful to have you and introducing a real life of a steemian minnow or whale is fairly treated. after reading of your testimony im have no doubt to give my help, support & vote for"steemgigs" as a witness.
@surpassinggoogle your brilliant mindset is one of a kind i salute you sir terry im glad were kababayan more power to you and godbles.
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@surpassinggoogle in your steemit witness,though abit of a long read,and at first I was seeing it as a parable until it was now getting clearer to me,its actually an educative and informative post that some can subscribe to.I will not fail to mention am a kinda new here and I need guide to grow and upvost too.....thanks.
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You deserve every single vote because like you said you took steemit serious and all you do is borne out of love and the desire for personal responsibility push. Well done sir for all you do. You ooze awesomeness.
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Very rarely we can see someone like @surpassinggoogle who has been devoting much of his time, skills, and resources to influence more people in need and help them succeed in a "No Brothers and Sisters Left Behind" mantra.
The Steemit community would have been a very different one, maybe a platform with less dreamers and less believers, if not for the efforts of @surpassinggoogle and other early Steemians who share the same vision.
Everybody reading this post; if you may please dedicate 30 seconds of your time and 1 spot of the maximum 30 witnesses that you can vote, please give @steemgigs your support. I know @steemgigs deserve our votes and will never fail those who continue to believe and aspire.
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" #steemgigs have had people offer their service even here on steemit in exchange of steem. The community comprising of more than 3000 steemians have formed home for many who have wanted to apply their expertise to testimonial use in helping "steemians" build their dreams."
Yes am one of those 3000 and steemgigs means more than family to me..
I keep wishing it's possible to vote @surpasainggoogle as my witness more than once cus you deserve more than just one vote from me for the good things your doing for steemit community.
Your mom would've been more than proud of you.
Trust me she's up there, smiling at what you arer positively doing.
Trust me, she is happy with you.
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This is why @surpassinggoogle will always be a voice to reckon with on Steemit. Thanks for all the difference you make.
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I have heard so many beautiful things about you, Oh what an amazing soul, keep soaring higher, keep up your good work because it has been speaking for you. You don't need CCTV because you are a celebrity already. God bless you
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Tapos na poh ako sir terrie sa pag like sa mga post new poh sa facebook lahat nag like ako,im @ Debbie Ampoan for my account in facebook..thankyou @surpassinggoogle.
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Much obliged @surpassinggoogle sir. I value your battle. I completely concur with you. Much obliged for share critical post.
Wish you an extremely glad and brilliant future
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This why I voted @surpassinggoogle.
You are so real sir Terry. Your goodness is undeniable. You, yourself, is a true living steemian virtue. You made a lot of impact to me. Before, it seems I have no talent but because of your #untalented, I always have something to offer. A true greatness in living inside you. You are a walking charity sir Terry. Everybody loves you!
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"Tending to these communities was a huge responsibility because, these types of communities do have "special needs" but i knew of these needs and i would keep on neutral and human, to where "nations are locations" and this helped matters as more people kept visiting with me."
Thanks for giving your utmost support to the community, your selflessness will be rewarded with the respect, support and fellowship with Steemians who you have helped grow
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Nice one bro, i really learnt a lot, you are more than a ntor on steemit, you are a teacher, ive been on your trail for a while and each time you drop a ost i end up learning more, i pray god bless you abundantly, keep flying bro
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I want to help you buy my talent and i know you appreciate any help even if its art . thank you and i will offer something :)
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You are such an inspiration to many of us, steemians.
Your tips allows ordinary people to discover how boundless they are and discover their best self!
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Thank you so much for this lot of information @surpassinggoogle. I mean, this helps a lot especially to young steemers like me. This makes things easier for us since you already gave us a guide of what to do. Man, I really appreciate how you put detailed information about each topic. Thanks a bunch! See you around!
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well you are amazing sir thanks for helping you always motivate me .. thanks so much
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I may have not met you personally but I have heard and read a lot of great things about you. You have helped us a lot and I do not see any reason why we will not support you in return. Voted steemgigs as witness and promoting it. I wish you more power Mr. Terry. Continue to inspire many of us. Thank you for all your support!
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Voted already, sir @surpassinggoogle ^_^
God bless you always!~
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I have chosen the @steemgiggs witness and what should I do next mr. @surpassinggoogle
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@surpassinggoogle you really deserve for this. I already give you my vote of witness. Your efforts and Support as well as guidance to new comers is appreciated.
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Hello, you know I don't like to talk about underdeveloped countries, we must differentiate between the economic and structural growth of a country and intellectual and humanitarian growth. Some countries may have greater military, financial and structural development than ours but not greater intellectual growth. To us it costs us more and we look for the alternatives to grow and help and a great example is your @surpassinggoogle that you look for the way to help your people in this platform, perhaps for some it is not enough, but those who does it in steemit, I am full of joy to look at your blog and to see how you promote so many people, it continues growing and helping your people. Besides, it feels like reading how grateful those who follow you are.
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Our desire to help defies all boundaries just as what @surpassinggoogle is doing. That quality in us make us all equal wherever we are, underdeveloped or not.
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@surpassinggoogle, you are doing a great job in terms of art work
You are my mentor..i like to be like you in drawing..
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I would forever grateful everytime you upvote my posts, sir. You’re such a help! Thank you so much.
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I am a freelancer, and i cant just wait to port from Fiverr to Steemgigs
More grease to your elbow @surpassinggoogle
Patiently waiting....
99% Loading...
Steemgigs love!
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@surpassinggoogle will promote steemgigs and you as witnesses in my next blog so you may continue to change the world with what you are doing 😀😀 keep it up!
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Sir i will nit lie to you.ave not see your type on this platform.if we have kinid of your type as a leader in the world.the world will be a better place to live are creative always bringing new innovation and also supportive.God bless you and give you long life to always develop our mind set.creating steemgigs and steemsecrets its a brillant idea.we all should support surpassinggoogle for creat achievement.thanks sir.its your boy tpassion.God bless
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I will support @steemgigs to the moon.
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What a gift that is; the portrait. You deserve all the help you need because you are really an awesome person. Keep being you sir.
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Belajar bersama anda cara bermain Steemit
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I'm still very junior
I beg your help
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I never used this witness and ll can anyone explain me btr and is if beneficial for individuals
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Read this, it will better help you to understand what a witness is all about
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@arorapuneet don't worry... @surpassinggoogle is a great mentor and witness...he will explain you better from others..
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witnesses are your representatives on steemit for decision making and so on just as Governors are representatives of their state citizens and President are representatives of the whole country.
So you can choose your representative today by casting your vote for @steemgigs which am sure you do like to be your spokes person. One more thing, you can vote as much as thirty times for the candidate of your choose. I hope this answers your question?
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Thanks for this clarity, you explained it well. @steemgigs should the first witness we'll vote for.

I have voted, have you?
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yeѕ...well ѕaιd. I was going to ask that also. I too dont know wat btr is and how its beneficial to we individuals...
Great post @surpassinggoogle I love the art of your face it's lovely well drawn..I believe in steemgigs....I will always vote you as witness.Indeed, everyone has something to offer and Steemit always have something to offer for everyone... U share motivational posts and i follow ur post..I really appreciate what u do to promote steemit. You are a great person on steemit...Thanks for sharing this vital information...More knowledge to your instincts sir....KUDOS!!!!💯👍🏿
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Read this for a better understanding of who a witness is.
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Very nice efforts.
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You are welcome @imran498. Have you voted? If not, you can do so now....... For steemgigs
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I appreciate the best for article that you have done for @surpassinggoogle
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He is really doing a wonderful job here.
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Asking for help is not a bad idea especially, we your friends may not know when you need our help most and how we can help if you don't ask or tell us.
You should be among the top 50 by now.... But please I need help to do i am trying but seeing the red signal that My proxy is not updated.
What should I do? What didn't I do right.
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I have already voted for @steemgigs and now set @surpassinggoogle as a proxy, I just hope this will be beneficial for our kind witness. Hope to learn more from him as always.
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Yes, it will benefit him immensely and if all the lives he has touched would vote him, then he will be at the top where he deserves to be.
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I have always wanted to vote for you @surpassinggoogle but I didn't know how to, now I do and I'm voting right away, you are our own witness even before you asked.
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They are the elected 'people' that represent your interest and decision making for your growth and Steemit development.
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Saya masih kurang mengerti.
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steemit rocks
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Yes steemit does rock and @surpassinggoogle makes it 'rocker'
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really @surpassingoogle ιѕ a blessing to the community..Because of the inspirstional post he shares i am now more confident and my aim wont be after the money
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Thanks for update and I appreciate the best for article that you have done for @surpassinggoogle
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Terry is one of the great reason steemit rocks better.
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Just upvoted "steemgigs" as witness ... Thanks @surpassinggoogle for being a witness to this great community!
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I believe steemgigs can/will represent the interest in decisions making. It is the only witness i used my vote for in the first two months here and one of the four I found worthy of my votes here.
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steemgigs is representing us appropriately and voting for it is for our own interest.
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Thanks for update and I appreciate the best for article that you have done for @surpassinggoogle
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You are very right, he is more closer to us all and knows our heart desires than any of the witnesses, he deserves all witnesses vote we can canvas for. @surpassinggoogle is always on the look out for our welfare as to make steemit a better place for everyone no matter your reputations or levels (minnows, dolphins or whales).
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Deep words brother
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Me too use vote for @surpassinggoogle as a withness.
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yaah it must be appriciated his steemgig and support it!
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Terry, I know you have grown so used to being a man and so independent and I do appreciate that fact. We are family and I don't know of any help we can render you that we can deny you. In all moments, we want to share with you like you shared with us. There is nothing out of place if you seek help occasionally. You are still 'human' even if you are 'one rocking human'. So without asking even for votes, we surely will give it to you with all of our hearts.
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This is right to we are all in a family. So without asking even for votes, we surely will give it to you with all of our hearts i am agree with this word. Thank you @edith4angelseu
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You are welcome @s4heart.
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Yes sir Terry! You can just beep everyone for any help you want.. :) we are a family here and it’s a give and take relationship here. We owe you alot not just with the upvotes but for the words of inspiration and wisdom that youve given us. It’s a lot and we dont know any way to give back to you. You are included in all of our prayers as well. :)
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Well spoken, if he doesn't ask how are we going to help. He his indeed a wonderful man and he believes in his ability to push as a man which i really commend him for.
But with that two are better than one. As much as we need him, he also needs us which if he ask am very sure 90% of his followers are ready to render.
More strength @surpassinggoogle
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Dear @edith4angelseu
I appreciate the best reply that you have done for @surpassinggoogle
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He really deserved all our support because he has offered us more for free.
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You seek to correct inequality amongst human and reading this post, I have every reason to believe that we still have people who will continue to uphold the ideology of humanity. @surpassinggoogle, you are one of those rare people who will make a difference in our World. Thank you so much
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Hay @eleaza
Thanks for update your valuable reply and appreciate the best for work that you have done for @surpassinggoogle
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I totally agree with you @eleaza! :) he is indeed an epitome of goodwill and making a dfference in ths platform . He never fails to encourage everyone to live to their ideals and aspirations in life.
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You have done a historical job for the community of poor and needy people from around the globe. This should be written in the Golden words. Generosity, ultimate Support, time for everyone, Giving attitude and Love are some of your qualities which make you special form others. And this is your strength too.
I have no words to elaborate your personality in one step. I need almost several hours to write on you to explain every aspect of your personality.
You gave jobs to poor people. They were spending their lives in 3rd class level. You gave them new lives.
You can ask any time gor anything. This would be organic my friend @surpassinggoogle, don't worry. Your every project is community project. So @steemgigs would be no doubt is No 1 and together we will do it.
Keep it up and Stay Blessed man!
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Hey @jawad09
I appreciate the best for reply that you have done for @surpassinggoogle. Thanks for update.
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yaah steemgig community project! we have to support it and make @surpassinggoogle great!
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Hello @surpassingooggle
You are really doing a great job in this community and no matter what life might be throwing at you, you never allow such to weighed you down but you still take up the responsibility of helping others. I never know much about witness before but through this post i was made to understand it better and you deserved the best. My witness vote is for #steemgigs
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Indeed..his strong character is shown in his posts.
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For communities hailing from these developing nations, this successful endeavor in itself is testimonial is right. Steemgigs can/will represent the interest in decisions making good.This is a particular post from @surpassinggoogle, and we always want @surpassinggoogle is withness from us. thank you @surpassinggoogle for supporting us.
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Yeah,i am agree with your word, we need @surpassinggoogle is withness from us. And I want to inform all person always stay with @surpassinggoogle.
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I am agree with you @s4heart. I have already voted as withness to @surpassinggoogle, as a withness i am proud. please accept my little vote.
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I believe on steemgigs, and always witness vote for you.I think steemgigs will represent the interest decision making . This witness vote activity will built love and inspiration. I'm already voted for your great @steemgigs witness, And I want inform to you...we always stay with you @surpassinggoogle. again wantto sat thanks for sharing this important discussion on witness.
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Don't worry @surpassinggoogle we are all steemit family with you. And we r always proud to be a witness of @steemgig . For our inspiration we want always @surpassinggoogle .
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Steemgigs witness is always helpful for minnnows and you are doing such a good jobs for your nation.I always like @surpassinggoogle and and @steemgigs .I am proud to be a voter for @surpassinggoogle.

Thank you @surpassinggoogle for again remember us to vote for witness.
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Me too always proud for @surpassinggoogle and always happy to a withness fro @steemgigs. I want to say @surpassinggoogle for again remember us to vote for withness. We always need him and his valuable post to learn something.
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Its nice work that you done you done always creative idea's and your thinking is always good
You done something different from others
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Sir Terry
Good Morning
I am very happy to see post of my kind and generous mentor.
I believe on steemgigs, and always witness vote for you. I am very thankful and also inspired from your every activity for better future of untelanted newcomer. I think steemgigs will represent the interest decision making .
This witness vote activity will built love and inspiration.
Thanks for sharing precious post. I hope this event will be beneficial for the steemians, specially for newcomer and untelanted steamians like me
Stay blessed
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Hi Terry! We are here to support you! Me and my friends already voted @steemgigs and @surpassinggoogle as witnesses. You deserve to be in top 50. We will spread it to our newbie friends to put u there and i know a lot of steemians love you!
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Dear Terry, You have more relative followers and they any time help to your witness category. I now added @steemgigs for my vote for witness category. No worries needed. You have to see below attachment.
Stay blessed!
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well reply and I appreciate the best for article that you have done for @surpassinggoogle
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I already added @steemgigs. If you feel free look at this link. It's my used link for witness category.
Steemgigs represent very good task now and in future will be awesome.
Definitely I'll hope to come more users in this platform and waiting massive support to your witness category. Great adjustment @surpassinggoogle.
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I appreciate the best for reply that you have done for @surpassinggoogle
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I'm fairly new here but I've been foloowing you and you've been awesome, sir. I think I got my very first upvote from you. THE LEAST I COULD DO IS PAY YOU BACK WITH MY VOTING FOR YOU AS WITNESS.
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It became so real for me that statement is.
You ever give up and now, you are also helping us newbie steemians here not to give up too.:)
You are an inspiration to us t not give up and not give in..
Thank you so much @surpassinggoogle..
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Someone must step up to the challenge and he did.
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Hello dear mentor Mr. TERRY @surpassinggoogle
Thanks for update about love , social description and I admire the best for the subjects that you have done so well for this and your team is a great opportunity to progress.
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@steemgigs and @surpassinggoogle has got our witnesses vote, love and heart. One love Sir Terry.
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regards @surpassinggoogle :v keep it up Nice draw
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We love you Terry. You carry the vision of nations. I pray you get all the strength you need to keep this dreams alive.
I didn't know that the steemgigs witness carried so much 'me' and 'you' in it symbol. Today, I clearly see how much more strength you will need to keep this alive. We got you and you gat us anytime anyday.
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thanks alot sir @surpassinggoogle for sharing such an useful information i was really concious about to know that what is actually steem witness i saw people talkin but you make me soo clear about this thanks alot!
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Dear Terry sir...

I'm already voted for your great @steemgigs witness... and I want inform to you...we always stay with @surpassinggoogle
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For true we are with him.
According to his post, he prefer to push things on his own but the issue of people not voting him as witness is because most people don't understand what it means and he rarely for help on any of his post.
More strength i wish you @surpassinggoogle
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Thanks @surpassinggoogle sir. I appreciate your struggle. I fully agree with you. Thanks for share important post.
Wish you avery happy and bright future.
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Yes you do not massively promote your witness voting but your selflessness and generosity motivate people to do that for you, in their little capacities though.
Now, that's what we're talking about. You place so much value on everyone, irrespective of their worth or reputation. That is a situation of non bias, and transparency. Keep doing what you do as we all strive to make the world a better place to live in.
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@surpassinggoogle @steemgigs @untalented..
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Thankyou for standing with us, we the minnors, you are one of sthe few voices we have. Preferring a minnow's witness-vote shows how far your willing to stand with the minnors, which promotes steemit widely. We have witnessed your endeavors in giving the minnors a platform. Steemgigs is for everyone one.. newbie, minnor, or whale. That doesn't matter to you at all. Especially now considering your heartfelt love to the developing countries.
Am sorry for your mum's loss. All of us want our achievements noticed by our moms mostly. May her soul rest in eternal peace. This alone must have been an inspiration in continuing the fight for the inferiors especially here on steemit.
Again thankyou @surpassinggoogle. Steemgigs uplifted some of us and it's still uplifting more minnors on the platform.
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may be the steem power with you Keep it up
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steemgigs witness is always helpful for minnnows and yur doing such a goood jobs for your nation that is why i like @surpassinggoogle and i also including in the beneficiaries of your upvote so sr i really inspired on your job god bless you and hope you will keep it up.
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this post is upvoted and resteem
our group of steemitdavao will support you sir.

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thanks for sharing information keep it up Have a nice day
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it will be a crime for us not to support you.
my people says that "good market sells itself"
@surpassinggoogle, you are good market and you are selling with your good works.
the inspiration and motivation you have given to minnows is really overwhelming.
fellow steemians, at this point @steemgigs ''MUST" be voted as witness.
keep the good work sir.
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Seems I didn't do it the right way. Let me go and revote. You deserve my vote.
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your writing is so helpful. it's learning content.
Thanks for being awesome. keep it up @surpassinggoogle
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You deserved our vote @steemgigs as our witness, we are always thankful to you sir @surpassingoogle for being so humble and sweet person... More power and stay healthy! Jah bless us all!!!
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This is a very nice one, you've been a source of motivating to me sir... Thanks for always being there
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Informative post about SteemGigs Witness. I dont use any witness . I dont know how to use it and how can i benefit with it . Your writing will be very helpful for us.
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I think I've said it all. Steemgigs since day one. More than a novel could ever express. One love!
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Congratulations @surpassinggoogle, this post is the ninth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 358 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $9300.72. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.
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nice post @surpassinggoogle..👍👍
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Ok. I should just say this here. I joined steemit January this year, and since then i've seen a lot of adverts on voting witnesses. I was never bothered to look it up because i was trying to understand the platform and my stand on it at the time. But now that i think of it, without any doubt whatsoever, i'm going to vote @steemgigs immediately. I can't think of a better option than @surpassinggoogle right now. I still don't know what this witness thing is all about, but i know i can trust you with whatever task involves individuals on or beyond steemit. You're a good man.
Also, i'd like to know how i can help publicize it too, and can i add steemgigs to my tags when i'm posting? Will that help?
With love from Nigeria.
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Wonderful face art ...Your words are always inspiring..I wish you and steemgigs more have done a lot for the community
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