People abusing #introduceyourself? There's nothing new in that 🤪
People tagging you left and right saying they voted you as their witness, when they actually don't, just hoping the witnesses they tagged would vote for them? What a brilliant trick 😉
But people who aren't witnesses yet using #witness-category and the articles have nothing to do with witnessing? It's on the rise, it seems! 🤣
I won't talk much of the blockchain-freeze, because tons of articles on that. Bad day for witnesses, the top 20 missed hundreds of blocks each. I feel for them.
I did not miss a block at all. Lucky me, yay 💃
There is a perk of being low rank witness, I guess 🤣 Your last confirmed block numbers and your last aslot are soooooo far that the blockchain halt did not affect you 😉
But when every witnesses needed to update their server, going through #witness-category to find an info or two, with so many articles published, abusers of the tag make the job doubled, in my opinion. Because we have to scroll down a lot, to find exact info that we need.
I actually found info on a witness channel for updating my server. But today as I browsed around #witness-category to read my fellow witnesses' updates, and learned abusers clogging the tag, it crossed my mind how I had to scroll a few abusers to get to the real updates * facepalm *, and a witness or two might have a hard time finding updates the other day, when the freeze happened, bummer.
Please people, if you aren't a witness, not blogging about witness subject, please try not to use #witness-updates #witness-category #witness
My server-update from 0.19.3 to 0.19.5 went smoothly. I was among the lucky ones I read. Quite a few witnesses had to do replay which require hours and hours of waiting and headache.
I am still working on my community bot, had a few bumps when the freeze happened. So I have to be patient a little more. I am testing it again today and tomorrow. Hopefully then it will be up for good 🤞🤞🤞🤞
There will be #thealliance meet-up, in Atlanta, Georgia, this coming August. Anyone can attend, not just members of #thealliance. If you are in the neighborhood, try to come and have some fun with your fellow Steemians! For more info, please contact @enginewitty
I am crossing fingers somehow I would meet some lovely faces as I will be about 5 H away from the meet-up 🤣
Thank you for the witness votes once again 😘😘😘😘
Please encourage others to vote witnesses (especially thekitchenfairy 🤣) because it is crucial for the life of Steem and Steemit. It doesn't cost you nothing to vote. It doesn't affect your VP and SP.

Hai teman!
Sedikit ngalor-ngidul akan perkembangan server witness-ku
Tempo hari Steemit mati total dikarenakan orang jahil yang berusaha "menjebol" duit di Steemit 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Orang tersebut isi wallet-nya padahal KOSONG, dan dia berusaha untuk menguangkan isi dompet dia. Sepertinya dia mau nge-tes, bisa ga menguangkan isi dompet meski kosong. Kalau bisa dan ga ketauan, lumayan kan 😂
Tindakan dia tersebut terdeteksi oleh sistemnya Steemit dan secara otomatis Steemit terhenti. Tak ada satu witness-pun yang bisa memproduksi block, jadi tak ada satu orang-pun yang bisa masuk ke Steemit 😅 Sayangnya yah, berapa duit yang ga bisa di hasilkan oleh kamu, aku, dan bahkan Steemit 🙄
Karena kenakalan ini, Steemit mengeluarkan perubahan di sistem, dimana kami para witness harus merubah server kami pula, agar Steemit bisa hidup kembali.
Seperti yang teman2 ketahui, kita memperbaharui komputer biasa saja bisa melakukan kesalahan/menciptakan eror, apalagi server rumit untuk website sebesar Steemit. Jadiiii, kasihan deh banyak para witness yang gagal memproduksi block, satu witness bisa ratusan block yang gagal di produksi kemarin. Coba cek foto dibawah, missed blocks, warna kuning. Gilaaaa ratusan (dan beberapa jadi mencapai ribuan).
Alhamdulillah server-ku ga kena imbasnya. Sudah ketir-ketir saja nih hati.
Server-ku juga berhasil diperbaharui dari sistem versi 19.3 (sebelum Steemit kejebol) menjadi sistem versi 19.5 (sistem terbaru), tanpa hambatan. Lancar banget. Asiiik 💃💃💃💃 Tinggal ganti kode, dan kembali mengudara. Sistemku TOP bgt deh 🙄😍😁😍😁
Hingga hari ini, masih banyak para witness yang belum kembali mengudara karena mereka mendapat sistem yang eror dalam berubah dari 19.3 ke 19.5
Oke deh segini dulu perkembangan witness-ku. Semoga ini bisa menjadi gambaran buat yang belum memberi vote ke witness, bahwa tanpa keberadaan saksi/witness, Steemit bisa mandek, tidak jalan. Jadi marilah jangan tidak memberi vote, agar kita semua tetap bisa eksis di Steemit.

12 Questions
A Steemit Witness
Fairy and Food
Love It or Shove It
10 Facts 1 Lie
Behind The Curtain
Team Australia | The Alliance |
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ya vote como testigo por ti. un abrazo
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Muchas gracias 💓
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Selamat ya, sukses selalu my witness
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Alhamdulillah, terimakasih bang untuk segala dukungannya 🤗
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Ngomong2 biar di vote sama witness nya mesti pake tag apa wk wk wk
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Sabar yah bang, kita beda waktunya 12-16 jam, jadi aku sering terlewat blog2 teman2, oleh karena itu aku dah berbulan2 ini ngutak ngatik bikin bot
Kemarin dah mau selesai, tapi steemit kena jebol, kode2 harus diganti lagi
Bagian atas blog, berbahasa Inggris, kucantumkan bahwa bot masih dalam tahap di tes
Ntar kalo bot dah bisa di padukan kode barunya dan tes dah berhasil lancar, pasti muncul vote otomatis ke blog2 teman 😊
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wow asyiiikkkk, ditunggu kebangkitan botnya mbak hehehehe
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pergunakan saja tag #nusantara mas, pasti di kunjungi
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ok mbak matur tengkyu inponya :D
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Ternyata horror juga yaa di steemit... Terimakasih infonya ibu witness @thekitchenfairy
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iya sama sama mb itak, bu witness lg sibuk masak, saya assistennya yg makili hehe
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senengane ngrusuhi rika, domehi sing duwe postingan kawus. ayuh balik kae bebeke durung di pakani.. nglayab bae...
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Parahh.. perasaan lengkap kayak peternakan
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om @sentanu74 itu kambingmu masuk pekarangan tetangga, tar bikin rusak pot tetangga lagi..
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Haha... Panggilin teman2 akrabnya itu @sensen13 Si banjo dan Cleverbot pasti itu uncle seneng
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hahahahaha BEST comment!
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hahahaha baru baca mas, sorry
asisten paling joss!
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Joss gandoss kotos2 yo mbak..
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haiyaaah hahaha
saman kok rung turu?
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Iki ngetik yo tak sambi ngimpi kok mbak. Ngimpi selfi kro wedusku babaran kembar pitu 😰
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@dwiitavita aku gak ikut rombongan @sentanu74 lho... hheehe
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Haassh... Saya sudah cukup akrab dengan tingkah polah bumenian rhapsody
Ngerjain orang aja kompak... Saya ngarepin juga kompak kirim esbede buat saiyah 😬😬
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Yes, relevant tags are important, but in this case even more so. Glad the update went smooth for you, and that you didn't miss any blocks. Thanks for writing a witness update for us! :)
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Hey check out @jackmiller, he has an account specifically for witnesses that filters out the nonsense.😉
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I know that blog. He added me there. I just forgot 🤣🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the reminder!
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howdy @thekitchenfairy! thanks for the important update, I'm voting witness for you and really am!
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Am i the only one who's very basic at Steemit and doesn't know what being witness is ? lol
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no alot of people aren't real clear on that. to be safe I'd google it!
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Alot of new things are here which are making it tough for me. hopefully with time il get to know these all
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howdy again @hananali! well it is a GIGANTIC learning curve here on Steemit so don't let that frustrate you, it takes everyone a lot of time to even learn the basics. But if you read everyone's posts that you enjoy and can comment on and you do that, then after a week or two people will start going to your blog to read and upvote your posts and you will start to build relationships.
If you have a specialty then you can go click on those topics in the list of tags and find blogs which are in line with your interests. Do you like history or the American Old West and Cowboys? I'm doing a series right now on that, just as an example. When you put out good posts and people see you in their posts commenting everyday then they'll remember you and you'll start to get traction.
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