steemgg v1.1.0 is out
- YES, this offical release is based on the changes of steemgg open source development update - 2018.8.18
- Enhancement Includes front page improvement, increasing the size limitation of the uploading zip, header/footer optimisation, IPFS optimisation, and posting template upgrade, etc.
- New features includes deleting games by game owner, iframe parameters, and API of claim rewards, etc.
- Bug fixing includes fixing decimal precision of earnings, showing user's avatar, and fix packing zip at different level of root folder, etc.
Steemgg x Steemmonsters Game Jam is starting
- Steemgg x Steemmonsters Game Jam is starting soon!
- Calling all game devs, the Steemmonster Game Jam is starting today August 25th at 7:00 AM EST to August 30th at 5:00 PM EST! Come and join this fun and unique game jam and have a chance to win over $1000 prizes.
- Submit the same game onto Steemgg within 1 week of submitting on You will need a steemit username to log in. You can register a steemit user name by signing up on
- Make sure your game is less than 20MB and have your steemit username displayed somewhere in your game
- Put Steemmonsters in your tag when you submit your game
- Come and find us on Discord if you need any help during the Game Jam! We look forward to seeing your game on our platform soon!
[boblog] How to test steemgg
- I wrote a blog about how to test steemgg
- In this blog I presented what tests are introduced at different levels of steemgg project, including code level/api level/ui level, and code changing process/dev & testing process.
- Testing is important, QA is important.