Witness Update | DhakaWitness | December

in witness •  2 months ago  (edited)

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Witness Update

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported and voted for Dhaka Witness. It is a tremendous honour to be ranked among the top 20 Steem witnesses, currently holding the 12th position. Your continued trust and support mean everything to us, and this milestone wouldn’t have been possible without your belief in our efforts.

Node Status Update

We’re delighted to announce that all our Steem nodes are fully operational and performing optimally. Below is a list of the nodes we are currently providing:

  1. Witness Node: @dhaka.witness
  2. Seed Node: seed.dhakawitness.com:2001
  3. RPC Node (API): https://api.dhakawitness.com/

SteemStats: Multifunctional Discord Bot UPDATE


SteemStats has currently 12 slash commands that are fully operational and we are working on adding new command features in an upcoming update. Supported Slash commands:

  1. /accountinfoGet the account info by Steem ID.
  2. /cryptoGet detailed information about a specified cryptocurrency.
  3. /check-transfersCheck transfers for a given Steem ID. (DM)
  4. /steemstatsGet the current Steem market stats.
  5. /account-rankingView the Steem Account Ranking on the Steem Blockchain based on various metrics.
  6. /powerdown-listGet the active powerdown list of Steem Blockchain.
  7. /power-holdersGet the most Steem Power-owned accounts list of Steem Blockchain.
  8. /newaccountsGet the number of new Steem accounts created in the last 24 hours.
  9. /vestingstatsGet detailed statistics of vesting accounts with SP conversion.
  10. /check-memoCheck transfers for a given Memo ID. (DM)
  11. /chainstatsGet the current chain stats.
  12. Ticker tag SteemStats with any crypto to get price updates on any currencies!

Commands will be available after the next update:

  1. /check-seed-nodesCheck the status and availability of the seed nodes on the Steem blockchain.
  2. /pingTest the bot's responsiveness and check the latency between the bot and the server.
  3. /helpGet a list of available commands and their descriptions for the bot.
  4. /aboutLearn more about the bot, its purpose, and its functionality.

Thank you once again for your unwavering support and confidence in us. Together, we have achieved this significant milestone and look forward to continuing this journey with you. Let’s keep striving for success together.

Best Regards,
Dhaka Witness Team

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