Witness Server Upgraded to Steem v0.20.11 (MIRA)

in witness •  5 years ago 

( A screencap from steemdb.com showing my witness stats )

Glad to announce that my witness server is back up and running the new steemd v0.20.11 featuring the MIRA upgrade.. Which from what I can tell is a MASSIVE upgrade from the previous steemd v0.20.10 that was running on my witness server.. Previously the server was using nearly all of it's 64GB of RAM however upon inspection via htop it looks like it's only using a little under 6GB of RAM.. Which is fuckin' insane given the dramatic reduction of RAM usage as well as CPU usage.. Rather than having 1 CPU thread pegged at 100% it now seems to be using far less CPU and about 10x less RAM. A screencap of htop below showing box usage:


The replay time on a medium spec dedicated server was quite long, however after seeing how low the RAM usage and CPU usage is I'd say it is most likely worth it. With the lower RAM usage I'd say it's much more affordable to run multiple servers as backups rather than only a few. Haven't tested it on a lower spec dedicated box yet but that will be my next experiment when funds become available.

All and all I highly suggest the new code>steemd v0.20.11 even if the compile and replay is a bit of a pain in the ass. Be patient with it and it will eventually work out. Replay is long but worth it.


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Witness Server Hosted Via Privex.io

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Good to have you back and in the exclusive v0.20.11 club - I’m running the non Mira version because it was taking literally forever to replay on my sadly underpowered backup server. I’m going to tag @enginewitty in on this comment because I know he is a keen supporter of yours and was concerned you had been offline so long.

Respect for running the latest version of Steemd, it does constantly concern me we have Witnesses producing blocks on seriously outdated versions - producing blocks on v0.20.5 can’t be doing anything for platform stability!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for the reply man..!

yeah, v0.20.11 took literally for fuckin' ever to get replayed but now that it is in fact done.. HUGE IMPROVEMENT.

Thanks for tagging enginewitty, I'd saw that they pulled their witness support but wasn't going to make a large deal out of it.. The replay took way longer than expected but I'm up and running once again. w00t!

As for the folks that haven't upgraded.. Although it's a pain in the ass just goes to show how committed they are I guess..

Have a good one!

Glad you back up and running. Still have a slot to re-add you😉 I'm still up in the air as to whether it's worth even doing since HF21 is on its way in. Thanks for tagging me @c0ff33a, I'm about 4 days behind on comments😋

Posted using Partiko Android

I actually accidentally built v0.21.0 a few times trying to get the MIRA version going.. XD

Thanks for re-supporting my witness campaign. Really appreciated!

DUDE! that's awesome. Wow! nice saving on the RAM - that's insane! Witness vote back on!

Honestly had to check with another witness that is running MIRA to make sure this was proper.. Turns out it is..!

Even a Full RPC Node uses only 6GB RAM now.. FRICKIN' NUTS!

Sweet. Is there a change in drive space as well? Uses more or less?

From what I can tell the SSD usage is about the same.. No huge spikes in disk input / output eitehr from what I can tell after the replay is done.. MIRA is frickin' Awesome!