WITNESS MOVERS & PERFORMERS! The Biggest Changes In The Productivity of Steem Witnesses During The First Half of 2018!

in witness •  7 years ago  (edited)

Which Steem Witnesses have been making the biggest waves in the Steem Ocean so far in 2018? Some have come and gone from the top 20 positions.. Some newcomers are moving up fast - Let's take a look!


I have split the list of witnesses into three bands:

  • Produced over 20,000 blocks in any 1 month in Q1 and Q2 of 2018.
  • Produced blocks within the range of 500 to 20,000 per month in Q1 and Q2 of 2018.
  • Produced between 0 and 500 blocks in any 1 month in Q1 and Q2 of 2018.

I then removed all the witnesses from those bands who did not change their overall production levels much between January and June 2018.

This left only those witnesses who have significantly increased or decreased their production levels during the period.

Note: All data presented here has been taken from the witness pages provided by @drakos here. I did notice that some data appears to be inaccurate, such as @jerrybanfield being listed as creating blocks when inactive... But it's the best data I have for this research and analysis currently, so I'm going with it! ;)

Band 1 - Top Level - Producing More than 20,000 Blocks Per Month

steem witness 6 month graph - q1-q2 2018 - above 20000 blocks

@jerrybanfield came and went!
@riverhead all but disappeared and is now making a comeback.
@pfunk dropped a bit but is recovering.
@thecryptodrive showed some solid performance and growth too.
@furion dropped to almost nothing from his former glory!

witness 6 month data - q1-q2 2018 - above 20000 blocks

Band 2 - Mid Level - Producing Between 500 & 20,000 Blocks Per Month

steem witness 6 month graph - q1-q2 2018 - 500 - 20000 blocks

@charlieshrem dropped down by around half.
@joseph dropped significantly.
@adsactly-witness rose fairly consistently. @rival grew from almost nothing to a decent size.
@fryst-witness lost some ground but still holds plenty.
@ocd-witness also grew well from small to medium sized!
@arcange had smaller but consistent growth.
@klye lost a bit of ground.
@prc grew at a nice rate.
@blockbrothers virtually doubled in production.
@wackou ceased production!
@patrice had steady growth.
@therealwolf gew quickly from nothing to a decent size.
@busy.witness took a big hit and dropped to around 1/3 his former production level.

witness 6 month data - q1-q2 2018 - 500 - 20000 blocks

Band 3 - Lower Level - Producing Between 0 & 500 Blocks Per Month

steem witness 6 month graph - q1-q2 2018 - below 500 blocks

@jacor-witness took some good ground, starting from nothing.
@b0y2k gained and lost but ended up doing ok.
@block-buster lost a lot of production along the way.
@stoodkev has had a strong start
@blackwidow had a strong start in a short period.
@yuriks2000 also had a strong start.
@guiltyparties made solid growth.
@emrebeyler grew well from nothing.
@jackmiller had great growth over a short period.
@firepower also had even greater growth.
@noisy.witness was another who had rapid growth.
@justyy too had good, quick growth.
@mahdiyari tripled his production.
@qurator grew from nothing quite well.
@ura-soul (yours truly) had a solid growth curve all the way.

witness 6 month data - q1-q2 2018 - below 500 blocks

Here's to a productive second half of the year!

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A fascinating insight into our most productive Witnesses, it is very interesting to see the consistency from some of our biggest block producers.

#thealliance #witness

Definitely some interesting and useful information there! Thanks for compiling it and sharing with the community.
Also it looks like you made one small mistake? You mentioned noisy.witness twice. I'm guessing you meant to put someone else there? Cause the info you gave for each one was a lil different. Anyways.. Just thought I'd mention it so you can fix it if it was indeed a mistake. Cheers!

You are welcome! Ah, thanks - yes, good eye - I have corrected that now ;)

You're welcome as well. Happy to help! :)

maybe @steemcommunity will make it to your next analysis. Nice work, interesting data. thanks for sharing

You are welcome! I didn't include steemcommunity as it's final level was under 150 - which was my arbitrary cutoff to prevent the graph becoming even more unreadable! Maybe next time it will be in there, yes!

With a bit of formatting you should be submitting this sort of thing to utopian dude 😊 Nice work!

Thanks... but I'm not sure what project it belongs to.. Steem?

I did skimp on the formatting because sadly the graphs actually took a long time because I only realised my original versions of them had flaws at the last minute ;)

Steem, yes.

And the formatting comment was with regard to aligning it with utopian, not any skimping you've done here - looks good to me!

interesting visualizations. Fun to look at
Thanks. some meteoric rises and falls.
I'd be interested to hear the stories behind some of them like furion

Yes, me too - I don't know all of them. I'm not sure I'll have time to investigate it all deeply, but maybe at some point I will.

@ura-soul wouldn't have been the same without you mentioning yourself. Glad am seeing solid growth for you. Am yet to vote by the way, but am sure you can guess one person that has my vote...

Oh, thankyou for your support! :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is value information and make proof of brain seems true. Thanks!