The Same but Different

in witnesses •  5 years ago  (edited)

Things have changed since my last mic drop on our consensus witnesses.. Though, I'm still not sure which witnesses I can trust after causing such a stink over Justin doing the same exact thing our former anonymous lord of the chain freedom has always done. (maybe their back in the saddle)?

Save the difference we know who Justin is and we don't know freedom or the details of why his witnesses are fine with one central figure over another. One can assume freedom allows them a bit of revenue for staying in line.. I think we should all demand to know who freedom is for once and for all..

The whole argument that stinc funds were allocated for the development and decentralising aspects of steem is a moot point.

Look around 😂 no substantially beneficial developments, no decentralization, no value, no decent mobile app, no nothing really in 4 years except two exit scams and a team of resignations that couldn't see the writing on the wall..

Seriously ask yourselves why it's OK for freedom to create a hand selected board but nobody else? It's beyond sheisty and now the world is watching..

Keeping barking up the dumbass tree of taking legal action though SMH..

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I find your opinions and comments strange most of the time, but this post is spot on.
That's why I don't vote for witnesses. They're not community witnesses and the whole decentralization talk is BS.
I want to know who the fuck is freedom first.

I'm glad to know that's our common ground.. It's a solid starting point.. I was as shocked to see your upvote as you were to give it I imagine...

It's just enough other posts to upvote at the moment ;)

I assume you mean not enough other posts haha.. Either way, if some find my posts strange and others tell me I create the best posts they have ever seen on this low bar platform I'm assured I'm doing it right 😂

I guess I just dislike commie more than I dislike them

Posted using Partiko iOS

I can certainly appreciate that perspective.. I'd like to believe some of the witnesses do have the best intentions for the ecosystem.. For many of them I can say familiarity breeds contempt and a less than stellar history is difficult to look beyond..

After Justin's last post I can see he is pretty awful and while I don't like him all I know is I definitely don't want to fuck him 😂

He should lay off the blow n booze I think

I see your point, after yesterday, I’m pretty sure Justin runs his business the commie way with a commie style ego. And there are always commie sheep following his narratives. Almost 20 years living in China tells me this is a fucking no go. I’m so dang glad I left.

Glad you got out too!

I think this is gonna be a big shake up on steem, once the present debacle has been settled.

Can I get some fries with that shake!

....not sure, but I bet there's popcorn!

Yall can fight all you want to I'm just here for the free shitcoins! Kinda feel for those who don't care about this shit and they've been pulled in to take sides, change sides and all that. Yes, I get DYOR but so very little is fact and all is narrative, it turned into a screaming match.

If anything if you're asking Justin not to vote with his stake, witness altering level stakeholders should also not be voting and diluting so no one has a say to the top 20, but hey what do I know? If you get rid of all the guns do you really stop the violence? Tough question

Mines bigger

What a huge kindergarten this is, finger pointing, insulting with an only others have to do this or that but not me continues tiring more and more of us... Ha, but what do I know! The ego-selfish-egos of conditioned minds strike again! Why can it not be like in real life, oh, it actually is... ha

It's definitely a microcosm and that's why we cant have nice things.. I actually own n operate a kindergarten and the kids have more integrity than the swinging dicks here.

I believe you for sure... just was thinking about the song "Kinder and die Macht" (Children Into Power) from Herbert Grönemeyer where he sings: "Give the commando to the children..."! That would definitely be more honest, brut but honest!

At this point, I guess you just have to select the lesser evil.

I actually think 99% of the witnesses do what they do for the sake of Steem but then again the means are debatable. What Justin Sun does, well, he said it himself too, he is here to make money because he is a businessman and that's his primary goal.

And although it is impossible for me to go against any of the witnesses alone, in a bigger group it's easier to oppose any of the witnesses than JS. Not that I disagree that much with the witnesses anyway when thinking about the bigger picture, but just saying.

Democratic processes are always about choosing between the lesser of two evils is think 🤔...

And now the thing is that we don't even get to choose.

I think we should all demand to know who freedom is for once and for all..

Well my dear friend. I already confessed since Jan 20 2019 that the @freedom account is just one more of my own Alt accounts in the steem blockchain. But apparently nobody believed me!! Well, mystery solved. };)

I'm freedom!!

We both surely are!