RE: The Rise of Women's Basketball: The Caitlin Clark Effect

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The Rise of Women's Basketball: The Caitlin Clark Effect

in wnba •  9 months ago 

I hear you. And you make some salient points. I truly appreciate your response. TY. It was well reasoned, responsible, and necessary to the discussion. However, you can critique her game. They did it with the Pistol when he entered the NBA. Let me say this, I openly root for Clark. I wanted her to win the title in 2023. Do i think she will succeed in the WNBA? No question. Is she the greatest of all time? Hardly. She's not even the best White female player that I have seen. But none of them have attracted the fanfare nor captured the public attention / imagination like she has. And so far, she has justified the attention.

Are there some (many) who are jealous? Of course, without question. Are there some who it is simply a matter of professional pride (IOW, CC has to show and prove before she earns there respect? Of course. As far as the gay element. It is a well known and established fact that straight girls get bullied in this league. I also happen to know someone who played in the WNBA. She is straight. She got bullied. She left the league prematurely. The WNBA, just like the NBA is more about pushing Marxist, globalist agendas. The game itself has become secondary to the narratives.

Let's not forget the whole Brittany Griner debacle. The one where she was arrested in Russia for drugs. We then had a POTUS who wrote crime bills for such actions, be the one who released her. Do you see the mockery? Then he released her for a terrorist called the Merchant of Death while leaving a Marine captive. They were mocking both Blacks and Whites. But that is a separate topic all its own.

There is a Hegelian dynamic at play. Please look at my previous post regarding Understanding PSYOPS. The notion that "Blacks cannot be racist" is patently false. I am Black for the record. I don't doubt that some of the pushback on CC is because she is White. However, the pushback that I have heard, I cannot catagorize it as such. I will do a better job of listening and researching. But again, I have no doubt that a portion of that is fact.

Most of the pushback I have heard came from White players (all whom were gay btw). But let me end this by saying that we are being played on both sides. There is a much bigger agenda at work.

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wonderful response and well put. I look forward to you talking more about this.