Some perverts pretend to be trans to game the system.

in woke •  last year 


But sometimes people take this claim out of context and assume that what I mean by that is that all trans people are like this. That is not what I'm saying. But the interpretation can be misconstrued as me being bigoted.

This is the kind of full on woke position that is rampant nowadays. That whatever a person says, that he or she is is what he or she is and you can't question it.

But that isn't what this about. Again, it's about the few who are taking advantage of the gender identity system to do horrible and repugnant things.

I have evidence to support this claim.

We needn't look much further than Jessica Yaniv; but, the fact that the dude who whipped out his dick in a women's and girl's spa in California claimed to be a trans-woman and was later charged with indecent exposure because authorities found that he had done this several times before and was just trying to use a loophole in the law to justify exposing himself to young girls should tell you that the, "If he says she's a she, you have to believe it." narrative had some chinks in the armor.

We all lie in certain contexts; but, I have not, and will not lie about what I believe in. I also won't take anybody publicly out of context to damage his or her reputation.

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