This is a bullshit meme that is merely an attempt at stopping any critique of wokeness. It's a way of trying to prevent legitimate discussion. Wokeness is more than a call to politeness, however much some people try to pretend that's all it is.
Wokeness has some major problems. It centers blackness over other people of color. It claims racism as the only foundational principle of America. It claims slavery as THE foundational sin, glossing over the genocide of Native Americans.
It is anti-semitic and downplays the genocide of Jews because they were just killed by "fellow whites." It accuses all white people of being irredeemably and unchangeably racist. It attributes all social problems to white supremacy. It obstructs the educational opportunities of Asian Americans. It even claims that basic concepts like objectivity and factfulness are white supremacist ideas (inadvertently demeaning all people of color).
And it demands utter and complete conformity, so that nobody is safe from woke mobs. Even the woke themselves, if they make a slip, can be permanently condemned. Wokeness does not believe in redemption, but only damnation.