So Ivan Provorov wouldn't wear a Pride jersey due to his religious beliefs.
I wouldn't either--Pride won't allow folks to wear my people's flag at their events (they don't allow Jewish stars because their official stance is pro-Palestine) so I won't wear theirs.
Of course woke folks are SCREAMING for this man to be punished. The Left's fight against fascism apparently now includes dire consequences for not wearing the clothing they demand.
College educated people actually fail to recognize this irony.
It's remarkable.
This is like chastising George Washington for not bowing to King George in 1784.
This pride nonsense has gone way too far.
Compelling people to go through rituals is not “inclusive,” but rather coercive. It’s like forcing gay people to live with a beard…
Moreover, it’s eroding the hard won respect that gays have earned over the years.