Wokeism is more than an over-correction, it's ethically reprehensible.

in wokeism •  4 years ago 


The fact that this is controversial is the reason why it needs to be said.

I don't think that we need to complicate the ethics of human sexuality that much.

Don't sexualize kids.

Don't concern yourself with what people do in their bedrooms so long as everything is happening between consenting adults.

You have a right to not have sex with anybody for any reason.

Your attitude when somebody doesn't want to have sex with you shouldn't be to insist that that person be deprogrammed or conditioned to want to have sex with you.

No controversy so far? At least I hope that there's no controversy so far.

Only, there is.

If somebody were to criticize the movie My Girl, which depicts a friendship between a young boy and a young girl, and say that it missed an opportunity to explore the sexuality of the two kids, people would rightly have become irate. Well, right now, people are upset that the movie Luca depicts a friendship between two prepubescent boys that didn't become romantic or sexual. People are publically trying to argue that Luca has similarities to Call Me By Your Name which depicted a lot of sex between two male adults.

If your four year-old boy wants to dress up as a girl during play time; that's fine. I wanted to dress up like a girl during play time. Don't parade your four year-old around and announce for him that he's really a girl. No, your four year-old isn't trans. Your four year-old is a fucking four year-old. Let your kid grow up a little bit first. But, the movie Transhood wants us to celebrate this behavior.

No, I'm not a bigot if I don't want to have sex with somebody who has a penis. Gay men aren't bigots for not wanting to have sex with women. Lesbians don't need to be taught to want to have sex men. I don't need to be taught to want to have sex with anybody. This isn't hard.

Let kids be kids and don't foist your wokeness on them. Let people be who they want to be so long as they're not hurting anybody. Don't psychologically torture people in order to try to make them find you attractive.

Yes, there's a lot of stuff that we need to fix. That doesn't mean that we need to replace pray the gay away camps with pressure to force people in the other direction.

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