CNN - The Most Trusted Name in ... WAR?
In a ZeroHedge article, titled:
Yemen War Great For US Jobs:
Watch CNN's Wolf Blitzer Proclaim Civilian Deaths Are Worth It
...the article seems to say that Wolf Blitzer is all for "a proposed $1.1 billion US arms sale to Saudi Arabia by arguing that slaughter of Yemeni civilians was worth it so long as it benefits US jobs and defense contractors."
and comparing what Blitzer said to Madeleine Albright's "infamous words during a 1996 60 Minutes appearance where she calmly and coldly proclaimed of 500,000 dead Iraqi children that "the price is worth it."
This might make you wonder if CNN is more of a political tool, rather than a legitimate reporting and news organization.
In fact, with all the TRUMP-BASHING FAKE NEWS & BULLSHIT, CNN has probably lost all credibility with most truly-informed, intelligent American citizens.
Sometimes, the comments by ZeroHedge readers (or Tweets displayed) reveal what Americans are really thinking and wondering, such as this one...
You can watch the video and read the whole article here: