Why would I choose for reusable lady pads?

in woman •  6 years ago  (edited)

Why opt for washable female hygiene?

Do you know how important the female sex organ is?

How sensitive this holy center of your woman body is?

Menstruation is not only a burden, it's a way to "let go" and transfer processes in your beeing. Let go of what no longer serves you ... The time shortly before your period is an organic way of the body to release from deeper uncertainties and unresolved pains. You will normally have noticed that not every month your menstruation is the same, some times your period is more severe, you suffer more from emotional moods, you feel more unbalanced as other months.

Most women do not know that their menstruation is not only influenced by the moon phase (full moon gives more emotional changes, binge eating, but also heavier bleeding) but also by chemical inputs. Your body is a machine that knows perfectly how to work and during menstruation it tries to cleanse itself of all uncleanness, not only from the old blood but also from all the chemicals stored in your organs ... Every chemical input in our body .. . also through food and fabrics with which we come into daily contact ... pile up in this center! The consequences are insurmountable and many physical ailments that are referred to as "old age" or "normal" are simply the result of pollution in our body.

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Some of these symptoms such as "bloating", "painful breasts" ... weight gain ... are often known to the use of the anti-conception pill but appear in biochemical measurements, only to go on storage of chemicals in our lymph system! Now, the anti-conception pill is of chemical composition so obviously causes similar symptoms ... In addition, as a woman, avoid all added hormone triggers or nutrients that contain hormones and so do not use sanitary towels or tampons because they contain chemical pesticides and bleaching agents that are the center of damaging your inner woman so that you can become temporarily infertile! (you can laugh at this but I've had to experience this yourself = 15 years of being infertile and can not find any reason until this is what happened in researches! So do not let yourself be fooled!)

That is why I am (as a homeopath) lover of MACA * and preferably daily for the rest of your life! This superfood restores the hormone balance in the female body so that your body also purifies itself from this center by using it ... but also a big supporter of washable organic sanitary towels!

It takes some getting used to using a washable lunar band but it is worth it! No more chance of white loss, candida infections, itching or other locally difficult situations (because these are usually caused by dysfunction in the local hormone balance / acidity)! Bio-cotton lunar pads are soft and very useful and provided you first wash them by hand with cold water, lemon, natural vinegar and or bicarbonate * you can keep them very clean!

Now there are a lot of alternatives on the market, such as bio-tampons and silicone cups ... Now, with some logical reason, I ask you to judge for yourself whether these are a good alternative. Tampons are a direct attack on our inner balance, the silicone cups all the way ... Silicone remains terribly harmful to our physical system in many ways, silicone is a petroleum derivative and has a huge impact on the liver and bile! When one meets alternatives ... then try to stand still with logic ...

You can regularly strip your bandages in the sun in a natural way! It is time that as a woman you begin to understand how important the core of your being is and that no one, even the pharmacy or governments, have the right to decide how healthy and or fruitful your inner being may be! In addition, we do not even talk about our reduced footprint on our world. So when you don't use the bandages for your own comfort there is still the comfort from the earth that counts. If we learn this way and pass on our daughters, our environmental imprint has already been reduced considerably within a few generations!

  • Do not use bicarbonate with charcole (coconut) sanitary napkins

I wish you good luck ... questions are always welcome :-) cheers on a healthier inner woman!

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