How to Really talk to a Woman

in woman •  8 years ago  (edited)

If men want to really know how to talk to woman they need to ask a man that is around a lot of woman on a daily basis to find out real answers. I have a business that sells woman products from clothing, to purses, to woman accessories. I deal with woman 6 to 8 hrs almost every day of the week. Woman of all ages I see on a daily basis. Some come see me happy, angry, sad, nervous, energetic, or even drunk or on drugs. And they come back day after day because one reason, they love me. Men tell me they can't deal with just one woman. Here are my secrets to deal with all woman. The main reason a man can't deal with a woman is because he doesn't understand the fact each woman is completely different from one another. They are very unique, with different personalities, but they all pay very close attention to detail.

The first thing that a man has to do and this sounds crazy but be honest with woman. I promise it goes a long way. If a woman asks a man a question, answer it honestly. I promise it will put you ahead of 90% of men because most are taught to lie to woman. Honesty doesn't mean to go over the line and be rude either. A good example is a woman asks me how a outfit looks on her. If it doesn't look nice I don't say that is ugly. I tell them I don't like how it looks because it doesn't fit their body properly, but I explain how another style will look pretty and show how it brings out their best qualities. If i lie and it looks terrible on them they will go out and people might laugh or make a rude remark. But if it looks pretty and they get a ton of compliments they will come back and buy more items from me. When a woman trusts you it brings a connection between the both of you. If you break that trust, they will never look at you the same again. So answer honestly especially if they are into you. Don't give advice if the don't ask for it, but if they do answer honestly because they probably want to be more attractive for you.

The next thing you have to be very careful with is your tone. When you speak to a woman don't speak in a loud obnoxious tone. If they say why aren't you here yet, don't be rude and say in a loud voice "CAUSE I AM STUCK IN TRAFFIC" Soon as your tone has offended them it is going to be long night for you. They will not let it slide and give you an extremely hard time. When I am frustrated I just say " Because I am stuck in traffic beauty" I say it in a nice smooth flowing voice. And at the end notice I say beauty. I give them a compliment for being patient with me. I am being honest, but at the same time my tone is not going to offend them. Sometimes we do speak loud because we are men. And we really don't mean to. It might be because that is how we speak or just having a rough day. But as soon as we see the woman is offended it is time to park our pride and apologize. Explain honestly you had a long day and you don't mean to take it out on them. Doing this will put you ahead of most men into a woman's heart.

The one thing men always forget to tell a woman is how much he appreciates her. I know a lot of woman that work all day and come home late and cook dinner for their man and they tell me he never says thank you. I assure them that he does appreciate it, but they tell me they wish he would say that he appreciates them once in awhile. Woman want to feel appreciated. I constantly tell woman I appreciate them every day. And they love it. If they open a door for me, if they bring me food, if they even just call me to see how I am doing, or just buy something at my store. I tell them i appreciate it. And it makes them happy. Since I am the one saying I appreciate it they want to do more things for me. And I think they don't understand men do appreciate the things they do they just don't think about saying it. So say it sometimes. It puts you ahead of the men that don't. The next time a woman even opens a car door for you just say " I appreciate it sexy, beauty, sweetie ty" Say it in a honest sincere voice and pick a word she would like.

Some woman like to be called sexy, some beauty, some sweetie. Make sure it something they liked to be called. When you men are dealing with woman make sure that it fits the kind of person they want to be. It doesn't mean we lie. We treat them the way they want to be treated. Some woman like a guy to be rude and to be trolled. Some woman want a man to be a true gentlemen in every way, some woman want a guy to be tough an take charge. Some like to take charge. Whatever way they want you to treat them then treat them that way. If you find some things offend them then stop doing it. It is kind of like going fishing. Unless you put the right bait on the hook the fish wont be biting. Just make sure not to lie if they want a honest answer.

Woman pay close attention to detail. So you want to pay close attention to detail about them. Maybe they worked really hard on their hair, makeup, or even on a outfit. The first thing you must do is compliment them on it so they know you notice it before other men do. I even told a woman at a club when I walked by I liked her nails. She was talking to 2 other guys and quickly turned away and gave me her undivided attention. She was impressed because she had them done that day and said I was the first to notice. So always pay close attention to something they did and compliment them on it.

The last thing that is the most important of all, to get that woman you want is to be a good listener. Stop talking like you know it all and speaking over them. Always let them finish what they have to say and remember the most important things they are telling you. If they tell you their birthday it sounds crazy, but write it down. If they tell you their favorite flower, write it down. Over time they will tell you everything about them. The more you can remember over another guy, makes you a lot more special. It shows that you care and are a good listener. When they are upset instead of arguing try to understand. And let them know your trying to understand them so you can connect with them to build better chemistry.

If you can follow all of these things I promise you won't have any problems getting a woman's attention focused on you. It does take a woman time to trust you. You have to be patient with woman. They at times can be all over the place, but if you wait patiently they will take notice and if they do give you a chance make sure you follow everything I said and you will do just fine. Men think being honest with woman is wrong, but from my personal experience with woman being honest is what builds that bond or solid chemistry that breaks the ice to a woman's heart.

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