It is an incredible case that is currently causing a stir in Spain. According to media reports, a girl who was only twelve years old gave birth to a healthy boy in the northern Spanish region of Cantabria. The family had not noticed anything about the pregnancy until the beginning of labor, reported the newspaper "El País" and numerous other media on Friday, citing the authorities.
Girl (12) gives birth to boys
The social welfare office, which looked after the family, had emphasized that nothing had indicated that the twelve-year-old was pregnant. Nobody noticed anything at school either. While the girl suddenly went into labor pains at home on Sunday, the girl's mother quickly alerted an ambulance. When the paramedics arrived, the child had already been born and all they had to do was cut the umbilical cord and take the young mother and her baby to a hospital. Both are well.
Father is 17 year old family member
The family, whose residence and identity are kept secret, now want to give up the child for adoption. The father is a 17-year-old from the family. The public prosecutor's office has announced an investigation into whether the pregnancy was the result of sexual aggression.
This is not the first shocking case of its kind. In Argentina, a 12-year-old woman gave birth to her rapist's twins because she was banned from having an abortion.