Hopefully we do not waste energy on battles that are not worth it.
Hopefully we are more cautious when judging the actions of others. The realities of all are not the same, the circumstances of all are not ours. Morality is as relative as life itself. Just empathize.
Hopefully we will not fight to be equal, because that which makes us different makes us special.
I hope we look at the world with the eyes of good mothers. Although we are not and we do not want to be. Able so we learn to put ourselves in the shoes of others, for the simple fact that that could be your son.
I hope we are the ones who admire the grace of our fellow men, regardless of the size of their hips or the height of their heels.
Hopefully we are not so demanding with us, or with our surroundings. Superheroes, only in the movies.
I hope we do not lose sensitivity in the desire to demonstrate character.
I hope there are more Pap smears and mammograms and fewer plastic surgeries.
Hopefully we understand that wrinkles tell stories.
Hopefully, wanting to look good is not superfluous or that being slovenly represents neglect.
Hopefully we understand that it is better to have a heart, than eggs.
I hope that showing the legs is not tormenting and not showing them, of a repressed little nun.
Hopefully we raise our voices to any act of injustice, including those that have women as architects of the act.
I hope we understand that being female is not a bad word and that sometimes crying like a girl is relieving.
Hopefully we will create respectful men and girls who will respect and be respected.
Hopefully we will stop with princesses vs fridas Khalos and we will take the good out of each one. We all have good things and bad things. All.
I hope that setting the table is not an offense, or changing a tire an admirable skill.
Hopefully we are the ones who defend ourselves and not those who insult us for free.
I hope we take care of this cynical world, full of people who do evil. I hope that being cautious is not being cagona and that being bold does not cost us more than necessary.
I hope that in this shake of feminine empowerment, that they look at us in the face and not at the tits, it is not the only battle won.
Happy day to all. To those who were born and to those who chose to be. Happy day!
Autor: Flor the Flower