When it comes to the beauty and cleanliness of women, it is a routine that varies by every woman and her way of caring for her beauty and cleanliness, but there are some routine habits that destroy women instead of taking care of them. Most women will be surprised when they know that the symptoms and health and psychological problems they have experienced or been exposed to for months or even years are due to their hormonal imbalance. They can do much to help themselves. So it is important for women to know as much as possible about the importance of hormones In their bodies.
Although the average life expectancy among women in most countries of the world is higher than that of men, there are a number of health and social factors that together contribute to the reduction of their quality of life. Inequality in access to information, care services and basic health services increases their health risks.
Women's health includes health issues linked to human females. Often related to biological structures such as female genitalia and breast or symptoms caused by female sex hormones. Women's health issues include menstruation, contraception, maternal and child health, childbirth, menopause and breast cancer. It may also include medical conditions facing women with problems not directly related to biology, for example, gender disparity in access to medical treatment.
A recent scientific study found that women who look at the bright side of life are less likely to have many deadly diseases. A US study said the combination of smoking marijuana and tobacco during pregnancy may pose greater health risks than cigarettes alone, NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The combination of smoking marijuana and tobacco during pregnancy may pose greater health risks than cigarette risk alone, a new study suggests. Women who quit menopause before age 45 are more likely to have heart problems and risk A recent Brazilian study suggests that menopause symptoms such as night sweats and hot flashes may be heavier among obese women compared with less weight. On the other hand, a small study suggests that stretching or stretching for 10 minutes a day may help. Relieve symptoms of menopause and depression in
In addition, early menopause and sleep disorders may accelerate women's aging, according to a recent study by a US study. Women may be at greater risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke during the years before menopause, and not later , A recent US study showed that older women are not usually tested for osteoporosis after they have a broken hip, a test that reveals if they need treatment to help prevent further fractures.
Optimistic women are less likely to have fatal illnesses
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Women who look to the bright side of life are less likely to have many deadly diseases, according to a study of more than 70,000 women who found that women were less likely to develop cancer, heart disease, pulmonary disease and stroke at age Ahmed.
Despite the role played by healthy lifestyle and behavior, experts believe that positive mental state has a significant effect in itself, and even if you lack a naturally optimistic behavior, optimism can be learned, according to the study.
The authors of the study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, said encouraging people to imagine a bright future could be a good treatment for improving public health. The researchers looked at health data from a large US study of working and retired nurses and asked participants to assess themselves in terms of optimism Which they enjoy from zero to 24.
The study followed the health status of healthy women between the ages of 58 and 83 years over eight years and recorded any disease-related deaths, bringing the total number of deaths to 4,566.
Deaths were lower among respondents, even after adjusting for other factors such as whether the woman was married, had a rich or poor family background, or had a history of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or depression.
The risk of death was significantly reduced due to a number of factors, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer and respiratory diseases throughout the study period, and researchers believe that optimism may have a biological and psychological effect on the body, although they did not take it in the study.
Other studies have linked positive perception with reduced inflammation, for example, and heart health. Eric Kim, a researcher at Harvard's HH Chan School of Public Health, said there are several strategies that people who want to be more optimistic can follow: Personal potential "you must be in the main circles in your life such as family, marriage and professional. For example, imagine how you will feel in a future situation at work if you worked hard and succeeded in achieving a personal goal.
Smoking a pregnant woman for marijuana and cigarettes doubles health risks
"Combining marijuana and tobacco smoking during pregnancy may pose greater health risks than cigarette risk alone," said Dr. Diana Rakusin, a co-author of the study, in a Reuters email. "Combined with marijuana and cigarettes, we have seen increased birth of smaller children "The use of marijuana in many places is used by more women during the pregnancy for reasons of pregnancy," said Rakosin, a specialist in maternal and fetal medicine at the Belor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. They see it as less dangerous than other substances. Cigarette smoking during pregnancy is also associated with problems with fetuses, including lower birth weights than normal levels and premature births.
The researchers wrote in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology that he knows little about the risks of marijuana during pregnancy, although between 2 and 11 percent of pregnant Americans smoke.
The research team analyzed data from 12069 women who had their pregnancies between January 2011 and June 2015 at hospitals associated with the Belor College of Medicine. Participants were asked near the time of birth about their use of marijuana, tobacco and other products containing nicotine. The researchers collected information on birth outcomes from medical records.
A total of 106 women or less than 1 percent said they used marijuana during pregnancy and 48 or less than half of marijuana users said they smoked cigarettes during pregnancy. Overall, 242 women, or 2 percent, said they smoked cigarettes, Those who smoked both marijuana and cigarettes were more than twice as likely to have asthma, two and a half times as early as three times as little or small children, compared with others who did not use any of them. Cigarette smoking alone was associated with small births and low weights M premature delivery, but these risks increased when combining marijuana and tobacco.
A study linking early menopause with heart problems and premature death
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Results suggest that menopause may help predict problems, according to Dr. Tolant Moka of Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Which women will face in the future.
"Women who have early menstruation may be a group that will be considered to develop programs to prevent heart disease," Moka told Reuters Health in an e-mail. "The menstruation is interrupted by one menstrual period, Of every ten women by the age of forty-five.
The Moka team follows data from more than 310,000 women in a total of 33 studies published since the 1990s. When researchers compared women who stopped their premenstrual age before 45 and those who died at or after that age, they found that the more menopause The risk of coronary artery disease was increased by 50 percent, which could cause chest pain, heart attacks and strokes, as calcareous deposits accumulate on artery walls. According to Reuters.
The researchers also found that women who are out of their pre-45 years of age are 20 percent more likely to die from heart problems than others, and wrote in their study that "this recognition provides important opportunities for early intervention, whether to modify risk factors or hormone therapy where appropriate." "The new study agrees with findings published in the journal Menopause in July. The study found that the probability of reaching the age of 90 increases among women who have delayed menopause.
The severity of menopause symptoms may worsen by increasing weight
A recent Brazilian study suggests that menopausal symptoms such as night sweats and hot flashes may be heavier among obese compared to less weight. Researchers compared the symptoms of menopause in healthy women with overweight or obese women and concluded that three symptoms became worse with weight gain Women and those symptoms are night sweats, hot flashes and problems in the muscles, joints and bladder.
"The intensity of hot flashes has increased with the increase in body mass index (BMI) and obesity, which has a significant impact on daily activities, such as unintended disruption of work tasks and overall overall poor performance," said Dr Lucia Costa Paiva, a senior researcher at the University of Campinas in Sao Paulo. "There is also less activity in women's spare time ... and that adds new evidence to the importance of encouraging women to lose weight."
Menopause usually occurs between 45 and 55 years. In previous years, during and after it, the ovaries of the hormone estrogen and progesterone decrease, causing symptoms such as vaginal dryness, mood swings, joint pain and insomnia.
Recent research found that 57 percent of women aged 40 to 64 worldwide had hot flashes, 60 percent said they had problems with sex, 62 percent had joint and muscle pain, Fifty percent have sleep problems.
Costa Paiva said it was a long-held belief that obesity could protect against hot flashes because fatty tissue promotes the body's supply of estrogen, a hormone that can help alleviate these symptoms. But she added that the current study strengthens recent studies and suggests the opposite is that obesity may make hot flashes more acute because of the work of fat as an insulator to trap the heat inside the body.
To assess the relationship between obesity and menopausal symptoms, Costa Paiva and her colleagues examined data from a survey of 749 Brazilians between the ages of 45 and 60. The participants determined the severity of the symptoms on a scale from zero, which means that there are no problems and even four that indicate the suffering of severe problems.
During the study, 68 percent of post-menopause participants did not start, 16 percent did not, and 16 percent had the study. The study included 288 women with a BMI of less than 25, which researchers classified as normal or healthy weight. Body mass index of 255 women between 25 and 30, which means that their weights are excess and 206 women were obese with BMI at 30 or more.
But researchers said the study was not designed to demonstrate the effect of obesity on the recurrence of menopause symptoms, how they affect them, and also on women's assessment of the severity of symptoms.
Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, a researcher at Yale College of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, who did not participate in the study, said research linking obesity with more severe symptoms of menopause has been emerging for more than a decade. She said weight loss could help ease hot flashes And joint and muscle pain associated with menopause.
Excessive exercise may relieve the symptoms of depression and menopause
A small study says that stretching or stretching for just 10 minutes a day may help relieve menopausal symptoms and depression in middle-aged women. "The light exercises, such as lengthening, Where it affects the symptoms of menopause and depression, "and for this purpose tests were conducted on Japanese women between the ages of 40 and 61 years in Tokyo, and Dr. Joan Pinkerton Executive Director of the North American Association for Menopause, Reuters Health by e-mail that although the practice Prolongation of exercises before going to sleep is not a bad idea "
"It has been shown that the lack of activity is bad for their physical and mental health and increases hot flashes, and it has been shown that daily activity reduces hot flashes, improves mood and ability to cope and may reduce the risk of cognitive decline," she said. "If women can exercise for 30 minutes a day and then exercise for 10 minutes, they can improve their health, symptoms of menopause, mood and knowledge, and improve the quality of their sleep if stretching exercises help sleep."
Early menopause accelerates the aging of women
Early menopause and sleep disorders can accelerate women's aging, according to two recent studies, said Steve Horvath, professor of human genetics at the University of California Medical School in Los Angeles (UCLA), the main author of the two separate studies. The first to show that menopause accelerates aging, "so the debate turned to see which of these two phenomena lead to or result from the other.
The findings, published in the Annals of the American Academy of Sciences and Biological Psychology, suggest that these two factors may increase women's risk of certain diseases and premature death, and may help in the future to determine when hormonal treatments have the most effective anti-aging effect while reducing risks to health. Women on what Horvath said. In the first study on menopause, scientists analyzed the chemical biomarkers associated with aging by studying DNA samples taken from more than 3,100 women. They have participated in four major federal studies, including 15 years of major causes of death, as well as disability and poor quality of life among women who have lost their menstrual periods. Scientists have measured the biological age of blood cells, saliva and within the cheeks to study the link between the chronological age of participants and their biological age. According to AFP.
"We have concluded that menopause accelerates the aging of cells by an average of 6 percent," Horvath said, "but it may not make much difference but it makes a difference as it accumulates during women's lives." A study showed that the more women were young at menopause, the faster their blood was.
In the second study, researchers discussed the sleep of women who have lost their menstruation using a technique that allows genetic changes in the genome to determine the effect of a range of factors on genes. Judith Kroll, a professor of psychology at the University of California at Los Angeles, More than 2,000 women. It was found that women who had lost their menstrual period had some symptoms of insomnia, from sleep that did not allow for tiredness, frequent waking up during the night, difficulty sleeping, and very early waking. They are about two years older biologically than women in the same age group who do not suffer from thinness.
The risk of diabetes and heart disease in women may increase before menopause
"This may mean that an increased risk," said Dr. Mark de Boyor, a senior researcher at the University of Virginia School of Medicine in Charlottesville, in the United States, in a study that suggests women may be at greater risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Cardiovascular disease seen among postmenopausal women may be associated with changes at the time before menopause and less with changes after menopause. "
Although the reasons are unclear, the findings suggest that women may need to pay particular attention to the risk factors for cardiovascular disease in the years before menopause and to consider changing their lifestyle, such as improving their diet and exercising in a way that can reduce the risk of disease Such as diabetes and the heart.
For this study, the researchers looked at data from 1470 American white and African women who participated in a national study on atherosclerosis and its impact on health. There was an interruption of time for all women during the 10-year study period.
The researchers focused on five things that contribute to metabolic disorders: increased waist circumference, high blood lipids, reduced HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure and increased blood sugar levels. After taking into account whether women used hormone replacement therapy, Triglyceride, cholesterol and glucose before the breakout more than after the break.
Most older women do not undergo fragile tests after a fracture of the femur
"Examination of osteoporosis after a fracture of the femoral joint is very important because there are a number of very effective and low-risk treatments that can reduce," said Catherine Gillespie, lead author of the study from the APR Public Policy Institute and George Washington University. Prospects for future fractures are significant. "
In the study, the researchers examined medical insurance and prescriptions for a total of 8359 women over the age of 50 and suffered a femoral fracture between 2008 and 2013. None had a history of osteoporosis, a previous fracture of the femur, or medication to improve bone density.
More than half of the women in the study were at least 80 years old when they first had a femoral fracture. Most of the women in the study suffered from other chronic health problems.
Within six months of the first fracture, only 17 percent were tested for osteoporosis or were treated for the condition, according to the study published in the journal Bonn and Mineral Research. A year later, the proportion was only 23 percent. During the study period, the use of bone density measurement was increased among women aged 65 years and over, while in women between the ages of 50 and 64, the rate of use of osteoporosis drugs among women was 50 To 64 years, with the lowest rate among older women.
The study showed that a visit to a doctor after the fracture is the strongest factor to predict the receipt of a test or treatment for osteoporosis. Women with higher private and higher health insurance also seemed to be more likely to receive screening and treatment, but one of the factors lacking in the study was data on uninsured women and on women in the government's health care program for the poor. According to Reuters.
The study also lacked data on other interventions that help strengthen bones and prevent falls and thus fractures, such as eating calcium and vitamin D supplements, counseling on exercise, avoiding falls or adjusting the home to make everyday life safer to move.
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