History Of Women Empowerment In Bangladesh

in women •  7 years ago 

The Bangladeshi women have made massive gains by struggling since the country gained its independence in 1971. The past four decades have seen increased political empowerment for women, better job prospects, improved education and the adoption of new laws to protect their rights. As of 2013, the Prime Minister, the Speaker Of Parliament, the Leader of the Opposition and the Foreign minister were women. Bangladesh has also not elected a male as Prime Minister since 1988.
Women's empowerment has five
• Women'ssense ofself-worth;
• Their right to have and to nari-bd.jpgdeterminechoices;
• Their right to have access to opportunitiesandresources;
• Theirright to havethe powerto control their own lives, both withinandoutsidethehome;
• Andtheir abilityto influence the direction of social change to create a morejust social and economic order, nationally and internationally. Women Empowerm

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