Feminists are right about the problem, but wrong about the solution!

in women •  7 years ago 

Good, strong men (and women) are not the problem. SELFISH men (and women) are the problem!

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I agree! So how do we work on selfishness?

I want to organize a nonprofit to do it. See my blog, especially this early post (near the bottom):


No one responded. I would very much like people to read the three page Articles of Incorporation and let me know what they think.

This is the goal of my life. I can't do it without people taking an interest and helping me.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Another response is that women have great power to promote unselfishness.

First, as mothers, women in community can largely dictate how children are raised. (Our educational institutions are an obstacle to this; we need to take the control over our children's formation away from government and put it back into the hands of the parents.)

Second, a man's drives and passions, including his sexual drive, are so powerful that a man will pretty much conform to whatever his woman values in him in order to be honored and respected by her. If you communicate to your man that you just want him to get money and that you don't care how he does it, he will likely conform to that and become a selfish predator, and so formed, will bring that selfishness into your home and the monster that you have created (with your own greed) will devour you.

Expect your man to be a good provider, but allow him to accomplish it morally (unselfishly); don't put so much pressure on him that his morals collapse from the fear of losing your affection.

IMO, women bear 80% of the responsibility for the selfishness in urban society today, because women in general have turned their backs on the critically important work that only women can do. Women also bear 80% of the responsibility for disempowering the people, because when you disempower the men, you disempower the people.

Focus on "knowing thyself". Get gender right in your head. The most important job of the adults is to prepare the children for the world and to prepare the world for the children.

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