Woman is one of Allah's glorious creatures of Allah Subhaanahu wata'ala. The characteristics of women differ from men in some laws such as women's aurat is different from male aurat. Women have a very great position in Islam. Islam is very concerned about the dignity, the dignity of a woman. The noble woman in Islam is a Muslim woman who sholihah.
Signs of Sholihah women
-. First
Muslim women are women who believe that Alla SWT is his Lord, and Muhammad is his Prophet, And follow his teachings.
The impact is all evident in his words, deeds, and deeds. He will turn away from anything that causes the wrath of God, fearing his painful torment, and not deviate from His rules.
-. Second
Women who always keep the five daily prayers with wudlu'nya, khusyu 'and set up prayers just in time, so there was nothing to keep him from praying.
-. Third
Muslim women are the ones who keep their headscarf with pleasure without coercion from others, so you will get the Grace from God.
-. Fourth
The Muslim woman always keeps her obedience to her husband, seiya a word, affection to her, invites her to goodness, advises her, maintains her well-being, does not raise her voice and words to her, and does not hurt her.
-. Fifth
Muslim women are women who educate their children to obey God, teach them the right aqeedah, inculcate into their hearts a feeling of love to God and His Apostle distances them from all kinds of disgraceful disobedience and behavior.
_. Sixth
Muslim women do not secede (alone) with men of muhrim.
-. Seventh
Muslim women are women who do not resemble men in the special things that characterize them.
Nor does it resemble pagan women in the things that characterize them, whether in clothing, or in gestures and in behavior.
-. Eighth
Muslim women always call on God's way among women with good words, And he practices what he says and tries to save himself and his family from God's punishment.
-. Ninth
Muslim women always keep their hearts from syubhat and lust. Keeping his eyes from looking at the haram.
-. Tenth
Muslim women always keep the time to be wasted, either during the day or night.
Muslim women is not enough just with Muslim women, but it must be Muslim women who sholihah because many Muslim women who do not sholihah. Allah Subhaanahu wata'ala highly praised the Muslim woman, the believer and khusyu 'mu'minah'. Even Allah Subhahahu wata'ala mensifati them as the obedient keepers.
Hopefully useful for the boy in terms of looking for a life partner thanks.