Islam has taken care to women of great and great attention Vohatha all ways of education and welfare and began her rights what suits their composition and Aftrtha unless his pledge of a nation over the centuries and ages, and this great attention to Muslim women were behind these great Endowed who have borne the burden of the Islamic Dawa, and spread it in all corners of the Earth If women models are no less important than where you either stop and desist from where we find that Muslim women were not less tender and have made for the sake of faith and men either in terms of quantity, the women as it is known
Constitute half of the society in terms of numbers. If we bear in mind that they give birth to the other half learned extreme importance and great role in building the Muslim community, women before Islam were not irrelevant in men either to denial of their humanity and stripping them at all or because their sense that life tasks do not require their role.
When Islam came to make the sisters of men and women equal to them in the brothers of the human lineage: He says: \ "O people, we created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God that God knows expert (13) Al rooms.
As well as equal to them in the unity of human on Gel said would: \ "O people, fear your Lord who created you from a single soul and creating them her husband and transmit them many men and women and fear Allah who asks by the wombs God you were an observer (1) Nisa.
As well as the equality at work and in the box it: He says: \ "He answered them, Lord, I do not take the work of any of you male or female, from some of those who emigrated and were driven from their homes and traumatized was going and fought and died for their sins Okfrn and Odechlnhm Gardens underneath which rivers reward from God and God has a good reward (195) Surat Al-Imran.
The Koran was given and Sunnah women care Valqh targeted this care protection of women and the organization of public and private life, we have God struck some women Altkiet Abdat ideals, and make them role models for men and women in righteousness and piety, he says: \ "and hit God, for example, for those who believe Amrot Pharaoh as Lord said to me you have a son of a house in Paradise and save me from Pharaoh and his work, and deliver me from the unjust people (11), and Mary the daughter of Imran which Ohsnt her vagina Venfajna its soul and ratified the words of her Lord and his books and was one of Aleghantin (12) Al-prohibition.
But the Prophet, peace be upon him told us that in Isra trip Maraj - that God immortalized in two soorahs of the Holy Quran: Surah al-Isra and An-Najm - have seen what prepared by God to the hairdresser of Pharaoh's daughter, the woman who set on her faith and documented, including the Lord, Saeed bin Jabir narrated from Ibn Abbas said: the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: what was the night that my family which came to smell good and I said, O Jibreel what this good smell, said the smell of the hairdresser of Pharaoh's daughter and her children. I said what would said Pena is combing Pharaoh's daughter one day as Almadry fell out of her hands, she said the name of Allah. Pharaoh's daughter said to her father said no, but my Lord and Lord God of your father. She told him that she said yes. I told him Vdaaha said, so and so if you besides Me Lord, she said yes, my Lord and your Lord God. He ordered a cow of brass Vohamit then ordered that had she and her children where she told him if you need me. She said: 'What you need love to my bones and the bones of the pool and in the one dress and Tdvinna. So he told you the truth. He ordered her children and they threw her hands one by one, to be finished to the boy has suckled like failed for him said, his mother Aguethmy the minimum torment of the lesser of the punishment of the Hereafter Vaguethmt.qal Ibn Abbas spoke four young Jesus the son of Mary, peace and the owner of Greg him and saw Joseph and son the hairdresser of Pharaoh's daughter. Narrated by Ahmad, 1/309 (2822).
But we reported biography written to first to secure the invitation of the Prophet peace be upon him was a woman, a mother of believers Khadija God bless them, 'Urwah ibn al-Zubayr; that Aisha, wife of the Prophet, peace be upon him told him; they said: The first thing that was initiated by the Messenger of Allah the revelation of the true dreams in sleep. Could not see the dream but it came true like bright morning, then I loved the outdoors, was devoid Hira, Athnt it (which is worship) by the number of nights expectant mothers to return to his family and to avail itself of the piece, and then return to Khadijah get our matches. The refugee right until it is in the cave of Hira. Suddenly, King said: Read. He said: I can not read. He said: Vgtunai took me until he reached me, effort, and then sent me said: Read. He said: I can not read. He said second he took me and coverd me so I was effort. Then he sent me: Read. Vq late: I can not read. Third, he took me and coverd me so I was effort. And then he sent me. He said: (read the name of your Lord who created. He created man from a clot. Read and your Lord is Most Generous. Who taught by the pen. Anthropology unless it knows). Came back with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him shake heralds even entered the Khadija. He said: These words. These words. Vzmloh Ann went by branches, and then said to Khadija: Any Khadija, Mali? And told her the news. He said: I was afraid for myself. Khadija said to him: No, I swear preach God never does not disgrace. God, you reach the uterus, and ratify the talk, and bear all, and earn zero, the report away, and had the ravages of the right. Khadija then accompanied him and brought him up a paper bin Nawfal bin Asad bin Abdul Uzza, a cousin of Khadija, her father's brother. The grate is tan in ignorance, and he writes the Arab writers and writing in Arabic from the Bible, God willing, to write. The senators had a great uncle. Khadija said to him: I was listening to your nephew. Paper bin Nawfal said: O my nephew what do you see? I told him the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon the news of what they had seen him. Said his paper: This law, which was revealed to Moses, peace be upon him, Ialitny the trunk, Ialitny be alive when your people expel you. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: or publishers are? Paper: Yes, never including a man come by, however, come back, and realize day Nasr victory apron said. Narrated by Ahmad, 6/153 and \ "Bukhari \" 1/3 and 6/214 and \ "Muslim \" 1/97, 98 and \ "Tirmidhi \" 3632.
As the - well - that the first cited in defense of this debt was a woman, a Alsahabip venerable, toxicity girl tailor, wife of Yasser, Umm Ammar, may Allah be released, and the first lost her sight in the way of Allah \ "Znarh \" God bless them, nor forget the role of the girl Fatima discourse in Islam, her brother, Omar bin al-Khattab, may God bless her, and who was his conversion to Islam difference and the strength of this religion, and in response to the call of the Prophet peace be upon him.
Um Salim; Aremeisae girl Milhan being served Abu Talha Ansari to marry her and it was a polytheist she said to him: that like you, O Abu Talha does not return, but I will not marry you and you are an infidel man Clean Abu Talha that Umm Salim Taatall it so, and it has hit him another man over him money or the dearest and Navarra, was offended, thinking while I think that addressed the richest of it have been preceded or sound, Vtallt the subject of infidelity to withdraw from it, and marry it richer .faqal: God, what is this that prevents you from me, my mother Salim said what prevents me if? He said: yellow, white, gold and silver, this mistrust of pure .qalt: Gold and silver !!. He said: Yes .qalt: but I bear witness, O Abu Talha, and I bear witness of Allah and his messenger that if you become Muslim chosen for your spouse is not gold or silver, and make your Islam Lee foals .. so long as you say 'I chose you a man richer than you, I bear witness of God, and bear witness that if you converted to Islam will not take anything from you, Mehri is your Islam .oma heard that Abu Talha speech or sound even exchange his mind to the idols taken from precious wood singled him the same as he does gentlemen of his people .. he has a fetish of wood carved salary is God, or sound but wanted to iron touched his protector and still, she said to him: not teach O Abu Talha that your God, whom you serve instead of Allah has grown from Earth .. he said: Yes, she said, do you not feel ashamed, and you worship a tree trunk made some of you a god, while making others some of the other fuel by warming himself, you made him an idol worship without God, and others make wood warmed himself in the winter you that converted to Islam O Abu Talha chosen for your spouse does not want you dowry is Islam .qal her, and me with Islam? She said: I you do, he said, and how? She said: pronounce the word of truth, witnessing a that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, then go to your house, crash Snmk, Vantalegt lineament Abu Talha, and said: I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah .. Then he married or sound, Muslims say was: what we heard was never an excessive price or by Akram Salim, has made her dowry of Islam.
Here are Umm Habiba; Ramlet girl Abi Sufyan wife of the Prophet, peace be upon him hit us very good example in the loyalty and the good of belonging to this religion, it was narrated from syphilis, he said, when he came to Abu Sufyan bin God bless war by the city came to the Messenger of Allah - Allah bless him him - and he wants to invade Mecca spoke to him, to increase the truce Hudaybiyah did not accept him to the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - so he went to his daughter Umm Habiba wife Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - God bless them when he went to sit on a mattress Messenger of Allah - peace God be upon him - Tute without him, he said: Orgbt any structure in this bed Me? MPI for? She said: It is a mattress Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and you Imru unclean idolater, and he said, O my daughter has happened to you after me evil. See: the beginning and the end of Ibn Kathir (4/280) and see a lion in the jungle know companions of Ibn al-Athir (5/457) and see the layers of Ibn Sa'd (8/70)).
Early Seventy who entered Islam whom were thirty-seven women; thirtieth of silks and seven slaves, but in the second pledge of Aqaba, which was attended by seventy-three men from the Ansar keen women to attend those blessed Allegiance arrived clutching them Nusseibeh girl heel (or architecture), which has been struggling in For raising the banner of the right until it fell into one, has been hit by a dozen wounded, he has emerged on one with her husband, Zaid bin Asim bin heel and with it the tanker took part irrigate by Muslims, when he defeated the Muslims sided with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him was initiated fighting, Tzb him the sword has suffered deep wounds and saw the Pledge of the Tree and spare Musaylimah liar son asunder what Hunt and Acetkant, and saw the battle of Yamama also in the wars of apostasy with Khalid bin Walid Vqatlt even cut off her hand and injured a dozen wounded, and the second is the daughter of Amr names of the sons of sound was: is the mother of Maaz bin Jabal, said: daughter, aunt Maaz bin Jabal, God bless them all. Ibn Hisham (2/80) Lion Forest (5/395) Beginning and the End (3/158: 166) infection (8/8).
And the role of women in immigration played an undeniable role, here are the names of girl Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased that girl, which was carrying secretariat spare the men of her pregnancy, was cut three miles only slightly - the boys, the emerging in the middle of the night, and loneliness road, between the spiked rock and tracts of sand, walked disguised cautious Mitrqubh even go up to his head, then descend in his stomach Vetoava Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and her every night Balzad, water, including may be that you may have heard, or saw, the modern folk and redeemed.
The small role of commando and loaded supply secretariat and funding for the trip blessed, and transfer news infidels, and when he wanted the Prophet - peace be upon him - to leave Laurel heading to Yathrib equipped with intake and water, and did not find what you are linked by it, Vhqt scope and forged him, and when he did that the Prophet said, - God bless him -: \ "God Obdlk domain this two ranges in paradise \" it was said to have the same bands.
It is rated the Prophet, peace be upon him for women and recognition of the importance and magnitude of their role in life that was allocated to them days Aalmhn where matters of religion, Khudri may Allah be pleased with him women of the Prophet said, peace be upon him: Gbanna you guys, so make us days of yourself Vuadhn days Ekayan to it, Vuazan and guardians, was what he said to them: what Mencken woman offers three of her son only had a veil of fire, said a woman: and two, he said: The Atnin.okhrjh Ahmed 3/14 (11122) and \ "Bukhari \" 1/36 (101) and \ "Muslim \" 8/39 (6792).
But made it honored one can Leger of Tajir, and believe in the believe, for my father once, sire or Carefree girl Abi Talib, he or Carefree girl Abi Talib says: I went to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him the conquest heard, and I found it washed, Fatima daughter misprision, she said, it was delivered. He said, of these? I said: I am a mother carefree girl Abi Talib. He said: hello own carefree. When he had finished washing it, he prayed eight rak'ahs, wrapped in the one dress, and when he went away I said: O Messenger of Allah, the son of Lamy claimed that he fought a man who has conducted: Because Ben Hubaira. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: may Ojrna conducted from O Um Hani. Um Hani said: and that sacrificed.
- In the novel: On the day of the conquest of Mecca conducted two men Ahmaiy, Vedjlthma beta, and closed the door on them, came Lamy son of Ali bin Abi Talib Vtfelt them with the sword. She said: I brought the Prophet, peace be upon him, did not find him, and found Fatima, was tougher on her husband. She said, came the Prophet, peace be upon him and upon the impact of the dust, I told him. He said: O Um Hani, was conducted from Ojrna, and safer than secured. Directed by \ "Ahmed \" 6/341 and \ "recaps \" 1461 and \ "Bukhari \" 1/78 and 8/46, and \ "Muslim \" 1/182 and 2/157.
But to make the right to choose her partner, Aisha, may Allah be pleased that the girl entered them. She said that my father Zojni nephew to raise Pei Khsaisth I am reluctant. She comes up Sit Prophet peace be upon him came to the Messenger of Allah bless him and told him he sent to her father called him and started to matter to them and said: O Messenger of God has sanctioned what made my father but I wanted to know for women over anything. Narrated by Ahmad, 6/136 and \ "Women \" 6/86.
Thus marched his successors after him, Ibn Abi Hatim and Baihaqi in nouns and adjectives that girl Khawla alopecia met with Omar bin al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him as he walked with the people, Fastoagafth stood up to her, and born of them, and listened to it, and spent her need when I depart from man said to him: O faithful men of the Quraish held on this old? He said: Woe do you know of this? He said: No, he said, the woman heard her complaint of God from above the seven heavens, this Khawla girl alopecia, and God, if I go out into the night what did not go off even eliminate their need. In the novel of Bukhari in its history: he said: Whoa, my life. Vogzt stood up to him to say. A man said: O faithful what I saw as today! He said: What prevents me to listen to that which is heard God has revealed it has been revealed. Alusi Baghdadi: the spirit of meanings in the interpretation of the Koran c 28, p. 3.
No wonder then that we find the Apostle. God's peace be upon him recommends that women in the last will and testament to him in an argument Allowada says \ "not and Treat women kindly, for he are Awan with you, is not possessed of whom something is so, but come Pfahach indicated, the they have done Vaahjrohn in their beds, and beat them severely is excruciating, the Otankm not Tbgua they way you for your wives, indeed, and your wives, really, either your right to your wives, not Aotin Frckm of hate, nor authorize in your houses of hate, not even their right to you is to treat them in Ksuten, and their food. Narrated by Ahmad, 3/426 (15592) and \ "Abu Dawood \" 3334 and \ "Ibn Majah \" 1851 and \ "Tirmidhi \" in 1163 and 3087 and \ "Women \" in \ "big \" 4085.
Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: \ "but women are the sisters of men \". Narrated by Ahmad, 6/256 and \ "dramatic \" 771 1/171 and Muslim (635) and \ "Abu Dawood \" 236 \ "Ibn Majah \" 612.
But hard that peace be upon him and he died and is on the chest of Wife Aisha, Mother of the Faithful God bless them, from Abu Amr Dhakwaan sire Aisha, Aisha used to say: One of the blessings of Ali that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, died in my house and in the daily and between the magical and Nhari, and God combined saliva and saliva when he died, he entered Ali Abd al-Rahman and tooth brushing his hand, and I assigned the Messenger of Allah bless him and I saw him regarded him and I knew he liked tooth brushing. I said: Ahzh you? He pointed to his head yes, Vtnolth Vachtd it. And I said: Alinh you? He pointed to his head yes. Vlinth, and his hands Rkoh- or tray - (suspect Omar) where the water and started Adahl his hands in water, he wipes them over his face says: There is no God but Allah and that of the death throes, and then set up his hand and started to say, in the higher ranks even arrested and leaned his hand. Narrated by Bukhari 6/15 and 8/133, Ahmad 6/48.
And it was the teachings of Islam wise was an essential starting point for women about available role assigned to it, and to do this role to the fullest and completed it is no less responsible for the men before God Almighty, for Salim bin Abdullah Abdullah bin Omar - God bless them - that he heard
...Islam has taken care to women of great and great attention Vohatha all ways of education and welfare and began her rights what suits their composition and Aftrtha unless his pledge of a nation over the centuries and ages, and this great attention to Muslim women were behind these great Endowed who have borne the burden of the Islamic Dawa, and spread it in all corners of the Earth If women models are no less important than where you either stop and desist from where we find that Muslim women were not less tender and have made for the sake of faith and men either in terms of quantity, the women as it is known
Constitute half of the society in terms of numbers. If we bear in mind that they give birth to the other half learned extreme importance and great role in building the Muslim community, women before Islam were not irrelevant in men either to denial of their humanity and stripping them at all or because their sense that life tasks do not require their role.
When Islam came to make the sisters of men and women equal to them in the brothers of the human lineage: He says: \ "O people, we created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God that God knows expert (13) Al rooms.
As well as equal to them in the unity of human on Gel said would: \ "O people, fear your Lord who created you from a single soul and creating them her husband and transmit them many men and women and fear Allah who asks by the wombs God you were an observer (1) Nisa.
As well as the equality at work and in the box it: He says: \ "He answered them, Lord, I do not take the work of any of you male or female, from some of those who emigrated and were driven from their homes and traumatized was going and fought and died for their sins Okfrn and Odechlnhm Gardens underneath which rivers reward from God and God has a good reward (195) Surat Al-Imran.
The Koran was given and Sunnah women care Valqh targeted this care protection of women and the organization of public and private life, we have God struck some women Altkiet Abdat ideals, and make them role models for men and women in righteousness and piety, he says: \ "and hit God, for example, for those who believe Amrot Pharaoh as Lord said to me you have a son of a house in Paradise and save me from Pharaoh and his work, and deliver me from the unjust people (11), and Mary the daughter of Imran which Ohsnt her vagina Venfajna its soul and ratified the words of her Lord and his books and was one of Aleghantin (12) Al-prohibition.
But the Prophet, peace be upon him told us that in Isra trip Maraj - that God immortalized in two soorahs of the Holy Quran: Surah al-Isra and An-Najm - have seen what prepared by God to the hairdresser of Pharaoh's daughter, the woman who set on her faith and documented, including the Lord, Saeed bin Jabir narrated from Ibn Abbas said: the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: what was the night that my family which came to smell good and I said, O Jibreel what this good smell, said the smell of the hairdresser of Pharaoh's daughter and her children. I said what would said Pena is combing Pharaoh's daughter one day as Almadry fell out of her hands, she said the name of Allah. Pharaoh's daughter said to her father said no, but my Lord and Lord God of your father. She told him that she said yes. I told him Vdaaha said, so and so if you besides Me Lord, she said yes, my Lord and your Lord God. He ordered a cow of brass Vohamit then ordered that had she and her children where she told him if you need me. She said: 'What you need love to my bones and the bones of the pool and in the one dress and Tdvinna. So he told you the truth. He ordered her children and they threw her hands one by one, to be finished to the boy has suckled like failed for him said, his mother Aguethmy the minimum torment of the lesser of the punishment of the Hereafter Vaguethmt.qal Ibn Abbas spoke four young Jesus the son of Mary, peace and the owner of Greg him and saw Joseph and son the hairdresser of Pharaoh's daughter. Narrated by Ahmad, 1/309 (2822).
But we reported biography written to first to secure the invitation of the Prophet peace be upon him was a woman, a mother of believers Khadija God bless them, 'Urwah ibn al-Zubayr; that Aisha, wife of the Prophet, peace be upon him told him; they said: The first thing that was initiated by the Messenger of Allah the revelation of the true dreams in sleep. Could not see the dream but it came true like bright morning, then I loved the outdoors, was devoid Hira, Athnt it (which is worship) by the number of nights expectant mothers to return to his family and to avail itself of the piece, and then return to Khadijah get our matches. The refugee right until it is in the cave of Hira. Suddenly, King said: Read. He said: I can not read. He said: Vgtunai took me until he reached me, effort, and then sent me said: Read. He said: I can not read. He said second he took me and coverd me so I was effort. Then he sent me: Read. Vq late: I can not read. Third, he took me and coverd me so I was effort. And then he sent me. He said: (read the name of your Lord who created. He created man from a clot. Read and your Lord is Most Generous. Who taught by the pen. Anthropology unless it knows). Came back with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him shake heralds even entered the Khadija. He said: These words. These words. Vzmloh Ann went by branches, and then said to Khadija: Any Khadija, Mali? And told her the news. He said: I was afraid for myself. Khadija said to him: No, I swear preach God never does not disgrace. God, you reach the uterus, and ratify the talk, and bear all, and earn zero, the report away, and had the ravages of the right. Khadija then accompanied him and brought him up a paper bin Nawfal bin Asad bin Abdul Uzza, a cousin of Khadija, her father's brother. The grate is tan in ignorance, and he writes the Arab writers and writing in Arabic from the Bible, God willing, to write. The senators had a great uncle. Khadija said to him: I was listening to your nephew. Paper bin Nawfal said: O my nephew what do you see? I told him the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon the news of what they had seen him. Said his paper: This law, which was revealed to Moses, peace be upon him, Ialitny the trunk, Ialitny be alive when your people expel you. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: or publishers are? Paper: Yes, never including a man come by, however, come back, and realize day Nasr victory apron said. Narrated by Ahmad, 6/153 and \ "Bukhari \" 1/3 and 6/214 and \ "Muslim \" 1/97, 98 and \ "Tirmidhi \" 3632.
As the - well - that the first cited in defense of this debt was a woman, a Alsahabip venerable, toxicity girl tailor, wife of Yasser, Umm Ammar, may Allah be released, and the first lost her sight in the way of Allah \ "Znarh \" God bless them, nor forget the role of the girl Fatima discourse in Islam, her brother, Omar bin al-Khattab, may God bless her, and who was his conversion to Islam difference and the strength of this religion, and in response to the call of the Prophet peace be upon him.
Um Salim; Aremeisae girl Milhan being served Abu Talha Ansari to marry her and it was a polytheist she said to him: that like you, O Abu Talha does not return, but I will not marry you and you are an infidel man Clean Abu Talha that Umm Salim Taatall it so, and it has hit him another man over him money or the dearest and Navarra, was offended, thinking while I think that addressed the richest of it have been preceded or sound, Vtallt the subject of infidelity to withdraw from it, and marry it richer .faqal: God, what is this that prevents you from me, my mother Salim said what prevents me if? He said: yellow, white, gold and silver, this mistrust of pure .qalt: Gold and silver !!. He said: Yes .qalt: but I bear witness, O Abu Talha, and I bear witness of Allah and his messenger that if you become Muslim chosen for your spouse is not gold or silver, and make your Islam Lee foals .. so long as you say 'I chose you a man richer than you, I bear witness of God, and bear witness that if you converted to Islam will not take anything from you, Mehri is your Islam .oma heard that Abu Talha speech or sound even exchange his mind to the idols taken from precious wood singled him the same as he does gentlemen of his people .. he has a fetish of wood carved salary is God, or sound but wanted to iron touched his protector and still, she said to him: not teach O Abu Talha that your God, whom you serve instead of Allah has grown from Earth .. he said: Yes, she said, do you not feel ashamed, and you worship a tree trunk made some of you a god, while making others some of the other fuel by warming himself, you made him an idol worship without God, and others make wood warmed himself in the winter you that converted to Islam O Abu Talha chosen for your spouse does not want you dowry is Islam .qal her, and me with Islam? She said: I you do, he said, and how? She said: pronounce the word of truth, witnessing a that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, then go to your house, crash Snmk, Vantalegt lineament Abu Talha, and said: I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah .. Then he married or sound, Muslims say was: what we heard was never an excessive price or by Akram Salim, has made her dowry of Islam.
Here are Umm Habiba; Ramlet girl Abi Sufyan wife of the Prophet, peace be upon him hit us very good example in the loyalty and the good of belonging to this religion, it was narrated from syphilis, he said, when he came to Abu Sufyan bin God bless war by the city came to the Messenger of Allah - Allah bless him him - and he wants to invade Mecca spoke to him, to increase the truce Hudaybiyah did not accept him to the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - so he went to his daughter Umm Habiba wife Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - God bless them when he went to sit on a mattress Messenger of Allah - peace God be upon him - Tute without him, he said: Orgbt any structure in this bed Me? MPI for? She said: It is a mattress Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and you Imru unclean idolater, and he said, O my daughter has happened to you after me evil. See: the beginning and the end of Ibn Kathir (4/280) and see a lion in the jungle know companions of Ibn al-Athir (5/457) and see the layers of Ibn Sa'd (8/70)).
Early Seventy who entered Islam whom were thirty-seven women; thirtieth of silks and seven slaves, but in the second pledge of Aqaba, which was attended by seventy-three men from the Ansar keen women to attend those blessed Allegiance arrived clutching them Nusseibeh girl heel (or architecture), which has been struggling in For raising the banner of the right until it fell into one, has been hit by a dozen wounded, he has emerged on one with her husband, Zaid bin Asim bin heel and with it the tanker took part irrigate by Muslims, when he defeated the Muslims sided with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him was initiated fighting, Tzb him the sword has suffered deep wounds and saw the Pledge of the Tree and spare Musaylimah liar son asunder what Hunt and Acetkant, and saw the battle of Yamama also in the wars of apostasy with Khalid bin Walid Vqatlt even cut off her hand and injured a dozen wounded, and the second is the daughter of Amr names of the sons of sound was: is the mother of Maaz bin Jabal, said: daughter, aunt Maaz bin Jabal, God bless them all. Ibn Hisham (2/80) Lion Forest (5/395) Beginning and the End (3/158: 166) infection (8/8).
And the role of women in immigration played an undeniable role, here are the names of girl Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased that girl, which was carrying secretariat spare the men of her pregnancy, was cut three miles only slightly - the boys, the emerging in the middle of the night, and loneliness road, between the spiked rock and tracts of sand, walked disguised cautious Mitrqubh even go up to his head, then descend in his stomach Vetoava Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and her every night Balzad, water, including may be that you may have heard, or saw, the modern folk and redeemed.
The small role of commando and loaded supply secretariat and funding for the trip blessed, and transfer news infidels, and when he wanted the Prophet - peace be upon him - to leave Laurel heading to Yathrib equipped with intake and water, and did not find what you are linked by it, Vhqt scope and forged him, and when he did that the Prophet said, - God bless him -: \ "God Obdlk domain this two ranges in paradise \" it was said to have the same bands.
It is rated the Prophet, peace be upon him for women and recognition of the importance and magnitude of their role in life that was allocated to them days Aalmhn where matters of religion, Khudri may Allah be pleased with him women of the Prophet said, peace be upon him: Gbanna you guys, so make us days of yourself Vuadhn days Ekayan to it, Vuazan and guardians, was what he said to them: what Mencken woman offers three of her son only had a veil of fire, said a woman: and two, he said: The Atnin.okhrjh Ahmed 3/14 (11122) and \ "Bukhari \" 1/36 (101) and \ "Muslim \" 8/39 (6792).
But made it honored one can Leger of Tajir, and believe in the believe, for my father once, sire or Carefree girl Abi Talib, he or Carefree girl Abi Talib says: I went to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him the conquest heard, and I found it washed, Fatima daughter misprision, she said, it was delivered. He said, of these? I said: I am a mother carefree girl Abi Talib. He said: hello own carefree. When he had finished washing it, he prayed eight rak'ahs, wrapped in the one dress, and when he went away I said: O Messenger of Allah, the son of Lamy claimed that he fought a man who has conducted: Because Ben Hubaira. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: may Ojrna conducted from O Um Hani. Um Hani said: and that sacrificed.
- In the novel: On the day of the conquest of Mecca conducted two men Ahmaiy, Vedjlthma beta, and closed the door on them, came Lamy son of Ali bin Abi Talib Vtfelt them with the sword. She said: I brought the Prophet, peace be upon him, did not find him, and found Fatima, was tougher on her husband. She said, came the Prophet, peace be upon him and upon the impact of the dust, I told him. He said: O Um Hani, was conducted from Ojrna, and safer than secured. Directed by \ "Ahmed \" 6/341 and \ "recaps \" 1461 and \ "Bukhari \" 1/78 and 8/46, and \ "Muslim \" 1/182 and 2/157.
But to make the right to choose her partner, Aisha, may Allah be pleased that the girl entered them. She said that my father Zojni nephew to raise Pei Khsaisth I am reluctant. She comes up Sit Prophet peace be upon him came to the Messenger of Allah bless him and told him he sent to her father called him and started to matter to them and said: O Messenger of God has sanctioned what made my father but I wanted to know for women over anything. Narrated by Ahmad, 6/136 and \ "Women \" 6/86.
Thus marched his successors after him, Ibn Abi Hatim and Baihaqi in nouns and adjectives that girl Khawla alopecia met with Omar bin al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him as he walked with the people, Fastoagafth stood up to her, and born of them, and listened to it, and spent her need when I depart from man said to him: O faithful men of the Quraish held on this old? He said: Woe do you know of this? He said: No, he said, the woman heard her complaint of God from above the seven heavens, this Khawla girl alopecia, and God, if I go out into the night what did not go off even eliminate their need. In the novel of Bukhari in its history: he said: Whoa, my life. Vogzt stood up to him to say. A man said: O faithful what I saw as today! He said: What prevents me to listen to that which is heard God has revealed it has been revealed. Alusi Baghdadi: the spirit of meanings in the interpretation of the Koran c 28, p. 3.
No wonder then that we find the Apostle. God's peace be upon him recommends that women in the last will and testament to him in an argument Allowada says \ "not and Treat women kindly, for he are Awan with you, is not possessed of whom something is so, but come Pfahach indicated, the they have done Vaahjrohn in their beds, and beat them severely is excruciating, the Otankm not Tbgua they way you for your wives, indeed, and your wives, really, either your right to your wives, not Aotin Frckm of hate, nor authorize in your houses of hate, not even their right to you is to treat them in Ksuten, and their food. Narrated by Ahmad, 3/426 (15592) and \ "Abu Dawood \" 3334 and \ "Ibn Majah \" 1851 and \ "Tirmidhi \" in 1163 and 3087 and \ "Women \" in \ "big \" 4085.
Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: \ "but women are the sisters of men \". Narrated by Ahmad, 6/256 and \ "dramatic \" 771 1/171 and Muslim (635) and \ "Abu Dawood \" 236 \ "Ibn Majah \" 612.
But hard that peace be upon him and he died and is on the chest of Wife Aisha, Mother of the Faithful God bless them, from Abu Amr Dhakwaan sire Aisha, Aisha used to say: One of the blessings of Ali that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, died in my house and in the daily and between the magical and Nhari, and God combined saliva and saliva when he died, he entered Ali Abd al-Rahman and tooth brushing his hand, and I assigned the Messenger of Allah bless him and I saw him regarded him and I knew he liked tooth brushing. I said: Ahzh you? He pointed to his head yes, Vtnolth Vachtd it. And I said: Alinh you? He pointed to his head yes. Vlinth, and his hands Rkoh- or tray - (suspect Omar) where the water and started Adahl his hands in water, he wipes them over his face says: There is no God but Allah and that of the death throes, and then set up his hand and started to say, in the higher ranks even arrested and leaned his hand. Narrated by Bukhari 6/15 and 8/133, Ahmad 6/48.
And it was the teachings of Islam wise was an essential starting point for women about available role assigned to it, and to do this role to the fullest and completed it is no less responsible for the men before God Almighty, for Salim bin Abdullah Abdullah bin Omar - God bless them - that he heard
...Islam has taken care to women of great and great attention Vohatha all ways of education and welfare and began her rights what suits their composition and Aftrtha unless his pledge of a nation over the centuries and ages, and this great attention to Muslim women were behind these great Endowed who have borne the burden of the Islamic Dawa, and spread it in all corners of the Earth If women models are no less important than where you either stop and desist from where we find that Muslim women were not less tender and have made for the sake of faith and men either in terms of quantity, the women as it is known
Constitute half of the society in terms of numbers. If we bear in mind that they give birth to the other half learned extreme importance and great role in building the Muslim community, women before Islam were not irrelevant in men either to denial of their humanity and stripping them at all or because their sense that life tasks do not require their role.
When Islam came to make the sisters of men and women equal to them in the brothers of the human lineage: He says: \ "O people, we created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God that God knows expert (13) Al rooms.
As well as equal to them in the unity of human on Gel said would: \ "O people, fear your Lord who created you from a single soul and creating them her husband and transmit them many men and women and fear Allah who asks by the wombs God you were an observer (1) Nisa.
As well as the equality at work and in the box it: He says: \ "He answered them, Lord, I do not take the work of any of you male or female, from some of those who emigrated and were driven from their homes and traumatized was going and fought and died for their sins Okfrn and Odechlnhm Gardens underneath which rivers reward from God and God has a good reward (195) Surat Al-Imran.
The Koran was given and Sunnah women care Valqh targeted this care protection of women and the organization of public and private life, we have God struck some women Altkiet Abdat ideals, and make them role models for men and women in righteousness and piety, he says: \ "and hit God, for example, for those who believe Amrot Pharaoh as Lord said to me you have a son of a house in Paradise and save me from Pharaoh and his work, and deliver me from the unjust people (11), and Mary the daughter of Imran which Ohsnt her vagina Venfajna its soul and ratified the words of her Lord and his books and was one of Aleghantin (12) Al-prohibition.
But the Prophet, peace be upon him told us that in Isra trip Maraj - that God immortalized in two soorahs of the Holy Quran: Surah al-Isra and An-Najm - have seen what prepared by God to the hairdresser of Pharaoh's daughter, the woman who set on her faith and documented, including the Lord, Saeed bin Jabir narrated from Ibn Abbas said: the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: what was the night that my family which came to smell good and I said, O Jibreel what this good smell, said the smell of the hairdresser of Pharaoh's daughter and her children. I said what would said Pena is combing Pharaoh's daughter one day as Almadry fell out of her hands, she said the name of Allah. Pharaoh's daughter said to her father said no, but my Lord and Lord God of your father. She told him that she said yes. I told him Vdaaha said, so and so if you besides Me Lord, she said yes, my Lord and your Lord God. He ordered a cow of brass Vohamit then ordered that had she and her children where she told him if you need me. She said: 'What you need love to my bones and the bones of the pool and in the one dress and Tdvinna. So he told you the truth. He ordered her children and they threw her hands one by one, to be finished to the boy has suckled like failed for him said, his mother Aguethmy the minimum torment of the lesser of the punishment of the Hereafter Vaguethmt.qal Ibn Abbas spoke four young Jesus the son of Mary, peace and the owner of Greg him and saw Joseph and son the hairdresser of Pharaoh's daughter. Narrated by Ahmad, 1/309 (2822).
But we reported biography written to first to secure the invitation of the Prophet peace be upon him was a woman, a mother of believers Khadija God bless them, 'Urwah ibn al-Zubayr; that Aisha, wife of the Prophet, peace be upon him told him; they said: The first thing that was initiated by the Messenger of Allah the revelation of the true dreams in sleep. Could not see the dream but it came true like bright morning, then I loved the outdoors, was devoid Hira, Athnt it (which is worship) by the number of nights expectant mothers to return to his family and to avail itself of the piece, and then return to Khadijah get our matches. The refugee right until it is in the cave of Hira. Suddenly, King said: Read. He said: I can not read. He said: Vgtunai took me until he reached me, effort, and then sent me said: Read. He said: I can not read. He said second he took me and coverd me so I was effort. Then he sent me: Read. Vq late: I can not read. Third, he took me and coverd me so I was effort. And then he sent me. He said: (read the name of your Lord who created. He created man from a clot. Read and your Lord is Most Generous. Who taught by the pen. Anthropology unless it knows). Came back with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him shake heralds even entered the Khadija. He said: These words. These words. Vzmloh Ann went by branches, and then said to Khadija: Any Khadija, Mali? And told her the news. He said: I was afraid for myself. Khadija said to him: No, I swear preach God never does not disgrace. God, you reach the uterus, and ratify the talk, and bear all, and earn zero, the report away, and had the ravages of the right. Khadija then accompanied him and brought him up a paper bin Nawfal bin Asad bin Abdul Uzza, a cousin of Khadija, her father's brother. The grate is tan in ignorance, and he writes the Arab writers and writing in Arabic from the Bible, God willing, to write. The senators had a great uncle. Khadija said to him: I was listening to your nephew. Paper bin Nawfal said: O my nephew what do you see? I told him the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon the news of what they had seen him. Said his paper: This law, which was revealed to Moses, peace be upon him, Ialitny the trunk, Ialitny be alive when your people expel you. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: or publishers are? Paper: Yes, never including a man come by, however, come back, and realize day Nasr victory apron said. Narrated by Ahmad, 6/153 and \ "Bukhari \" 1/3 and 6/214 and \ "Muslim \" 1/97, 98 and \ "Tirmidhi \" 3632.
As the - well - that the first cited in defense of this debt was a woman, a Alsahabip venerable, toxicity girl tailor, wife of Yasser, Umm Ammar, may Allah be released, and the first lost her sight in the way of Allah \ "Znarh \" God bless them, nor forget the role of the girl Fatima discourse in Islam, her brother, Omar bin al-Khattab, may God bless her, and who was his conversion to Islam difference and the strength of this religion, and in response to the call of the Prophet peace be upon him.
Um Salim; Aremeisae girl Milhan being served Abu Talha Ansari to marry her and it was a polytheist she said to him: that like you, O Abu Talha does not return, but I will not marry you and you are an infidel man Clean Abu Talha that Umm Salim Taatall it so, and it has hit him another man over him money or the dearest and Navarra, was offended, thinking while I think that addressed the richest of it have been preceded or sound, Vtallt the subject of infidelity to withdraw from it, and marry it richer .faqal: God, what is this that prevents you from me, my mother Salim said what prevents me if? He said: yellow, white, gold and silver, this mistrust of pure .qalt: Gold and silver !!. He said: Yes .qalt: but I bear witness, O Abu Talha, and I bear witness of Allah and his messenger that if you become Muslim chosen for your spouse is not gold or silver, and make your Islam Lee foals .. so long as you say 'I chose you a man richer than you, I bear witness of God, and bear witness that if you converted to Islam will not take anything from you, Mehri is your Islam .oma heard that Abu Talha speech or sound even exchange his mind to the idols taken from precious wood singled him the same as he does gentlemen of his people .. he has a fetish of wood carved salary is God, or sound but wanted to iron touched his protector and still, she said to him: not teach O Abu Talha that your God, whom you serve instead of Allah has grown from Earth .. he said: Yes, she said, do you not feel ashamed, and you worship a tree trunk made some of you a god, while making others some of the other fuel by warming himself, you made him an idol worship without God, and others make wood warmed himself in the winter you that converted to Islam O Abu Talha chosen for your spouse does not want you dowry is Islam .qal her, and me with Islam? She said: I you do, he said, and how? She said: pronounce the word of truth, witnessing a that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, then go to your house, crash Snmk, Vantalegt lineament Abu Talha, and said: I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah .. Then he married or sound, Muslims say was: what we heard was never an excessive price or by Akram Salim, has made her dowry of Islam.
Here are Umm Habiba; Ramlet girl Abi Sufyan wife of the Prophet, peace be upon him hit us very good example in the loyalty and the good of belonging to this religion, it was narrated from syphilis, he said, when he came to Abu Sufyan bin God bless war by the city came to the Messenger of Allah - Allah bless him him - and he wants to invade Mecca spoke to him, to increase the truce Hudaybiyah did not accept him to the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - so he went to his daughter Umm Habiba wife Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - God bless them when he went to sit on a mattress Messenger of Allah - peace God be upon him - Tute without him, he said: Orgbt any structure in this bed Me? MPI for? She said: It is a mattress Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and you Imru unclean idolater, and he said, O my daughter has happened to you after me evil. See: the beginning and the end of Ibn Kathir (4/280) and see a lion in the jungle know companions of Ibn al-Athir (5/457) and see the layers of Ibn Sa'd (8/70)).
Early Seventy who entered Islam whom were thirty-seven women; thirtieth of silks and seven slaves, but in the second pledge of Aqaba, which was attended by seventy-three men from the Ansar keen women to attend those blessed Allegiance arrived clutching them Nusseibeh girl heel (or architecture), which has been struggling in For raising the banner of the right until it fell into one, has been hit by a dozen wounded, he has emerged on one with her husband, Zaid bin Asim bin heel and with it the tanker took part irrigate by Muslims, when he defeated the Muslims sided with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him was initiated fighting, Tzb him the sword has suffered deep wounds and saw the Pledge of the Tree and spare Musaylimah liar son asunder what Hunt and Acetkant, and saw the battle of Yamama also in the wars of apostasy with Khalid bin Walid Vqatlt even cut off her hand and injured a dozen wounded, and the second is the daughter of Amr names of the sons of sound was: is the mother of Maaz bin Jabal, said: daughter, aunt Maaz bin Jabal, God bless them all. Ibn Hisham (2/80) Lion Forest (5/395) Beginning and the End (3/158: 166) infection (8/8).
And the role of women in immigration played an undeniable role, here are the names of girl Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased that girl, which was carrying secretariat spare the men of her pregnancy, was cut three miles only slightly - the boys, the emerging in the middle of the night, and loneliness road, between the spiked rock and tracts of sand, walked disguised cautious Mitrqubh even go up to his head, then descend in his stomach Vetoava Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and her every night Balzad, water, including may be that you may have heard, or saw, the modern folk and redeemed.
The small role of commando and loaded supply secretariat and funding for the trip blessed, and transfer news infidels, and when he wanted the Prophet - peace be upon him - to leave Laurel heading to Yathrib equipped with intake and water, and did not find what you are linked by it, Vhqt scope and forged him, and when he did that the Prophet said, - God bless him -: \ "God Obdlk domain this two ranges in paradise \" it was said to have the same bands.
It is rated the Prophet, peace be upon him for women and recognition of the importance and magnitude of their role in life that was allocated to them days Aalmhn where matters of religion, Khudri may Allah be pleased with him women of the Prophet said, peace be upon him: Gbanna you guys, so make us days of yourself Vuadhn days Ekayan to it, Vuazan and guardians, was what he said to them: what Mencken woman offers three of her son only had a veil of fire, said a woman: and two, he said: The Atnin.okhrjh Ahmed 3/14 (11122) and \ "Bukhari \" 1/36 (101) and \ "Muslim \" 8/39 (6792).
But made it honored one can Leger of Tajir, and believe in the believe, for my father once, sire or Carefree girl Abi Talib, he or Carefree girl Abi Talib says: I went to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him the conquest heard, and I found it washed, Fatima daughter misprision, she said, it was delivered. He said, of these? I said: I am a mother carefree girl Abi Talib. He said: hello own carefree. When he had finished washing it, he prayed eight rak'ahs, wrapped in the one dress, and when he went away I said: O Messenger of Allah, the son of Lamy claimed that he fought a man who has conducted: Because Ben Hubaira. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: may Ojrna conducted from O Um Hani. Um Hani said: and that sacrificed.
- In the novel: On the day of the conquest of Mecca conducted two men Ahmaiy, Vedjlthma beta, and closed the door on them, came Lamy son of Ali bin Abi Talib Vtfelt them with the sword. She said: I brought the Prophet, peace be upon him, did not find him, and found Fatima, was tougher on her husband. She said, came the Prophet, peace be upon him and upon the impact of the dust, I told him. He said: O Um Hani, was conducted from Ojrna, and safer than secured. Directed by \ "Ahmed \" 6/341 and \ "recaps \" 1461 and \ "Bukhari \" 1/78 and 8/46, and \ "Muslim \" 1/182 and 2/157.
But to make the right to choose her partner, Aisha, may Allah be pleased that the girl entered them. She said that my father Zojni nephew to raise Pei Khsaisth I am reluctant. She comes up Sit Prophet peace be upon him came to the Messenger of Allah bless him and told him he sent to her father called him and started to matter to them and said: O Messenger of God has sanctioned what made my father but I wanted to know for women over anything. Narrated by Ahmad, 6/136 and \ "Women \" 6/86.
Thus marched his successors after him, Ibn Abi Hatim and Baihaqi in nouns and adjectives that girl Khawla alopecia met with Omar bin al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him as he walked with the people, Fastoagafth stood up to her, and born of them, and listened to it, and spent her need when I depart from man said to him: O faithful men of the Quraish held on this old? He said: Woe do you know of this? He said: No, he said, the woman heard her complaint of God from above the seven heavens, this Khawla girl alopecia, and God, if I go out into the night what did not go off even eliminate their need. In the novel of Bukhari in its history: he said: Whoa, my life. Vogzt stood up to him to say. A man said: O faithful what I saw as today! He said: What prevents me to listen to that which is heard God has revealed it has been revealed. Alusi Baghdadi: the spirit of meanings in the interpretation of the Koran c 28, p. 3.
No wonder then that we find the Apostle. God's peace be upon him recommends that women in the last will and testament to him in an argument Allowada says \ "not and Treat women kindly, for he are Awan with you, is not possessed of whom something is so, but come Pfahach indicated, the they have done Vaahjrohn in their beds, and beat them severely is excruciating, the Otankm not Tbgua they way you for your wives, indeed, and your wives, really, either your right to your wives, not Aotin Frckm of hate, nor authorize in your houses of hate, not even their right to you is to treat them in Ksuten, and their food. Narrated by Ahmad, 3/426 (15592) and \ "Abu Dawood \" 3334 and \ "Ibn Majah \" 1851 and \ "Tirmidhi \" in 1163 and 3087 and \ "Women \" in \ "big \" 4085.
Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: \ "but women are the sisters of men \". Narrated by Ahmad, 6/256 and \ "dramatic \" 771 1/171 and Muslim (635) and \ "Abu Dawood \" 236 \ "Ibn Majah \" 612.
But hard that peace be upon him and he died and is on the chest of Wife Aisha, Mother of the Faithful God bless them, from Abu Amr Dhakwaan sire Aisha, Aisha used to say: One of the blessings of Ali that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, died in my house and in the daily and between the magical and Nhari, and God combined saliva and saliva when he died, he entered Ali Abd al-Rahman and tooth brushing his hand, and I assigned the Messenger of Allah bless him and I saw him regarded him and I knew he liked tooth brushing. I said: Ahzh you? He pointed to his head yes, Vtnolth Vachtd it. And I said: Alinh you? He pointed to his head yes. Vlinth, and his hands Rkoh- or tray - (suspect Omar) where the water and started Adahl his hands in water, he wipes them over his face says: There is no God but Allah and that of the death throes, and then set up his hand and started to say, in the higher ranks even arrested and leaned his hand. Narrated by Bukhari 6/15 and 8/133, Ahmad 6/48.
And it was the teachings of Islam wise was an essential starting point for women about available role assigned to it, and to do this role to the fullest and completed it is no less responsible for the men before God Almighty, for Salim bin Abdullah Abdullah bin Omar - God bless them - that he heard
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