The outliers

in women •  5 years ago 

When we value being cool and in control over
granting ourselves the freedom to unleash the passionate, goofy, heartfelt, and soulful expressions of
who we are, we betray ourselves. When we consistently betray ourselves, we can expect to do the
same to the people we love.
When we don’t give ourselves permission to be free, we rarely tolerate that freedom in others. We
put them down, make fun of them, ridicule their behaviors, and sometimes shame them. We can do
this intentionally or unconsciously. Either way the message is, “Geez, man. Don’t be so uncool.”
The Hopi Indians have a saying, “To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak.” I know how much
courage it takes to let people hear our hearts speak, but life is way too precious to spend it pretending
like we’re super-cool and totally in control when we could be laughing, singing, and dancing

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